New J-10 thread II

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Banned Idiot
Most african countries just need J-7G with iron bombs. Their biggest challenge is keeping a modern fighter operational. J-7 is much cheaper to buy and operate.


Junior Member
I have a question. I read from that there is a twin engine J10 project under development. Are there any pictures or news related on that? Thanks.


Lieutenant General
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I have a question. I read from that there is a twin engine J10 project under development. Are there any pictures or news related on that? Thanks.

There is definitely one under development, supposedly using two WS-10 series engine (how they can still call it J-10 is beyond me). Anyhow, no picture right now, you are not likely to see it fly until 2009 or later.


Senior Member
Thanks. Then what's the advantage of that over versions based on J11B?

What advantage ? Just guessing here. Any new version coming out in 09 not having far superior stealth characteristics than J-11B will be a waste of money IMO. Unless of course, the 'twin engined' is merely meant to be a naval version & not so much an advancement in terms of capabilities.
I think J-10 & J-11B will not cut it against what USAF will have. So PLAF shouldn't buy too many J-10 or J-11. Use them for exports instead & speed up development of the next generation J-xx or whatever. I suspect this thinking is not too far from the truth in PLAF given that they're still producing J-8 now, much to the amazement of some PLAF fans.


Banned Idiot
There is definitely one under development, supposedly using two WS-10 series engine (how they can still call it J-10 is beyond me). Anyhow, no picture right now, you are not likely to see it fly until 2009 or later.

Sounds perfect for going on carrier. It should have folding wings, more range, and retain the low approach speed of J10. I think we should computerize carrier landing so we need the FBW system, which su33 doesn't seem to have.
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Banned Idiot
What advantage ? Just guessing here. Any new version coming out in 09 not having far superior stealth characteristics than J-11B will be a waste of money IMO. Unless of course, the 'twin engined' is merely meant to be a naval version & not so much an advancement in terms of capabilities.
I think J-10 & J-11B will not cut it against what USAF will have. So PLAF shouldn't buy too many J-10 or J-11. Use them for exports instead & speed up development of the next generation J-xx or whatever. I suspect this thinking is not too far from the truth in PLAF given that they're still producing J-8 now, much to the amazement of some PLAF fans.

But USN won't be going stealthy for another 15-20 years. China has enough problems to think about just to get a jet plane on a ship, before it tries to get a *stealth* jet plane on a ship. ;) In any case I doubt a Chinese CBG wants to take on US CBG anytime the next 30 years. During Taiwan crisis it will likely hide in yellow sea, or behind Hainan.

I agree it is kind of tough to justify a twin engine J10 without stealth though.

Chengdu J-10

Junior Member
Personal thought. USAF air fleet consist of F-16/15/18 with the bulk of it I think is upgraded F-16 soon to be retired in the future. Now for the PLAAF acquiring the J-10/11 still has a role in the fleet. If PLAAF waits for its 5th generation fighter to come out its fleet will be obsolete and small. The USAF is more technological superior and numerous than the PLAAF. Even if the PLAAF does release its 5th generation fighter they still need to match the numerical area so to fill this area will be the J-10/11. Cause the PLAAF is lacking in both technological superiority in the fighters and numerically.

Cause even if the PLAAF commissions its 5th generation fighter into its fleet it will be introduced slowly and in small numbers due to its cost. The J-10 should be the main fighter for the PLAAF with the J-11 complimenting it. Since the J-10 can match the F-16/18 and the J-11 can sort off match the F-15.

My thoughts of the twin engined J-10 is that it wont be stealth but semi-stealth with external weapon pylons that can match the F-35 first flight 2009. The J-XX the stealth fighter everyones been talking about will be purely stealth with internal weapons and which can outmatch the F-35 and challenge the F-22 but not outmatch it.

Carrier modified J-11 since it has the range and payload for strike mission and air superiority. And is simular to the Su-33 but with modifications. Sounds easy but will be time consuming. This will be for the Ski jump carrier. While the J-10 carrier version will be for the catapault carrier.


Senior Member
Just my 2 cents, US won't be sending F-16/15/18 first in any conflict, that'll be the job of F-22. USN may not get F-35 for a while, but F-22s from Japan & Guam is a real possibility. Being second best is as good as being last in wars.
Ignoring any 'anti-stealth' radar that PLA might have for now & taking a very simplistic view, I think current J-10/J-11B, not any future versions, will need at least 5-1 numerical advantage over F-22 in any engagement. Otherwise it's a real expensive waste of lives.
More importantly, I'm looking at the time gap between J-10/J-11B now & what I think is the timeframe of J-xx which I think is much shorter than F-15/16 to F-22. Unless J-xx is delayed, this gives an opportunity to save the fund from less J-10/J-11 for more J-xx in the future. In a word, generation leaping.
BTW, not only is this what I 'wish' or 'want', such strategy may indeed be what PLAF have in mind given that they're still getting J-8. I mean what do you prefer ? J-8 vs F-22 8 to 1 or J-10 vs F-22 4 to 1 ? Just trying to put the pieces together.
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