New J-10 thread II

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Junior Member
What I'm worrying is the secrecy of China. It mensioned SAC is developing a carrier fighter J15, and joint developing an anti-stealthy UAV with russians. Also continue the work on J8II, J11B, and upgrading Su30 and JZ8.

I do think the article is real, and quite long.

If that's the case and you are a Chinese, then just keep it yourself. One day we'll all know what it's about when it's officially released. But for now I think we all have responsibility to deal this kind of situation which is related to our own national security. I think most people on this forum will understand and support you.;)


Junior Member
I suspect that if szbd got a copy from he web site then enough other people have a copy that it's not really a secret anymore.

You also have to figure that U.S. intelligence must have informants fairly close to SAC. If a such a report has been circulating widely enough that somebody posted it (it would probably be somebody at a fairly low level) then the U.S. probably had a copy already.

There are lots of levels of "secret". It would be amazing if the really secret stuff made it onto the web.

... Ami.

Chengdu J-10

Junior Member
I support not posting it. Haha yes they will hunt you down. Don't think that it is really top secret information, still secret but not top. Did you do a typo or do you really mean JZ8? J-11B further development yeah the J-11BS, and the J-11C. Anti-stealth UAV now thats a bit more secretive.


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What I'm worrying is the secrecy of China. It mensioned SAC is developing a carrier fighter J15, and joint developing an anti-stealthy UAV with russians. Also continue the work on J8II, J11B, and upgrading Su30 and JZ8.

I do think the article is real, and quite long.

It sounds like a typical bs article from what you are saying now then. Don't bother posting it, since it doesn't have anything new that we don't already know.


Junior Member
Yeah in the article it says JZ8, jian zhen 8, the recon version of J8. Anyway, I'm not gonna post it right now, but I still think it's real. If the thing still exist on servers outside China for some days, I will post it. And you guys can make your judgement.


Junior Member
Hi guys, I got messages from some of you. Thank you for your concern.

I don't afraid of anything about myself by posting the report here. It's not that serious and also i'm not living in China. I'll see 1 or 2 days to decide whether to post it or not.

The article is all in Chinese, and quite long.


Junior Member
There's a huge leak. Somebody from China Aviation information center happened to post a report about SAC on the web, with his full name addressed. I believe the report is real. Now it vertually disappeared from Chinese websites, but I have a copy. It's quite long, you guys wanna see it?

But may be I should think if it's right for me to post it out first.

Do you have more information on the guy who leaked information? Did he get arrested or lose his job? How did you come across this leak and get a copy of it?


Or it might just be some false flag operation on the part of the MSS or whoever. I wouldn't put it past them in hopes that some think tank guy would take it at face value and run over to share it with his Pentagon buddies.


Junior Member
Actually I copied that report to my laptop too, before it was deleted from the leaker's blog. There is some interesting info, but nothing TS.


Junior Member
TS=too serious? I thought this kind of English is not allowed on this forum unless something like PS (photoshop) which is used by professionals too.
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