New Chinese Military Developments


Banned Idiot
Re: new 120mm guided mortal round

israel army has 120mm guided mortal round, specific design for urban warfare.(west bank).
alhtough there's is possibility that China may be developing MMW or IRIM fire and forget guide round.


Banned Idiot
Type-97 APC..

type-97 MICV was based on Russia BMP-3.armed with low pressured 100mm gun and 30mm cannon.
But China report also developed 30mm gun turrent,the gun is based on russia 2a70. aside from 30mm gun turrent, 35mm gun may have been undergoing test.


Banned Idiot
Re: new 120mm guided mortal round

The small lethal area is probably due to the fact that this round is designed as a anti-tank & anti-structures (buildings) weapon, with massive perforation and less fragmentation. Would be a waste to use such an expensive ordonance against simple infantry in the open!

I take it you have read the article in question? Mortars achieve their penetration (perforation means going threough both sides of the target) generally from their high explosive content against buildings unless they attack a light structure or have a shaped charge type warhead. Hitting a tank with a mortar bomb, laser guided or not, over 13km is pretty difficult as tanks tend to move, and it is unlikely to stay in the basket as the round is designed to lock-on very late in flight.


Junior Member
Re: new 120mm guided mortal round

If this really is the first Chinese guided mortar round, it is likely to be guided by a laser designator close to the target that must keep the laser beam on target until the actual hit.
If it is of more modern design, it wil autonomisly scan and lock on to its target during the final descent. Vehicle (tank) movement and speed over rough terrain is greatly reduced, so once locked on there should be no problem. Anyway, forward observers wil provide estimation of speed and direction of the target so as to make the round come down over the expected future position of te target. In both cases forward observers are a must!


Banned Idiot
Re: new 120mm guided mortal round

If this really is the first Chinese guided mortar round, it is likely to be guided by a laser designator close to the target that must keep the laser beam on target until the actual hit.
If it is of more modern design, it wil autonomisly scan and lock on to its target during the final descent. Vehicle (tank) movement and speed over rough terrain is greatly reduced, so once locked on there should be no problem. Anyway, forward observers wil provide estimation of speed and direction of the target so as to make the round come down over the expected future position of te target. In both cases forward observers are a must!

No argument here but the time of flight is circa 30 seconds and a moving target will likely have moved behind cover out of the lasrers line of sight. Wind is also a major factor here causing the round to veer off target. The Chinese article said it needed to be lased until the end so unless it incorprates some kind of proportional navigation?GPS sysytem it is best left for fixed targets.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Type-97 APC..

One thing just popped into my head: This isn't the same 100mm gun that the PTL02 uses, is it? Is the vehicle too weak to handle the more powerful gun? Certainly doesn't help w/ logistics.


New Member
Re: Type-97 APC..

Seeing how one is meant for amphibious operations against Taiwanese beaches, it's unlikely that the PLA will find itself having to supply both during the landing phrase.

But aren't they the same 100mm?


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Type-97 APC..

They are both 100mm, but I doubt they are the same guns or can share ammo. The 100mm on Type 97 doesnt fire HEAT last I checked. The vehicle's concept and possibly arnaments are all based on the BMP-3, so there goes my bet. Although it shouldn't be a problem to change the guns. If a 13 ton wheelie can handle a Type 73 (Which supposively can kill T-80s) I am pretty share the 97 will be able to take it also.


Junior Member
Re: Ws-2d Mlrs

Well well, a little bit more about this. Posted by xinhui at cdf

环球时报驻台北特约撰稿人周先报道台“国防部”军事新闻网6月21日报道称,解放军日前在福建沿海某演习场进行了卫士-2新一代远程火箭炮作战演练,卫士 -2是目前解放军口径最大,射程最远的火箭炮,最大射程可达480公里,发射方式为车载箱式倾斜发射。若将这种超远程的火箭炮部署在福建沿海,台湾全岛由 南至北均在其射程之内。

  台媒称卫士-2是从卫士-1B火箭炮的演进而来,火箭弹直径406毫米,杀伤半径在450米以上。该 火箭炮可配备高爆弹、燃烧弹、钻地弹、子母弹等,末段采用全球卫星定位、电视、红外线或激光作弹道修正等技术,能产生巨大的威慑。每枚火箭用密封箱装,运 载车有自动装填系统,打完后可迅速装填。卫士-2多管火箭系统由卫士-2火箭、火箭发射车、射击指挥车和运输装填车等组成。一个火箭连为一个作战单元,包 括一辆射击指挥车、六到九辆火箭发射车,和六到九辆运输装填车。它的主要特点是射程远、反应速度快、精度高、成本低廉,可以用来攻击敌方军事基地、集群装 甲部队、导弹发射阵地、机场、港口、交通枢纽、政治经济中心、工业基地等。

  报道称,卫士-2远程火箭炮弹种极多,从公开的影 像数据显示,“子母弹”和“寻地弹”的攻击精确度非常高,资料显示射程为360公里,有专家认为可达425公里。另外,卫士-2还有一种火箭弹弹内可携带 三个小型无人机。抵达目标上空后投放携带自杀弹药的无人机,然后搜索地面雷达信号,执行自杀攻击,可在最大射程上进行反雷达作战和电子干扰作战。

There's a lot here, points of interest to me:
TW media says new generation of WS-2 exercise in Fujian.
Longest variant range 480 km
guidance: Beidu/sat positioning, TV, IR, laser
Variant that releases 3 suicidal UAVs for anti-radiation attacks (see 2 posts above)

Interestingly, SCAIC's webpage on the ws-2 is unchanged. Not ready for export just yet...

It seems like 2 years later, rumors are corroborated. If true, and if these rounds are cheap enough (as the article claims) for mass deployment, this is pretty significant.
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Senior Member
Re: Ws-2d Mlrs

this stuff is good,very cost-effective. but is it even in service yet? i heard about the PLA testing the weapon but even if it is already in service there wouldnt be very many of them