Well, we decided not to take the grandkids and just go as adults first. So, my son and I wnt to see Interstellar last night and splurged and saw it in IMAX....and it was PACKED! I mean completely sold out.
GREAT movie for anyone enjoying sci-fi and mind-teasing paradoxes associated with relativistic sciences. Unbelievably good cinematic and a great storyline...futuristic, with the human race needing to leave the planet a hundred years from now...even though it is a of the climate change leaning.
There was no skin, there was no appreciable violence...however, they did throw in a really bad word on one occasion, which was unneeded and should not have been in a PG-13 movie. So, I would not take grand-kids to it, which I otherwise would most certainly have done.
Aside form that, it will definitely be, IMHO, an epic Sci-Fi movie.
Think I'll watch that one, balance my "diet" after the dose of violence on "Fury".