Highly doubtful that any serious operational capability exists.All this discussion is moot ASBM is already in operation period
Just because it is said to be, does not mean that it is.
It has never had an opetrational, full-up system live fire test out into any ocean attempting to hit a manuevering sea vessel. Much less into any serious ECM environment.
Lots of white papers, lots of missile trucks rolling around, a few static firing of some missile into the desert at a static target...but not one, full-up operational, live fire test against a manuevering vessel at sea.
This single fact speaks volumes over all the white papers, all the research papers, and all of the "chatter," that has gone on about this system for years.
When such an operational test is conducted successfully, and documentd as a success...and then repeated numerous times...get back to me. Until then, I view the entiore system as a very strong "Sun Tsu" campaign to attempt to get the US and its allies to not use the assets that are their strength...and it is a very sophisticated operation, IMHO, to do that.
Even then, the system itself, untested and unproven, then would fly directly into the teeth of the strongest defense the US has for its carriers and that is the AEGIS system which, contrary to the DF-21D, has been proven countelss times to be able to live-fire, operationally intercept ballistic missiles.