Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


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I was relooking at the results of the 2022 asian games that was held in Hangzhou. I didn't really think that much of it because I thought it was a very top heavy version of the Olympics where China, Japan and Korea would steamroll everyone because they were the only countries that had world class level guys compared to everyone else who had only regional level guys. So basically winning didn't mean crap because it's just a case of big fish on a small pond.

However compared to the results of the Olympics 2024, quite a lot of asian games winners were the same guys who won gold or at least got a medal. This is noticable esp in combat sports like boxing, wrestling and fencing.

In other words, being the best on Asia could mean you are indeed best in the world. It was thought that if Europeans or Americans weren't involved, it doesn't count but now we can see those guys input is not as much as you think.

The exception being India again for some reason. Despite coming 4th in asian games, most of their success did not translate to the Olympics where they came 71st with zero golds. This is in contrast with Uzbekistan who came fifth and was 13th in Olympics which is really impressive given they dominated boxing at it. For whatever reasons, Indians can never win the competitions that truly matter at the highest level.


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What move is it? How does it advance the positions on the ground between China/USA in the real world competitive rounds? Does it slow China's tech overtake? That's the most important fight in global dominance.
Is STEM the only thing you care about. Don't answer, I already now your answer. I guess the musicians, artists, writers...their contributions to society just doesn't matter that much compared to scientists. And who knows why LA is throwing its cultural and soft power behind the 2028 Games.
Goooooood. Don't you forget it. There's a sproutling of a human being in you after all.

When an athlete dopes, he steals from the world, including US allies. Americans have very few events where they compete directly with China but many where they compete with other Western countries. When American athletes dope, they steal mostly from these countries. With all the dope they can muster, they cannot prevent Chinese dominance in weightlifting, diving, table tennis, women's boxing.

WADA, the IOC, sports fans and athletes all over the world who used to admire America's sporting prowess but now call them the asthma/ADHD/purple potato team. Even American fans themselves.

No, we're talking a game for entertainment.

Uh... no. Just because you're morally decrepit does not suddenly mean that sporting events become an all-out bug house cheat fest. This is the first time I've ever heard someone defend steroid usage in sports at all, not to mention so stubbornly and stupidly. The sporting world is in an uproar over WADA's revelations on USADA and it's hipocrisy on China and we're here to spread the fire.
Not sure my personal morals have anything to do with anything.

The Olympics is already, has been for a long time, a cheat fest. Hey, you see those new carbon fiber shoes Noah Lyles wore for the 100m sprint. They should have given one to every runner in that race - share the technology. Make it fair right.

Call me when the Olympics return to its roots of fair competition.
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Registered Member
The Olympics is part of the chest move. Each move matters and adds up over the next 25-30 years.

But let’s just focus on this part.

Stealing from family and friends or from other people is wrong.

U.S/China stealing from each other is wrong? Who gives a fuck if that’s wrong. We talking about geopolitics.

Leave morals out of it.
Brilliant. “We lied we cheated we stole.” Did you join the “training courses”mentioned by Mike Pompeo?


Is STEM the only thing you care about.
No, I care about other things. I care about having fun; I cared about the Olympics and it definitely got me excited and heart racing. But I know the difference in importance between having fun and the bread and butter of societal advancement: STEM.
Don't answer, I already now your answer.
Oh how little you know.
I guess the musicians, artists, writers...their contributions to society just doesn't matter that much compared to scientists.
They don't matter compared to hard science but they're fun for everyone and we'd like to live fun lives if possible.
And who knows why LA is throwing its cultural and soft power behind the 2028 Games.
LOLOLOL What kind of drug addicted, mass store-robbing, homeless encampment, nothing-is-a-crime culture are you talking about? I'd be surprised if they fucked up less than France.
Not sure my personal morals have anything to do with anything.
Oh they don't. Everyone knows that using PEDs in competitive sports is wrong except you. Your morals are strictly closet USADA.
The Olympics is already, has been for a long time, a cheat fest.
Just for the US. No one will ever tolerate your projection that as long as the US is found guilty, then it's all a muddled cheat fest with everyone doing the same. No. It's a US cheat fest only.
Hey, you see those new carbon fiber shoes Noah Lyles wore for the 100m sprint. They should have given one to every runner in that race - share the technology. Make it fair right.
Actually, I think all Olympic gear needs to be available for purchase to anyone who wants to buy them. I know that for a fact in bicycle races. We don't all want the same things. Some weightlifters' feet are better-shaped for Nike, others for Adidas, some ANTA, some ASIC. But whatever you wear needs to be up for sale should anyone else want to buy a pair to compete with.
Call me when the Olympics return to its roots of fair competition.
Eh... nobody wants to call you to inform you of anything. Just follow the news. It'll be when the US is banned.
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Junior Member
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And somehow nobody will give a shit if male Chinese athlete fucked some French female athlete.
Well yeah I'd, if the French athlete was some giga grifter like that plastic Korean chick that makes a living solely acting as US propaganda.

But criticism of Marchand is only based on 1 incident where he didn't shake a Chinese coach's hand, when afterwards they were seen together again without any problems and can be easily explained by tunnel vision... Marchand is not Gordon Chang or Marco Rubio. He is not even Phelps, who baselessly threw accusations while defending US cheating. The worst you can say is that perhaps he is benefitting from WADA's dirty TUE play, but if so he's at least keeping his head down instead of bragging about it.


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The reaction from Americans defending Jordan Chiles is it's wrong to give a medal and then take it away. They did that to the Romanian gymnast. She won the Bronze medal and they took it away from her.
"Do as I say not as I do","All are equal but some are more equal","What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine"-need I go on?If anything the revelation of USA's immense cheating/hypocrisy ala USADA/WADA has soured many of her underlings-albeit quietly lest the Eagle notices-and in some ways the tie/parity is more grating then an outright win-we want that next time!-the same?what the hell is going on?-Joe Blow asks.Almost gets me purple in the face hahaha;);)


Senior Member
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No, I care about other things. I care about having fun; I cared about the Olympics and it definitely got me excited and heart racing. But I know the difference in importance between having fun and the bread and butter of societal advancement: STEM.

Oh how little you know.

They don't matter compared to hard science but they're fun for everyone and we'd like to live fun lives if possible.

LOLOLOL What kind of drug addicted, mass store-robbing, homeless encampment, nothing-is-a-crime culture are you talking about? I'd be surprised if they fucked up less than France.

Oh they don't. Everyone knows that using PEDs in competitive sports is wrong except you. Your morals are strictly closet USADA.

Just for the US. No one will ever tolerate your projection that as long as the US is found guilty, then it's all a muddled cheat fest with everyone doing the same. No. It's a US cheat fest only.

Actually, I think all Olympic gear needs to be available for purchase to anyone who wants to buy them. I know that for a fact in bicycle races. We don't all want the same things. Some weightlifters' feet are better-shaped for Nike, others for Adidas, some ANTA, some ASIC. But whatever you wear needs to be up for sale should anyone else want to buy a pair to compete with.

Eh... nobody wants to call you to inform you of anything. Just follow the news. It'll be when the US is banned.

I love that idea. All the high tech gear that was developed to help your athletes win should be made available to others. Gotta help others win too. Make it fair you know.