Myanmar/Burma civil conflict


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I meant the fact that they're converted to christianity during colonial times by western missionaries and were heavily aligned with the west withthose connections to the western world intact so that is why they have western support.
I believe KIA has traditionally been aligned with China. One of the main exports of Kachin state is Jade, the value of which (and to whom) should be obvious.

KIA is the only other group besides USWA possesses machinery to manufacture Type 81, of course this can only be obtained from China. For KIA (and USWA), this allows them to generate revenue by selling arms to other armed groups.

It is true that overseas Kachin groups have been known to receive western funding, and this would have some influence.

The Myitsone dam project was a sore point between the locals and China, but overall KIA is considered aligned with China.

It is not unusual to have some disagreements, even USWA was implicated in not doing enough to combat the telephone scams. Senior leaders were declared wanted people in China, USWA threatened back by withholding tin shipments (their major export). Eventually thousands were arrested in Wa State and sent over the border.

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(Ok crap source, this was the first that came up, but you can look for others)


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The association of Christianity in Myanmar with British imperialism is roughly correct, however there should be more nuisance to this association. For example, the Karens were heavily converted and heavy recruited into colonial Burma's civil administration and more importantly military administration. The Chins and the Kachins for example never reached the influence the Karens reached with 4/5 military chiefs being Karen upon independence, although both were heavily recruited into the military. This is most likely proximity, as the Karens were closer to the coast where the British could influence and control them better, while further north Kachins never reached Karen's level of importance.

You also have the fact that many Jingpo live across the border in China, that a lot of KIA leadership were trained by the old CPB and the strength of China's economy draws them toward China.

Its good to take into account of Christianization and its influence, but also remember there are other factors as well.


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The BPLA (Burmese People's Liberation Army) is one of the anti-Junta resistance organizations fighting under the MNDAA's multi-ethnic 611th Brigade and was just established last year by a former poet. They've been frequently engaging in combat with Military forces under KNLA Brigade 5 in Karen State and now under MNDAA in Northern Shan during Operation 10.27.

Imo the BPLA may soon grow to become the primary Bamar Burmese resistance force, surpassing the PDF. They're not under the command of the NUG and won't have the same legacy of distrust with the other ethnic groups.

Maung Saung Kha (Leader of BPLA) wrote in his Twitter post of January 28, 2022 : “The Bamar People’s Liberation Army, seeks to uproot dictatorship and chauvinism, strengthen ethnic unity, recognize a Bamar state or constituent unit based on Bamar identity in a future federal union.”

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Interview with him.

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Imo the BPLA may soon grow to become the primary Bamar Burmese resistance force, surpassing the PDF. They're not under the command of the NUG and won't have the same legacy of distrust with the other ethnic groups.

BPLA is one specific group, whereas PDF is a label for many different groups which all nominally answer to the NUG (in practice, not so much).


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The Brotherhood Alliance is complaining about repeated ceasefire violations by the Tatmadaw. Seems unlikely they will just keep taking the punches without striking back. Then again, they've already seized most (not all but most) of the territory they could realistically hold. Even if the fighting starts up again I'd expect more low-level skirmishes than large offensives.

“While we are honoring the ceasefire deal, the junta is taking advantage of it with flagrant violations and attacks on us. This is disrespectful to the ceasefire deal as well as an insult to the cooperation of the Chinese government,” the alliance said in a statement.

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In related news, the leaders of the MNDAA and UWSA met yesterday.
