Tesla is now Chinese .. LAMOO
Some Chinese analysts think that China's NEV market share will stable at 50%, or approximately 13 million a year, for a while.
Do you have any link or something to show that there is a separate subsidy for battery production? I haven't seen it. As you can see on the link I provided, both $3750 rebate are related batteries (one for material and one production). I haven't seen anything to indicate you can do better than $7500.
there is no evidence that Tesla can get Ternary battery cost under $150/KWh that's free of Chinese supply chain when produced at high volume.
As for your other point, the American EV market is far from 15 million vehicles. There are a lot of large Pickup trucks and minivans in America that people just don't trust on EVs anytime soon.
Let's put it this way, $7500 subsidies for 10 million vehicles a year would be $75 billion a year. The total portion for clean energy on IRA is $369 billion. That include used EVs also. And that's if the Republicans don't repeal it. And they all voted against it. I don't know how you got to 15 million EVs a year. That is crazy talk.
Read the other link I sent you. It would still appear to be part of the $3750 that is related to the material of the battery.Here's a cleantechnica article on the battery subsidies which are separate to the $7500 tax credit.
Production is in the USA, but the minerals, refineries, anode, cathode and all of that are just not in America. There is very little of that/if any in America.Remember that Tesla cars use Panasonic 2170 cells made in the USA.
The 4680 cells are made by Tesla themselves in Texas, so it's not a huge leap to cut China out of this supply chain.
Reuters article below on Tesla battery pack costs. If you work backwards, you end up with the following pack levels costs:
and that cost will be higher when they have to invest in refineries, anode, cathode and the rest produced in America. Only China has the volume production in these supply chains. The Koreans and Japanese all rely on Chinese supply chain for battery production. That's why they are protesting it.Current 2170 cells: $146 per KWh (maximum)
Current 4680 cells: $109 per KWh
2023 Target for 4680 cells: $73 per Kwh
Again, there is a fixed $ on how much money is available. If you think $10k is available per car, then the number of cars that gets covered will be really small. Remember, $369 billion for all clean energy stuff. There is also a section for used car purchases. If $50 billion of subsidies is available for this, you can do your own calculation of how many cars can get covered before the money runs out.Light vehicle retail sales in the US = 14.9 Million in 2021. Hence the comment on 15 million vehicles.
Note that there are 1-3 million Tesla cybertruck pre-orders so far and that the F-150 electric pickup is selling and getting good reviews.
Also remember that the President has to approve any repeal of legislation as well. So there's at least 2 years where companies will have sunk in large investments and they will be able to sue for loss of earnings. That will come to billions if the EV subsidies are revoked.
Again, very strong emphasis on not just EV but AV只有融合电动车的性能和智能化全新体验的智能电动汽车才是行业发展的主流,因此要求车企在保持电动化技术领域的同时也要抓紧智能化转型。
5 major trend for smart driving: 1) Providing safety 2) using advanced chips for AV development 3) data driven service upgrade 4) centralized electrical architecture 5) high bandwidth internal/external web.对于智能化转型发展,廉玉波表示,“我们总结了五大趋势,安全为先的智能驾驶,芯片成为智能技术发展关键,数据驱动的服务升级,集中化的电气架构,高带宽的内外网络。”
BYD claims to release the world's first 6nm 5G chip. I have no idea who is producing it. Other details like IGBT/MCU are things they can procure on their own.芯片是智能化技术的硬核支撑,比亚迪也提前布局芯片产业链:自主研发和生产了功率半导体,车规级的MCU等各种产品,有力地支撑了比亚迪在智能化方向的发展。目前,在车规级的半导体领域,比亚迪掌握了IGBT的关键技术,并且在高功率碳化硅的模块中取得了技术突破;今年比亚迪发布全球首款应用6nm的5G芯片等。
BYD developed China's first domestic automotive operating system with decoupled software/hardware layer. BYD OS system covers intelligent car control, supports cross platform usage, hardware plug&play, continuous OTA upgrades. They also developed DiLink Intelligent web system. This covers intelligence hardware, intracar network, cloud communication, information fusion, AI/big data technology.软件方面,比亚迪自主研发了国内首个软硬件完全解耦的车用操作系统,BYD OS,系统覆盖了智能车控,支持了应跨平台应用,硬件即插即用,持续OTA升级等等。比亚迪开发的DiLink智能网联系统,也是比亚迪基于智能硬件、车内网、云端通讯、信息融合、AI大数据等技术和用户的洞察,完全独立自主研发的技术+内容服务的生态系统,旨在全面连接人和车、生活、社会为消费者提供智能出行新的体验。
Read the other link I sent you. It would still appear to be part of the $3750 that is related to the material of the battery.
so a little over 20% of their sales are NEVs nowIn the past month, Chery Holding sold 19,354 new energy vehicles (NEVs), Specifically, Chery Auto sold 93,359 vehicles last month,