Re: new Chinese supertank,question....
ANd in the mean time, let's plan for an alien invasion too!
Because that's only slightly less plausible.
The tanks of China (type 96,98,99) are exellent but are in poor numbers compared with the same generation MBT-s of its enemies(the U.S. alone,not mentioning them combined,N.A.T.O)the same accounts for their airforce aircrafts or navy vessels.They have suckhois,submarines and surface combattants but still in poor numbers(the latest generations)China now is using its deterrence factor as a mean of defence.That translates like this:"if you attack me you will bleed like hell,and will be seriously hurt even if you win"With this numbers or quantities (of the latest generation of military hardware)the ability of China's regular armed forces to resist in prolonged major combat operations is seriosly in doubt.Now you will say"we are nuclear"I can say "you can put your nuclear in .....cause america and russia are developing anti ballistic missiles(defenses)and all analists say that nuclear ballistic weapons will be obsolete by the half of the 21-st century(search about H.A.A.R.P)But there is another scenario.What if some diversive group inside the main superpowers is interested in destroing the respective peoples and dont worry about the human cost.You should know that both armies of Russia and America are capable of operating even after an atomic holocaust has commenced.They have developed these capabilities to survive in such enviromnents.So what you gonna do with your nukes then.The development of necessary hardware quality and quantity remains crucial and very important.
ANd in the mean time, let's plan for an alien invasion too!
Because that's only slightly less plausible.