One of my friends from out of town was a big Vin Diesel fan so I decided to take her and "humiliate" her with Vin Diesel's "most wooden" acting to date. I was aware of the hype around the film and thought that it, like Winter Soldier, lived up to the hype and then some, which is nice given the risk Marvel took with this movie.
Plotwise I thought that it isn't that creative. It follows the standard Marvel film to a tee -- introduce good guys and bad guys, establish goal/dangers for the good guys to overcome, internal misunderstanding/fighting, and finally one big battle after which teamwork allow our heroes to overcome the baddies. Where the film really stood out, I thought, is the innovative way how humour, action, and at times drama co-mingled and how it is pulled off so seamlessly. Take the **************************************** Spoilers ahead *************************************************** death of Starlord's mom in the beginning, for instance. There is only around a five minute gap between that deeply emotional scene and the Bollywoodesque dance number in which Star Lord kicked lizards (it makes sense in context) to the tunes of 1970s music. For me that is brilliant writing since the audience doesn't know what to expect next. This film is a literal mood rollercoaster for me and most of the audience.
The jokes are pretty brilliant, and are literally stacked on top of one another until one great pay off. Audience at Alamo Drafthouse are typically pretty quiet but almost everyone ignored the rules today and laughed rowdily or clapped throughout the film. The special effects are amazing and, more importantly, innovative (********* spoilers ************* stuff like space fighters weaving an energy net to prevent a mothership from landing in a metropolis). I really hope that some of the expertise here will be transferred to the new Star Wars film (likely since Disney owns both Marvel and Star Wars).
The characters are archetypes. I think that Marvel hit a pretty good formula here:
1) Peter Quills (Tony Stark): poor man's Tony Stark with poor hygiene and worse equipment (Rocket boots and collapsible masks, anyone?). Quite the jerk/womanizer and gradually warms up to the rest of the team mates.
2) Drax the Destroyer (Thor): powerful warrior with "eloquent speech" (thees and thous) who fights with the team at first but later embraces it to defeat a common foe. Butt of many jokes.
3) Groot (Hulk): Most powerful team member who is incapable of basic human speech. Does most of the work during fights. Dangerous when angered but has a soft side as well.
4) Gamora (Blackwidow): Warrior chick with a dark past who tries to atone for past wrongs by fighting for the good guys.
5) Rocket Raccoon (Tony Stark): Tech genius with an affinity for snark. Tries to bely his more sensitive side by acting all obnoxious and cynical.
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There is also a cameo by Howard the Duck in the post-credit scene. The success of this film makes me wonder if Disney/Marvel will ever do a Howard the Duck remake, with George Lucas at its helm once again