Modern Carrier Battle Group..Strategies and Tactics


Senior Member
I didn't avoid anything Lion. Read my response that you skipped over. I answered it directly.

Again, here's one for you:

If the PRC/PLAN is willing to show such a picture as you showed and call it an important test (which early on in such a prgram it would be an important test), why has the PRC/PLAN not conducted one, documented, full-up live fire test against a single manuevering vessel far out at sea...which is the whole point of the DF-21D system?

BTW, let me know when you see a US Nuclear Aircraft Carrier sitting stationary in the middle of the Gobi Desert will you?

Where is the multiple ballistic engagement test? Let me know when China will only fired one ballistic missile at airfield or Battle carrier group. Then probably your one ballistic missile interception will work against 2nd artillery if they are kind enough to fire only one missile. Aegis will not work against multiple engagement. 2nd artillery has already demonstrated multiple salvo against intended target. Please answer it and stop avoiding.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Where is the multiple ballistic engagement test? Aegis will not work against multiple engagement. 2nd artillery has already demonstrated multiple salvo against intended target. Please answer it and stop avoiding.
I did answer it Lion...and you know it.

Directed to you, a few posts ago. No avoidance and all your sophmoric, childish ranting will not change it.


Jeff Head said:
...please, keep serving up these pitches, just a little high and inside.

Lion, the math for each individual engagement is the or ten. A multiple missile engagement is a gathering of individual engagements, which is what has been tested.

Fact is, live fire tests have been conducted destroying BMs with the AEGIS system. Now, multiple events can occur at the same time, and each of them is a single missile engagement using this same system. Unless you overload the system's ability to handle incoming missiles (a full saturation attack), each one is in fact a seperate intercept and engagement of the same system and math that was tested and does not effect the whole.

And 20-50 or more missiles will not overload or saturate an AEGIS system, much less three vessels worth. It is what it was designed SAMPSON, and I am sure, like what the PRC has develioped for its Type 052C/D DDGs.

Remember, high and inside like this is just like I like them..."WHACK," out of the park.

No need for those tests because the math, as I state, is the same, unless you saturate the system.

And, besides...I am not asking for multiple DF-21D tests against a manuevering target at sea...just one...and there are precisely none.

So, here's what we have:

For AEGIS: We have 70+ full-up, live-fire, documented tests of AEGIS ABM against BMs which is what it is meant to defend against.

For DF-21D: We have no... that is fire, full-up, documented tests against any single manuevering target at sea which is what it is meant to attack.

Same rational, same consistant standard applied to both. One has it, one does not.

Again, Lion,each individual BM incoming is going to use the same math as any other, and the same system, unless you saturate it. 70 times, just can't get around that, no matter how hard you try. And you can't get around the math of each one being the same algorythms operated by the same system, over and over again individually. Those tests have produced an overall rate of 75% and a recent rate approaching 90% and more.

Now one more time, I will post the critcal question for the PRC to answer regarding the DF-21D...and a statement about why the static test in the desert is immaterial to a deployed system:

Critical DF-21D Question and a Statement said:
If the PRC/PLAN is willing to show a picture of a static test in the desert and call it an important test (which early on in the program it would have been), why then, later in the program has the PRC/PLAN not conducted one, documented, full-up live fire test against a single manuevering vessel out at sea...which is the whole point of the DF-21D system?

BTW, let me know when you see a US Nuclear Aircraft Carrier sitting stationary in the middle of the Gobi Desert will you?

Buh bye!
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Senior Member
I did answer it Lion...and you know it.

Directed to you, a few posts ago. No avoidance and all your sophmoric, childish ranting will not change it.


No need for those tests because the math, as I state, is the same, unless you saturate the system.

And, besides...I am not asking for multiple DF-21D tests against a manuevering target at sea...just one...and there are precisely none.

So, here's what we have:

For AEGIS: We have 70+ full-up, live-fire, documented tests of AEGIS ABM against BMs which is what it is meant to defend against.

For DF-21D: We have no... that is fire, full-up, documented tests against any single manuevering target at sea which is what it is meant to attack.

Same rational, same consistant standard applied to both. One has it, one does not.

Again, Lion,each individual BM incoming is going to use the same math as any other, and the same system, unless you saturate it. 70 times, just can't get around that, no matter how hard you try. And you can't get around the math of each one being the same algorythms operated by the same system, over and over again individually. Those tests have produced an overall rate of 75% and a recent rate approaching 90% and more.

Now one more time, I will post the critcal question for the PRC to answer regarding the DF-21D...and a statement about why the static test in the desert is immaterial to a deployed system:

Buh bye!

Aegis will work against multiple ballistic missile attack without demo or test but just theory. China ASBM will not work because it has not demonstrated on sea and even it works Aegis will destroy the threat with only so far demonstrated against non saturated ,one ballistic missile interception.

Great double standard apply Jeff and see who's the childish one.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Aegis will work against multiple ballistic missile attack without demo or test but just theory. China ASBM will not work because it has not demonstrated on sea and even it works Aegis will destroy the threat with only so far demonstrated against non saturated ,one ballistic missile interception.

Great double standard apply Jeff and see who's the childish one.
No, Lion, AEGIS will work against multiple targets not just because of will work because each engagement is a single engagement, just like what has been tested. As long as the system is not saturated...and the numbers we are talking about for the DF-21D, will not come close. Not just theory in that Lion, actualk hard, cold, tested and proven \ facts, repeated in qucik succession.

So, Lion, again, there is no double standard in what I am explaining to you:

For AEGIS: We have 70+ full-up, live-fire, documented tests of AEGIS ABM against what it is meant to defend against.

For DF-21D: We have ZERO full-up, live-fire, documented tests of the DF-21D against what it is meant to attack.

This is a fundamental issue. No need for multiple firing or engagement tests if yiou have not done one. The US has...the PRC has not.

Same rational, same consistant standard applied to both. One has been tested against that which it is supposed to work, the other has not. Pretty simple standard actually. You just want to compare apples to oranges and I will not accept that.

I am perfectly content to let others read and come to their own conclusions. Have a great weekend.
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Lion, again, there is no double standard here in what I am explaining to you. Again, here it is:

For AEGIS: We have 70+ full-up, live-fire, documented tests of AEGIS ABM against what it is meant to defend against.

For DF-21D: We have ZERO full-up, live-fire, documented tests of the DF-21D against what it is meant to attack.

Same rational, same consistant standard applied to both. One has been tested against that which it is supposed to work, the other has not. Pretty simple standard actually. You just want to compare apples to oranges and I will not accept that.

I am perfectly content to let others read and come to their own conclusions. Have a great weekend.

He meant that if the AEGIS system hasn't demonstrated that it can intercept multiple threats simultaneously, then its capability to do so must come under question as well. Like you said, the AEGIS system has engaged single threats in tests over 70 times, but how many times has it demonstrated it can intercept say, a dozen simultaneously? Personally I believe the AEGIS is capable of doing so, but I'm just translating what Lion is asking.

His allegation of you adopting double standards stems from this; the AEGIS system hasn't demonstrated simultaneous interception of multiple threats and the DF-21D hasn't demonstrated moving target interception but you don't show skepticism of the capabilities of the former. I think that's the gripe he has with you, to the best of my interpretation.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
He meant that if the AEGIS system hasn't demonstrated that it can intercept multiple threats simultaneously, then its capability to do so must come under question as well.

His allegation of you adopting double standards stems from this; the AEGIS system hasn't demonstrated simultaneous interception of multiple threats and the DF-21D hasn't demonstrated moving target interception but you don't show skepticism of the capabilities of the former.
I understand the point full well, jobjed.

And as I stated to an earlier post when he raised this issue, and then again when he claimed I had not answered that particular allegation...the math is the same. The computer system is the same. Intercepting 12 incoming missiles is no different than intecepting one missile twelve times in rapid succession. You would have to overload the system to make it any different because the math and the computer algorythms and systems are the same. There's no need to unless it is a saturation attack.

I have answered his allegation...but that allegation itself is an apples and oranges issue against the basic statement I have posted again and again.

The PLAN has not conducted full-up, live fire, documented tests against what they expect the DF-21D to confront, a manuevering vessel at sea. I do not need to see five missiles do it at once...they will not be able to ever do that if they cannot do it with one.

The US has conducted full-up, live fire tests against what they excpect the AEGIS BMD to confront,a BM coming in to attack the vessels...with great regularity and increasing success, well over 75% now.

This is a more fundamental and basic question, not related to multiple threats or attacks at all. That's the difference and that is a consistant expectation between the two systems.

He wants to avoid answering that fundamental scenario like the plague...because the PLAN has not demonstrated it, and so he brings up a strawman to focus attention away from that simple fact.

It is a sure thing that if either system cannot succesfully complete one intercept/attack, that they will not be able to do more than one. Show me the one...the US has done this many, many times When the PRC show consistantly shows that it can engage one manuevering target far out to sea with this system, as I said, I will rate the system as much more operationally capable.

Again, as I have stated, the US intercepts them one at a time, because that is exactly what the AEGIS systems will do when they are defending the vessels. Each engagement is a seperate engagement with seperate calculations and a seperate fire. Multiple missiles incoming just means they have to execute them rapidly in succession within the parameters of how many they can track and engage at once. Until someone saturates that system, each one will work like the other.

But testing a single DF-21D launched against a single manuevering target out to sea, is not a hard concept to follow. Not a hard consistant measure to try and meet, without ever getting to multiple engagements at all.

Let's get an answer from both systems about that very basic, very fundamental issue before trying to bring up different scenarios.
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Senior Member
He meant that if the AEGIS system hasn't demonstrated that it can intercept multiple threats simultaneously, then its capability to do so must come under question as well. Like you said, the AEGIS system has engaged single threats in tests over 70 times, but how many times has it demonstrated it can intercept say, a dozen simultaneously? Personally I believe the AEGIS is capable of doing so, but I'm just translating what Lion is asking.

His allegation of you adopting double standards stems from this; the AEGIS system hasn't demonstrated simultaneous interception of multiple threats and the DF-21D hasn't demonstrated moving target interception but you don't show skepticism of the capabilities of the former. I think that's the gripe he has with you, to the best of my interpretation.

Thanks for your explanation but I fully believe he knows what I'm asking. He is just avoiding the enquiries because he can't produced concrete evidence of Aegis fully demonstrated taking on multiple missile attack. US has never demonstrated it before. While this guy refused to believe the workable of ABSM and demanded me to produced evidence of its live test on ship although US intelligence fully convinced ASBM threat is real with all the intelligent they collected for ASBM.

You can see the ironic of his reasoning and demand for the system he believes in.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Thanks for your explanation but I fully believe he knows what I'm asking. He is just avoiding the enquiries because he can't produced concrete evidence of Aegis fully demonstrated taking on multiple missile attack. US has never demonstrated it before. While this guy refused to believe the workable of ABSM and demanded me to produced evidence of its live test on ship although US intelligence fully convinced ASBM threat is real with all the intelligent they collected for ASBM.

You can see the ironic of his reasoning and demand for the system he believes in.
There is no irony Lion, there is no double standard. I understand exactly what Jobjed said.

I have answered your allegation...and very directly three times now. I have not avoided have just tried to pretend I did not answer it so you can continue to throw a strawman into the arguement because that is all you have.

But that allegation itself is an apples and oranges statement against the basic statement I have posted again and again.

The PLAN has not conducted full-up, live fire, documented tests against what they expect the DF-21D to confront, a manuevering vessel at sea. I do not need to see five missiles do it at once...they will not be able to ever do that if they cannot do it with one.

The US has conducted full-up, live fire tests against what they excpect the AEGIS BMD to confront,a BM coming in to attack the vessels...with great regularity and increasing success, well over 75% now.

This is a much more fundamental and basic question, not related to multiple threats or attacks at all. That's the difference and that is a consistant expectation between the two systems.

You seem to want to avoid addressing that fundamental scenario like the plague...because the PLAN has not demonstrated it, and so you keep bringing up a strawman to focus attention away from that simple fact.

It is a sure thing that if either system canot be successful at a single instance, then they will not be able to do more than one.

Show me the one Lion. Forget the multiples...just show me and the world the one. The US has done this many, many times When the PRC shows consistantly that it can engage one manuevering target far out to sea with this system, as I said, I will be more than willing to rate the system as much more operationally capable.

It is really a quite fundamental issue.

I'll just let that stand...go ahead and repeat the senselss blather about multiple intercepts (which has already been answered several times), but you still cannot answer the more fundamental question.

I'll be waiting for that answer.
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Lieutenant General
There is no irony Lion, there is no double standard. I understand exactly what Jobjed said.

The PLAN has not conducted full-up, live fire, documented tests against what they expect the DF-21D to confront, a manuevering vessel at sea. I do not need to see five missiles do it at once...they will not be able to ever do that if they cannot do it with one.

The US has conducted full-up, live fire tests against what they excpect the AEGIS BMD to confront,a BM coming in to attack the vessels...with great regularity and increasing success, well over 75% now.

This is a much more fundamental and basic question, not related to multiple threats or attacks at all. That's the difference and that is a consistant expectation between the two systems.

You seem to want to avoid addressing that fundamental scenario like the plague...because the PLAN has not demonstrated it, and so you keep bringing up a strawman to focus attention away from that simple fact.

It is a sure thing that if either system canot be successful at a single instance, then they will not be able to do more than one.

Show me the one Lion. Forget the multiples...just show me and the world the one. The US has done this many, many times When the PRC shows consistantly that it can engage one manuevering target far out to sea with this system, as I said, I will be more than willing to rate the system as much more operationally capable.

It is really a quite fundamental issue.

I'll just let that stand...go ahead and repeat the senselss blather about multiple intercepts (which has already been answered several times), but you still cannot answer the more fundamental question.

I'll be waiting for that answer.

It really doesn't matter if the 2nd artillery never conducted a live firing on the sea. The main thing they did conduct test on the terminal guidance of the missile . Carrier cannot move too far away from the moment they are detected We all calculate it cannot move more than 1 or 2 mile which constitute less than 1 degree angle of deviation. And we all can see that in order to hit 20 m wide body you need terminal guidance period , No other guidance system can achieve that kind of accuracy.

Anyway on different plane now The pentagon has come out unequivocally YES indeed ASBM has been operational and growing in strength.
Ironically the same report has a good report on the progress of Chinese submarine which Arthur Erickson has been bad mouthing for years a s noisy and substandard.
For the first time China has credible second strike capability

Unpacking the Riches of the Pentagon’s China Report
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By Andrew Erickson

The U.S. Department of Defense annual report on Chinese military developments, released on Monday, has made a splash by putting forth the most direct official accusations so far of Chinese cyberintrusions into the U.S. government computers. But the 92-page report – much improved from its 43-page 2012 predecessor, which was widely criticized for being many days late and dollars short – offers a number of other important insights into China’s growing military capabilities.

Like other government reports on China’s military capabilities, this year’s DoD iteration clearly and understandably comes from a U.S. military perspective, yet it notably strives to provide a comprehensive picture of Chinese military developments and the strategic concerns that motivate them. More important, it provides authoritative assessments of key People’s Liberation Army developments that are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve or confirm via other publicly-available sources, such as Beijing’s own recently-released 2013 Defense White Paper.

Associated Press

Perhaps the DoD report’s single greatest advancement of public knowledge concerns China’s nuclear submarine programs. It states that China’s three already-operational Type 094 Jin-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) may be joined by “as many as two more in various stages of construction.” The Type 094, the report says, “will give the PLA Navy its first credible sea-based nuclear deterrent” once its JL-2 – a submarine-launched ballistic missile with a range in excess of 7,400 km – is deployed effectively. “After a round of successful testing in 2012, the JL-2 appears ready to reach initial operational capability in 2013,” DoD asserts. “JIN-class SSBNs based at Hainan Island in the South China Sea would then be able to conduct nuclear deterrence patrols.”

Meanwhile, China’s two already-deployed Type 093 Shang-class nuclear-powered attack submarines will be joined by four improved variants under construction, according to the report. Within 10 years, the DoD projects, “China will likely construct the Type 095 guided-missile attack submarine, which may enable a submarine-based land-attack capability.” The Type 095 will “likely incorporat[e] better quieting technologies” and “fulfill traditional anti-ship roles with the incorporation of torpedoes and anti-ship cruise missiles.” As for conventional attack submarines, DoD states that the Yuan-class (Type 039A), of which China may build as many as twenty, “includes an air-independent power system.”

Attack submarines have constituted a relative strength for China’s navy for over a decade; the current and projected developments outlined in DoD’s report suggest further advances in capability and mission options. Attack submarines also offer a leading indicator of Beijing’s naval goals: Conventionally-powered submarines are better suited for China’s littorals, while nuclear-powered variants have the endurance to range further afield. Comparing the numbers that Beijing adds in each category may suggest the extent to which its navy will focus on achieving significant combat capabilities beyond the Near Seas (Yellow, East, and South China Seas) and their immediate approaches.

A second area of particular significance is the report’s coverage of China’s anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) development. While many details of China’s ASBM program could be pieced together from previous U.S. government statements, the report offers the most definitive and comprehensive assessment yet of the program’s current status and capability. According to the DoD China continues to field the DF-21D, a missile with a range in excess of 1,500 km that “gives the PLA the capability to attack large ships, including aircraft carriers, in the western Pacific Ocean.” On a related note, the report says, the PLA Navy is also improving its ability to locate targets at great distances from China through a combination of over-the-horizon radar and reconnaissance satellites. And Beijing may be investing in the development of even longer-range ASBMs, according to the report.

This effort, the report notes, is part of a larger array of “force structure improvements” that “will provide the PLA with systems that can engage adversary surface ships up to 1,000 [nautical miles from China’s coast.” This all suggests that Beijing continues to parlay its strength in missile development — including the world’s only long-range ASBM — into enabling the pursuit of major new operational possibilities.

The report judges China’s defense industry to enjoy significant resources and options for furthering such developments. Areas of particular capability include missiles, shipbuilding, and research; with respect to nanotechnology, for instance, now only “a close second to the United States in total government investment.” It characterizes China as being “among the top ship-producing nations in the world” and Beijing’s ballistic and cruise missile industries to be “comparable to other international top-tier producers” and well-positioned for further development. It credits China with having deployed one of the world’s largest advanced long-range surface-to-air missile forces. Importantly, DoD assesses that PLA missile and other developments have already “largely negated” many of Taiwan’s traditional defensive advantages.

China’s navy already “has the largest force of major combatants, submarines, and amphibious warfare ships in Asia,” the report says. While the DoD predicts the PLA Navy’s newly-commissioned carrier Liaoning will not have an “operational air wing” until 2015 or later, it predicts China will build multiple aircraft carriers over the next decade, with the first Chinese-built carrier likely to be operational “sometime in the second half of this decade.” It projects that Beijing “will likely establish several access points” over the next 10 years, possibly in the Malacca, Lombok and Sunda Straits, in “the form of agreements for refueling, replenishment, crew rest, and low-level maintenance.” These last two areas represent uncharted territory for Beijing, and it will be interesting to see how it proceeds.

The DoD’s report makes clear that China’s military is developing some extremely significant capabilities. The PLA still has its weaknesses — aeroengines are mentioned multiple times in the report as a key deficiency — and new, more-dispersed nuclear capabilities are potentially challenging entrenched notions of centralized command and control. But the report offers the clear impression that China’s military capabilities, while still uneven and regionally-focused, are also improving rapidly in many respects and already formidable in areas that matter most to Beijing.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
It really doesn't matter if the 2nd artillery never conducted a live firing on the sea. The main thing they did conduct test on the terminal guidance of the missile . Carrier cannot move too far away from the moment they are detected We all calculate it cannot move more than 1 or 2 mile which constitute less than 1 degree angle of deviation. And we all can see that in order to hit 20 m wide body you need terminal guidance period , No other guidance system can achieve that kind of accuracy.

Anyway on different plane now The pentagon has come out unequivocally YES indeed ASBM has been operational and growing in strength.
I've read the entire report. You need to realize that two can play the shadow, shell game.

Nothing in that report points to anything specific, or alludes to any actual, proven capability. Only assertions.

That's fine.

The facts are what they are. The US has a defense, proven many times over against an offenisve strategy that is only alledged. If the US national interests call for its forces to sail in harm's way, they will do so.

I pray thaty is not necessary in this area, but to think they will be bluffed and blustered into not responding is a huge strategic and tactical mistake IMHO.

Anyhow, this has been raised and discussed many times nausium as we say. So I will just leave it at that. we can amiacably agree to disagree.