Movies in General


Tyrant King
The original lead was supposed to be Bruce Lee, but the network felt it wasn't ready for such so they cast Caradine, of course since he was supposed to be looking for his half brother in the old west, I always thought that perhaps they could have come up with a reason why he was not actually Asian and perhaps that could be the plot of this coming film. Like Caine being a Orphan who the monks found well traveling, they took the boy in and raised him until he was of age. Then they revealed to him that among the thing they had found with him with was a photo or a letter that told of his brother in America.
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I'll watch "Noah" just to see how Russell Crowe's character builds the arch and collecting all the animals and such. I enjoy a good historical mystery and science into the possibility that it could be down back than.

Some mystic space angel thingys who angered God and got turned into stone thingys helped himbuild the arc. Noah didn't have to gather the animals. They just turned up. IMO for a reasonable portion of the movie, Crowe portrayed the Noah character like hes had a bit too much to drink.

that's the bigger risk of the remake could ruin it....face it, those massive scenes is thing of the past, now most if not all are done with CGI.

I think those massive CGI scenes whether it involved thousands enjoying themselves in a coliseum (eg the Gladiator scenes with Russell Crowe) the battle scenes in LOR where those siege or catapults are moved into place, all look rather sterile. One does not get that feeling of grunt and smell sweat.......that thousands of genuine moving bodies would create.


Tyrant King
The last movie with a actual cast of Thousands was Stargate, Where they actually emptied A Arizona town costumed them and Charged them. since then its all CGI, And Cheaper.


Tyrant King
So they either CG'd the Top of the list and created alternate pages in second unit, tailored for each major release. note how the hand writing is the same and Thai food, Star War/Trek, Nervana,Rocky and Troubeman are identical it's every thing above them that changes. it must have been decided as a Easter Egg, and perhaps a quick way to spot a boot leg. I would lay money there is a PRC version and a Japanese too. I am betting this was done in the movie post production, and not a reshoot done by a local crew for each as it's likely such a reshoot would have used local languages and not events.


Lieutenant General
Yes all those shots are done separately and most likely not even Chris Evans' hand. Notice Russia and South Korea? In the first movie they didn't even have Captain America in the title when it was shown in those countries. I know for Winter Soldier in Russia left Captain America out of the title again.


Tyrant King
It's called Second unit, Often done for close ups of obscure things like this. It's likely just a hand model but I am not quite convinced they were done at different times. The hand writing is the same, my bet is they probably CG'ed the upper half of the list to tailor it, They had the hand model who is shown writing troubleman (sound Track) write down a random list of events on a tablet then "animated" those onto the upper half of the page, The lower half was either also grafted on or on the actual prop.