Sounds perfect for going on carrier. It should have folding wings, more range, and retain the low approach speed of J10. I think we should computerize carrier landing so we need the FBW system, which su33 doesn't seem to have.
How do you exspect a twin engined J-10, that uses the same engines as it's single engined twin, to have more range? Well, unless it's bigger to store more fuel, what would then bring it into J-11 domain. Since a second engine will also add weight as well as other naval mods, I would rather think approach speed to increase somewhat.
But USN won't be going stealthy for another 15-20 years.
That's relative, with latest SH versions getting "packman" stealth features, the USN already starts movement in that direction, a bit.
I agree though that PLAN should get jets abort ships before getting stealthy ones on ships.
I think despite the hype the J10 is a good match WVR against the F22. That leaves the F22 to night missions and hit and run tactics.
With it's AIM-9X, latest avonics, TVC engines and very high TWR ratio the F-22 will be very challanging in WVR either. But of course a skilled J-10 pilot will get his chances there.
In contrast to earlier/other US stealth aircraft like the F-117/B-2, the F-22 is the first stealth fighter meant for ops at all day/night times. One hint to that is the aircrafts paint. While Nighthawk and Spirit are painted in dark colours (though real black isn't optimal at night either) the Raptor has a greyish tone that also helps hiding it in daylight.
I agree that it probably would have to be refueld twice, but given it's outstanding supercruise capabilities, I think it could perform high energy maneuvers in the combat zone. Btw, it can utilize drop tanks.
What will be the vulnerability of AWACS and tankers which it relies on? F22 can take pot shots from the periphery of the air battle, but it cannot gain air superiority over Taiwan strait this way.
These high profile targets would of course need strong escorts. But the Raptor does not rely all that much on AWACS, it's rather the other way round. With it's powerfull AESA radar, it can act as a mini AWACS itself. Offering guidance to other aircraft after it's missiles are expanded. And because of it's stealth, it can be much closer to the fight than traditional AWACS.
So PLAF shouldn't buy too many J-10 or J-11. Use them for exports instead & speed up development of the next generation J-xx or whatever. I suspect this thinking is not too far from the truth in PLAF given that they're still producing J-8 now, much to the amazement of some PLAF fans.
I don't really see the rationale here. Though PLAAF still buys J-8, I somehow don't think they should try to keep their big and aging fleet operational with these aircraft. And I think the gap to a worthwhile J-xx is still too great to have J-10 /-11 as merely transitional aircraft.
And, as
Chengdu J-10 also said, I don't think a J-xx could make up the bulk of a future PLAAF fleet. The twin engined J-10 may have some stealth features, making it a 3.5 gen fighter in PLAAF terms; or 4.5 gen in western terms.
Just my 2 cents, US won't be sending F-16/15/18 first in any conflict, that'll be the job of F-22.
Given the yet low number of Raptors, I'd exspect other aircraft to be there as well from the first moments. Though Raptors might be the spearheads of such attacks.
If the J-10 was so advanced, it will have been at least classified as a 4th generation fighter. But it's still a 3rd generation fighter. Can you explain me base on what you are saying that the the J-10 can outperform a F-22 ??
I think it's a 3rd gen fighter in chinese terms, though in western ones it is a 4th gen figher.
Carrier modified J-11 since it has the range and payload for strike mission and air superiority. [...] This will be for the Ski jump carrier.
Since the Su-33 is limited to only defensive A-A missions from a Kuznetsov carrier, how do you sea a J-11 being able to conduct strike missions from a sky-jump carrier??
Or did I get your connections wrong here?
Unless the twind-engined J-10's WS-10s aren't significantly reduced in size, or the aircraft enlarged, I don't see place for a weapons bay. As well as increased internal fuel storage, since drop tanks should be avoided on a stealth(y) aircraft. And a "normal" J-10 with a second engine doesn't provide that much more PLAAF doesn't have/get. Given that they are satisfied with the J-11B. So I currently would guess that it's mainly for testing ...
So maybe it's mainly for test porpuses.