Movies in General

Jeff Head

Registered Member
World war Z is off my list. Never was very big on the whole zombie craze and it just seems over done. I dont see any thing that really gets of coming so for me maybe the rest of the Marvel pics them wait for the new Godzilla and Ghostbusters 3 next year.
This will be the first "Zombie," movie I have seen and I am only watching this one because the trailers/previews at the other movies make it appear very well done and come across as a pandemic disease that the world is trying to fight.

I'll let you know.

After that, the next two I will be watching are Pacific Rim and Elysium.
I can only say, the biggest improvements of modern action hero films would be cool costumes. no longer will batman and superman wear spandex that demonstrate their package as a a huge bulb flopping around


Junior Member
I can only say, the biggest improvements of modern action hero films would be cool costumes. no longer will batman and superman wear spandex that demonstrate their package as a a huge bulb flopping around

i'd say the only improvement in modern action hero films is EVERYTHING:p come on the sound effects, the visuals, the action chorography, the stunts, the explosions, and yes even the acting....:D compare the old superman movies we saw in the 70's to the X-men series of today there is no competition.


i'd say the only improvement in modern action hero films is EVERYTHING:p come on the sound effects, the visuals, the action chorography, the stunts, the explosions, and yes even the acting....:D compare the old superman movies we saw in the 70's to the X-men series of today there is no competition.

you obviously have not seen some made for TV sci-fi shows or some scifi shows on NetFlix or other streaming medium. Trust me when I say there are some really really bad scifi shows even with modern CGI and animation. A bad CGI job is 100X worst than old school camera tricks. I rather take a guy in a rubber suit, plastic models and ketchup for blood anyday over any 'modern' movies with bad CGI jobs, terrible acting and computer generate sounds.


Lieutenant General
This will be the first "Zombie," movie I have seen and I am only watching this one because the trailers/previews at the other movies make it appear very well done and come across as a pandemic disease that the world is trying to fight.

I'll let you know.

After that, the next two I will be watching are Pacific Rim and Elysium.

I'm going to wait for video on that one.

Player 0

Junior Member
So i just came back from seeing WWZ in theatres, was it supposed to be a comedy?

Seriously guys, it was terrible, golden razzie material, go watch Walking Dead instead.


Tyrant King
yeah I heard two reviews calling it that. Like I said I am not laying down money on it... Well maybe if I saw a cheap copy on DVD when It comes to DVD. I loved Superman by the Way.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
yeah I heard two reviews calling it that. Like I said I am not laying down money on it... Well maybe if I saw a cheap copy on DVD when It comes to DVD. I loved Superman by the Way.
Well, I am taking five of my grandkids to see Monster U at 11:30 AM, and then at 2 PM , my two sons and one of my son-in-laws are going to meet me to see World War Z.

I have a good friend whom I have known for 16 years. He was a Master Sgt. in Desert Storm and I hired him at Micron Electronics in 1997 and we worked together until 2001 when I left there. Been close friends ever since. He saw World War Z last night and loved it. Thought it was great. He's a Sci-fi/Super Hero/Military Action Military buff and so usually if he likes it, I know I will.

Believe me, if it was cheesy or not well done, he would have let me know. So I am looking forward to it and will report back here later today.


Went to see MoS yesterday evening on IMAX. I like it although I thought it was a little on the dark side but since Christopher Nolan was involved not too surprising. The Kryptonites kinda reminded me of the Necromongers from the Riddick universe.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Okay, here's my take on the two movies we saw today:

Monster's U: This was a great kid's movie. Anyone who liked Monster's Inc. will love this movie. A great prequel that tells how Sully & Mike got where they are. Highly recommended. I took 5 grand kids who loved it.

World War Z: Really liked this movie. It does not follow the book exactly & takes a lot of license...but if you have not read the book, you will like it a lot if you are into techno-med-thrillers with a lot of action & military. I have read the book (very recently) & liked the movie too, very much, & will definitely see a sequel if they make it. No offensive language or skin ...but lots of action, suspense, & fighting. No perverse or capricious gore, what there was, is well done IMHO. I do not like Brad Pitt's politics, but he plays a good part here & does it very well. Also highly recommended.