New Chinese Military Developments


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Ws-2d Mlrs

You can ask the same question about WS-2. I think there are two reasons:
1. Calling something rocket artillery makes it easier to export, there are a lot of restriction on the export of missiles, especially land attacking ones.
2. SY-400 is not for second artillery to attack strategic targets, it will be used by operational formations to engage tactical and operational targets.


Junior Member
Re: Ws-2d Mlrs

At a range of 480km, good CEP, and probably much cheaper and easy to manage than some of 2nd Artillery's short range ballistic missiles, would the PLA starts to replace some of their SRBMs with SY-400? I would think SY-400s are especially more effective during a Taiwan straight scenario.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Ws-2d Mlrs

Dear Sirs:

I served with the artillery here in the Philippines and if the figures given are correct, AND if they are for an INERTIAL warhead, this means:

Round Dispersion is 600 meters / 480, 000 meter range which is 0.00125 or 0.125%.

That is an incredible figure for an inertially-guided weapon. Very good values are typically 0.5% to 1% over maximum range.

I have a feeling this rocket has some sort of active guidance as factors like, temperature, atmospheric disturbance - read wind, have even greater effects on smaller cross-section projectiles like artillery shells, and this is an long artillery rocket.

Remember there are two kinds of dispersion, dispersion in range, and dispersion in azimuth. Dispersion in range is usually greater by at least a factor of 2. That means you tend to miss more going long or short than from side to side.

I also agree that the difficulties of guiding an artillery rocket are less than those of a shell, - the main challenge being the tremendous shock of firing from a gun which stresses everything on the shell. This means it is easier to improve this rocket's accuracy.

Best Regards,

Dusky Lim


Re: Ws-2d Mlrs

I think it's possible that, by not having to follow the usual ballistic trajectory and, instead, opting to follow the not so usual trajectory as mentioned previously, the rocket's CEP can be greatly improved even when using inertial guidance alone. Otherwise, externally, the rockets don't seem to have any sensors at all to help in its targetting.


Junior Member
Re: Ws-2d Mlrs

So I guess it's similar to FROG in old soviet divisions?

No not at all, FROG is an unguided rocket developed back in the 60s. The FROG rocket is completely unguided, have no vector control, and thus have relatively low CEP. The range of FROG rocket is also very short, the latest versions only have a range of less than 45 miles. The FROG is also very big, usually only 1 rocket can be fitted onto the firing truck.

I personally don't see any resemblence between WS-2D / SY-400 and FROG


Junior Member
Re: CHinese 7.62mm gatling gun

Wat 7,62 caliber ?
let's hope not the Russian 7.62x54 R
That rim on the cartridge case could cause quite some problems.


VIP Professional
Re: CHinese 7.62mm gatling gun


@_@ What in the world is this?


Lieutenant General
Re: CHinese 7.62mm gatling gun

It looks like one of those guns that shoots out a net like the ones seen in movies. I don't know how pratical it would be in real life.