Yeas, they are good benefit for PLAN coastal defences and sea denial....But as for escorting and protecting commercial shipping...Do you actually know anything about martime warfare?
With torbedoes and sub-harpoons. The weapons are irrelevant as Japan and China has both have weaponry that can destroy each others ships. The issue is in the platforms that deliver the weapons and how well they are protected and what are the either once capacity to seek and locate targets.
And PLANs most serious defiencies are that its ASW capacity is in the level early 70's at the best. But it completely lacs modern VDS and oceanic sonar suites. Its best suite is still French DUPV-23 from the mid sixties level....
It has really no change to figth against Japanese submarine force...
And as sinking, it most come as great relief to the PLAN captain that those bloody nips ships were made by US assistance?? Get real...
Weapon and platform capacities are what counts, not the orgins of it. If PLAN would have given help they migth be better....For example chinese currently chinenese are managing to produce only either enlarged variation of Soviet imidiate post-war pr.41 class hull with antique preassure-fire steam plant (wich japanese mastered in the early 40s) or severly underpowered gas-turbine combatants (which japanese mastered in the 60s....except they werent underpowerd )
REMEMBER THE BEST ASW IS THE SUBMARINE ITSELF ... I think this is the approach of PLAN. You can see PLAN has got so many submarines, even Ming class submarine is better than any Japanese ASW