New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) in China


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A bloodbath.

View attachment 134578

What's interesting to me is that Chinese people are not averse to foreign brands (unlike Japanese people). They were fine with buying foreign cars in the ICE era. The reason why foreign firms are declining now is simply that their offer isn't competitive.

But will the West draw the right conclusions and up their game or will they create another fake narrative about "China hostile to Western biz"? I suspect it will be the latter.
Even if we take their propaganda as truth the were hostile to Chinese biz and Chinese people are only reciprocating.


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Christ that’s expensive. If they’re planning to sell in Canada (where they are far less likely to trust a Chinese vehicle) they need to watch the price.
do you know what their competition is charging for similar products? I don't. I haven't looked into the Mexican market, so I don't know how competitive they are with this.