I agree.
From a societal standpoint, one of the biggest educational reforms would be increase the number of technical degrees (which have a shortage) and reduce the number of *softer* social sciences and arts degrees (which are oversupplied).
This would have the following major benefits.
1. More opportunities in those technical fields, which men gravitate to. That helps reduce the number of socio-economically disadvantaged men. At this time, the USA has far more females than males graduating from university with expensive state-subsidised degrees with little utility.
2. More technological advancements in society overall.
But will this happen given the identity politics of feminism (male oppression) versus male favouritism?
As a society, you ideally want happy pairing of 1 man and 1 woman, but such a situation is so much harder to achieve when many woman won't accept a lesser educated man.
Anyway, this is way off-topic now.
Perhaps an American society thread would be useful?
hi AndrewS,
Perhaps an American society thread would be useful?
I concur, All this talk of retaliation or maybe war only bring in more hate, its better to discuss things in proper perspective especially for those like me or others who dont live in the US.