Zombies are fantasy so therefore the laws of how to handle them are unrealistic. The rules are going to change from show to show. In this last season of the Walking Dead there was some tidbits revealed about the undead. They're attracted to fire and will walk into it. All they have to do is find some natural gas field break open a valve, light it up, and have some very loud horn operating blowing consistently. There has to be a warning siren around. Walkers will be attracted to the horn and follow it. They'll eventually see the fire, walk into it, and voila... destroyed Walker. Since now we know Walkers are attracted to fire, I can see plenty of ways to handle them... that's if they keep to their own rules.
Zombies are fantasy so therefore the laws of how to handle them are unrealistic. The rules are going to change from show to show. In this last season of the Walking Dead there was some tidbits revealed about the undead. They're attracted to fire and will walk into it. All they have to do is find some natural gas field break open a valve, light it up, and have some very loud horn operating blowing consistently. There has to be a warning siren around. Walkers will be attracted to the horn and follow it. They'll eventually see the fire, walk into it, and voila... destroyed Walker. Since now we know Walkers are attracted to fire, I can see plenty of ways to handle them... that's if they keep to their own rules.
Personally i'm more enthralled by vampires, who at their core are just serial killers with super powers and that's always a fine staple of horror. I'm looking forward to the Strain and WWV to give us some good vampire fiction, but i just wish we could have a good adaptation of World of Darkness, of the Vampires being part of our society, being predators of many different varieties, that can show the complexity of vampires as a race of people like any other. No vampire franchise has ever captured that for me and has pigeonholed vamps into a planet of hats in one way or the other, a show like True Blood but with actual focus on the complexity of Vampire Politics and its interactions with the human world would be the ideal show for me.
Although TWD is a great show, I can't deny that there are plenty of plot holes in the series. For example, in Season 3, they made a big deal about how the fences were threatened by large masses of zombies. They'd have been in the prison for a half a year when Season 3 started, and they never thought to building something more sturdy? The ancients could build effective walls out of packed earth, why couldn't they? They had plenty of materials from the prison buildings.
Why did they never clear the forest near the prison? They have watch towers, wouldn't it be nice if they could see everything within 100 miles? A simple brush fire would've done the job.
Why didn't they have antibiotics stocked up at hand? Wouldn't that be one of the top items on the list of things to stock up, instead of say, comic books for Carl? If you're going to build a post-apocalyptic community, a well-stock pharmacy would be second in importance only to the pantry.
Personally i'm more enthralled by vampires, who at their core are just serial killers with super powers and that's always a fine staple of horror. I'm looking forward to the Strain and WWV to give us some good vampire fiction, but i just wish we could have a good adaptation of World of Darkness, of the Vampires being part of our society, being predators of many different varieties, that can show the complexity of vampires as a race of people like any other. No vampire franchise has ever captured that for me and has pigeonholed vamps into a planet of hats in one way or the other, a show like True Blood but with actual focus on the complexity of Vampire Politics and its interactions with the human world would be the ideal show for me.
Like I mentioned since now we know Walkers are attracted to fire like moths to a flame that opens the door to exterminating a lot of them. You can start a forest fire or burn down a city and Walkers will exterminate themselves. But since TV shows need drama, things have to be hard to do.
That prison fence was suspect from the beginning because it looked like a regular cyclone fence with no reinforcement. But I have to mention if you've seen the show Mythbusters they tried to debunk if a gang of zombies could break down stuff on their own because you always see zombies breaking through things to get at people and they don't they have the brains to. They found out with enough people (zombies) just pushing up against one another and not ramming or anything like that on a barn door, even reinforced, can break through.
Well a good friend of mine from work, who retired two months ago, myself, and one of my grandsons all went to see "Captain America: Winter Soldier" on Saturday.
FANTASTIC film, We really loved it. True to the Captain America story and personna. We will look very much forward to the 3rd in the series which is now sure to follow sometime after Avengers 2.
Marvel does an exceptionally good job on all of their movies and this was no exception. The new "Falcon" man part was done vry, very well. Great action, very good accompanying humor, and a good storyline.
I am sure I will see it at least once more with a son or two, the wife, and others...and it will definitely make the iPad cut too! LOL!
Whats the fascination with Zombie movies. The whole concept from video games to movies has been overdone IMHO.