Myanmar/Burma civil conflict


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The battle for Laukkai is roughly done. Few gunfires in the city itself, mostly just shelling and occasional drone attacks.
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Bai family member is captured by MNDAA and is choosing to cooperate.
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MNDAA takes 大水塘, which the military also bombed pretty extensively, They're also crossing the river.
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Registered Member
The battle for Laukkai is roughly done. Few gunfires in the city itself, mostly just shelling and occasional drone attacks.
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Bai family member is captured by MNDAA and is choosing to cooperate.
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MNDAA takes 大水塘, which the military also bombed pretty extensively, They're also crossing the river.
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Oh wow, MNDAA captured 白应苍's (head of Kokang Militia, one of the 10 people wanted by Chinese police) office, even managed to score one of his lambo:



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Just today, a bomb/shell struck a busy street at Nansan (南伞), a Chinese town which directly borders Myanmar. The region on the other side of the border is said to be under Tatmadaw (Myanmar national military) control at the moment.

Several cases of serious injuries have been reported at present.

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The location of impact is nearly 3 kilometers from the China-Myanmar border, which seems to be rather far for an "accident":

Has the Tatmadaw gone crazy? If this is indeed a deliberate act by the Tatmadaw, China should intensify covert support to the MNDAA, and perhaps consider cracking some knucles...
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Junior Member
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Just today, a bomb/shell struck a busy street at Nansan (南伞), a Chinese town which directly borders Myanmar. The region on the other side of the border is said to be under Tatmadaw (Myanmar national military) control at the moment.

Several cases of serious injuries have been reported at present.

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The location of impact is nearly 3 kilometers from the China-Myanmar border, which seems to be rather far for an "accident":
View attachment 123395

Has the Tatmadaw gone crazy? If this is indeed a deliberate act by the Tatmadaw, China should intensify covert support to the MNDAA, and perhaps consider cracking some knucles...
Could be some other group trying to get China to hit their enemies by doing a false flag attack against China


Junior Member
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Just today, a bomb/shell struck a busy street at Nansan (南伞), a Chinese town which directly borders Myanmar. The region on the other side of the border is said to be under Tatmadaw (Myanmar national military) control at the moment.

Several cases of serious injuries have been reported at present.

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The location of impact is nearly 3 kilometers from the China-Myanmar border, which seems to be rather far for an "accident":
View attachment 123395

Has the Tatmadaw gone crazy? If this is indeed a deliberate act by the Tatmadaw, China should intensify covert support to the MNDAA, and perhaps consider cracking some knucles...

There's a very well positioned military base on that mountain (NanTianMen). It is one of the last (if not the last) stronghold they have in Kokang itself. MNDAA assaulting the mountain is very difficult as they cannot risk anything flying into China.

A bunch of Z-20s arrive to enforce border. Myanmar military continue to reinforce their mountain bases via helicopter.
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Around 0:45s

They've been supply/evacuating it with Mi-17s, supposedly about 1 or 2 a day. Of course MNDAA HMGs cannot shoot at it because they cant risk shooting into China.

Government forces has been taking very liberal advantage of the border. Observers in DeHong prefecture has noted that Myanmar helicopters in the battle of Namkham seems to be deliberately flying directly above or sometime over the border line.

As for this particular shell who knows whos' responsible. Could be government misfire or could be MNDAA misusing unfamiliar captured equipment.