Except it’s not. Tech decoupling is bad for both US and China, but it’s obviously worse for China given that US is still stronger overall. China needs to attract global talent, build up an alliance system for international cooperation in R&D.
Um ...
Facts are important.
The only area where the United States has a not small advantage in tech is some areas of the IC supply chain.
Outside of that, the United States has no significant leads or advantages over China in critical tech. Not anymore.
Some areas China has surpassed the United States in tech and is accelerating its efforts. One of the best examples is quantum computing and quantum communications. The Chinese quantum satellite has been in the sky for about 6 years. No American equivalent has ever appeared.
When it is commercialized, the the advantages tend to be almost all in China's favour, except the last one of IC.
IC is really Custard's Last Stand for the Americans.
That is why some US politicians are going nutso.