Is there a specific reason that the EC175 was chosen as 7 ton aircraft? I find it lacking in payload ability especially comparing it to UH-60s and NH-90s which most navies use around the world.
many Western sources state that EC175/Z15 will be modified for the Chinese military but there has been nothing offical, EC175 can fullfill many roles, rescue, relief, firefighting, accident and saftey, these roles alone will require many helos
China made 13 ton AC313 few years ago, I think this was a testbed for reseach and development for a much more advanced and larger helo that China will develop which will go to the military, in addition China already has 20 ton helo under development and a 13 ton and identifed the need for a 10 ton helo also
I guess we will have to wait and see when they emerge