Movies in General


Lieutenant General
Hollywood smugness may have been a contributing factor with Hollywood taking it for granted that Chinese audiences will throw money at their films no matter what they made or how crassly they depict China and Chinese characters (its quite clear that the main reason Hollywood studios are tweaking their scripts to tone down the China bashing is because of their fear of the censors. If there was no risk of the films not getting shown because of the censors, I have no doubt we would still be seeing offensive and semi racists depictions of China and Chinese characters in mainstream films).

However, I think the sampling of that article is suspect as well. It has traditionally been the big budget Hollywood block busters that have done well in China, but we are only in Spring, and there has been precious few of those from Hollywood so far this year. Wait until the Summer and Autumn when the big releases of the year takes place and it may be a different picture.

Only time will tell if the success Chinese films enjoyed so far this year is the start of a new trend or just a blip.

I agree that the summer movies haven't come yet but given the quota for foreign films and Beijing mostly releases Hollywood movies later than the rest of the world, they're pretty spread out across the year. $830 million USD in the first quarter of 2013 is already about a third of the total for last year. The difference is a lot of these small Chinese movies are making huge bucks that Hollywood can only envy. Lost in Thailand cost $8 million to make and made over $200 million. That's rare in Hollywood. As the article points out there are Chinese movies now in theaters tracking similar box office numbers.


Tyrant King
Oh this one is going too go over well. Especilly when you find out the real plot.
IMDB said:
'Ed Harris' plays the captain of a Cold War Soviet missile submarine who has secretly been suffering from seizures that alter his perception of reality. Forced to leave his wife and daughter, he is rushed into a classified mission, where he is haunted by his past and challenged by a rogue KGB group (led by David Duchovny) bent on seizing control of the ship's nuclear missile. With the fate of humanity in his hands, Harris discovers he's been chosen for this mission in the belief he would fail. 'Phantom' is a suspense submarine thriller about extraordinary men facing impossible choices. Written by RCR Media Group
Seems like Crimson tides for the Soviet navy. Still Got some goo actors in it. Lance Hendersen, David Duchovny, Ed Harris and William Fichtner. I like that for once they are not trying too play some stupid attempt at an Accent that no one belives.


Lieutenant General
Well not all Autobots are cars and there are cars that are Decepticons. Plus even though set in the same universe as the previous movies, they're supposedly reimagining the Transformers.


Lieutenant General
The rules are you have to do a story set in Beijing that reflects the culture. They're looking for American writers. Given the time they announced and the deadline... probably not going to be that many good ones.