There are real test and there are rigged test Now you be the judge. The test was performed under the most idealized condition of no decoy and single missile and single warhead. when in reality it will be swarmed of missile with MIRV or MARV not counting all the accompanying decoy. So the jury is still out as to the effectiveness of SM3 .
So, hehehe, that's all you have left?
To try and discredit and attack the 70+ live fire, full-up system tests the US has performed with increasing hit rates and increasing difficulty? ...when the DF-21D has none?
Pretty much says it all to anyone watching this exchange.
Facts are simple things. The US has performed 70+ tests of SM3 against ballistic missiles (and literalll hundreds against conventional cruise and anti-shipping missiles over the years) with a 75% hit rate against the ballistic missiles and increasing. You honestly believe the US has rigged those tests and then risks the lives of not only tens of thousands of its own sailors, but perhaps millions of civilians on it? Get a grip man.
The US is an open society, with a free press. I will admit it is not perfect in that sense...but it is far, far less controlled than what goes on in most nations, including tre PRC. If such rigging were occurring, then long before 70 such tests (which I suppose you believe were all rigged) were complete, it would have been exposed for what it is, either by the press...or more importantly, by the engineers and professionals performing the tests who would blow the whistle.
But you will probably tell me that all of that free press and all of thoes individuals are all bought and paid for and part of some vast conspiracy with the military industrial complex or some such nonsense, right? I said, that is just nonsense.
I personally know people who are involved with the tests, and I know that they are not rigged, and that the results continue to improve and are valid. So, yes, I am pretty confident about the AEGIS system and its ability to intercept incoming missiles of all types.
Is it perfect? Nope. You'll never stop them all, particularly in a saturation attack by intelligent, modern anti-shipping missiles. But a BM is a completely different matter. By the time it arrives, the carrier has moved a many miles, and the speed of the rentry makes its ability to perform temrinal manuevers, particularly if they involve having to back track against its own trajectory, and do so in an ECM envirionment that it will have to face, even if it can re-aquire the target, much, much more difficult. And then, even if it could, the US has already developed a defense to shoot it down. As to a "swarming" BM I have already stated. For obvious reasons, there wil never be nearly as many, and they have far, far more difficulties to overcome.
Yet, you are left only to try and attack the live fire tests that have been conducted 70+ times, when the system you are trying to defend and being such a fan boy of
Man or man, the irony of this type of arguement on your part is so rich that it would give most people a heart attack just to eat it for dessert!
I've said all I need to say. The tests are out there. They are widely discussed by professionals and detractors (that's what happens in a truly open society) so you can find view points all over the place. And that is fine. On the other side, with the DF-21D, there are no live-fire, full-up results to discuss. Just a mountain of white papers, and research. Well, the SM3 has all of that too...but it also has those pesky live-fire, full-up systems tests and the DF-21D does not.
Get back to me when they do.