Went to see it last evening! I think I need to buy me a lottery ticket!
I bought the ticket online yesterday and for some unexplained reasons I was able to get the 9 pm showing one! and my luck was just starting.
My buddy and I left late at about 7.45. Got there at about 8 to pick up my tickets while he waited in the car.. looked around and they had designated wait line for the different showings. I saw 10, 11, 12 etc but NO 9 pm and there were already folks lined up for those showings.
I asked one of the workers where the 9 pm line was.
The kid was like .. hmm sir we took down the 9 pm line an hour ago! Everyone already went into the theatres! it started lining up at 6.
Oh well so I went back to the car and told my friend to hurry up so we could get in quickly. He started complianing how hungry he was and that it didn't matter now anyway etc which has a point.
So we went to the nearby Subway and had dinner there. Got back to the theatre at about 8.30 resigned to the fate that we'll be either sitting in the front row corner or sanding on the side. There were already hundreds of other people sitting, standing etc in line for the different SW showings.
Got to the ticket checker showed him my stub for the 9 pm and he said theatre 6.
OK.. we walked towards theater 6 EXCEPT theater 6 had 007 Sceptre on NOT SW.
Ask the concession guy hmm we're here to watch SW not James Bond for 9 pm. He was like theatre 6 sir. I was like but 6 is 007 Sceptre and he replied no worries just go to theatre 6.
So we went inside still unsure and the theater was only half full! We got to sit right smack in the middle .. the perfect spot! Asked the few people around if this was James Bond or SW and they said I think SW ... LOL.. 20 minutes into it the Lucas Films logo came on and everyone cheered and clapped!
Crazy! Bought tickets in the afternoon, showed up 30 minutes before showtime and got the best set in the house!!!!
I think I know what happened though. They oversold the 9 pm showing and had to opened up another. This was one of the few times procrastination worked!
As to the movie it was watcheble but I think it lacked originality. I obviously won't give out any spoilers but it didn't seemed like a smooth transition from ROTJ. The plots were quite predictable and there were a few scenes I thought was quite ridiculous in terms of SW universe context.
As a standalone movie I would give it 8 but as part of the SW saga I give it a 6.