Not really world news, but because I love throwing grenades into a crowd
Thanks Trudeau immigration policies to bring in the multiculturalism.
Racist because Whites also do it often enough?
Not really world news, but because I love throwing grenades into a crowd
Thanks Trudeau immigration policies to bring in the multiculturalism.
LOGH's author Yoshiki Tanaka has specifically studied Chinese history and has used elements in the series. Eg Yang Wenli represents Zhuge Liang/ Yue Fei who has a noble but ultimately futile struggle because his leaders are morons. Shows no matter how smart you are, if you can't play politics well enough, you will lose in the end. And someone like Reinhard presents Cao Cao who realize they have to do everything it takes to win.I will say there are some anime that are peak fiction. The original was really fucking good. A lot of relevance to today—conflict between an authoritarian state that is doing well and a failing liberal democracy. With a Chinese MC representing the democratic Alliance faction, too.
Clip of a pivotal moment, the negotiations of the two factions.
I would actually argue that the Free Planets Alliance is more representative of the KMT while the Imperials more akin to the CPC. While the Imperials' political ideology is in the complete opposite end of the political spectrum to that of the CPC, they were ultimately the victors of the galactic war. Reinhart ushered in an era of peace and prosperity as his legacy, much like how the CPC did.its obvious that it is a scifi allegory of ROC history.
Galactic emperor = Yuan Shikai
Yang Wenli's long march = real life long march.
The war is basically Chinese Civil War in space.
Chinese international students passing on Canada: 'Monotonous' and unaffordable
by u/uselesspoliticalhack in canada
i dont think every vote is equal. There is that tennis Academy in Kazan where Yeltsin wife got invited every year for Yeltsin Junior Tennis before she got too old.Nothing of this sort could ever happen again because it never happened.
Myth 1: Gorbachev caused the fall of USSR
Gorbachev wasn't unpredictable or inexperienced and he didn't cause the fall of USSR.
He was responsible for bringing to Moscow the guy who did it.
This guy:
View attachment 132712
Yeltsin was brought by Gorbachev from Mukhosransk in 1985 because Yeltsin seemed like a enthusiastic reformist and Gorbachev needed supporters. Initially Yeltsin was placed in Moscow's municipal authority and then was promoted to the Central Commitee. Shortly after joining the Politburo Yeltsin began to act out his extreme narcissism and create chaos to promote himself as the true reformist very much in the same theatrical manner that Trump does. Consequently in 1987 he was demoted by Gorbachev.
That inspired Yeltsin to seek political revenge. Using the recognition that he gained during his time in Moscow he sought out support for his candidacy for the newly created Congress of People's Deputies - a constitutional body that was intended to conduct systemic change. In March 1989 Yeltsin became a deputy with overwhelming support from Moscow and from there he began his campaign against Gorbachev and "enemies of perestroyka". From there it moved quickly:
1989 March 26 - seat in Congress of People's Deputies
1989 May 23 - seat in Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union,
1990 March 4 - seat in Congress of People's Deputies of Russia (that's the smoking gun, why move down?)
1990 May 29 - seat in Supreme Soviet of the RFSSR
1990 June 12 - Supreme Soviet of the RFSSR adopts declaration of Russia's sovereignty
1990 July 12 - Resignation from the CPSU
1991 March 17 - Referendum on New Union Treaty, ballot in Russia has question on creation of the office of the President of RFSSR
1991 June 12 - elected president of the RFSSR
1991 August 19 - Yanayev's coup begins and Yeltisn nominally supports Gorbachev and organises civic resistance against the coup
1991 August 21 - coup fails, Yeltsin begins to take over Soviet institutions
1991 November 6 - Yeltsin bans CPSU in Russia
1991 December 8 - Belovezha Accords forming the Commonwealth of Independent States
1991 December 12 - RFSSR declared independence from the Soviet Union
1991 December 17 - Gorbachev agrees to dissolve the USSR
If you look at the timeline of declarations of sovereignty you will see that before Russia declares it in June of 1990 only the Baltics, Azerbaijan and Georgia made the declarations, Ukraine declares sovereignty on 16 July 1990, a month after Russia, as well as after Uzbekistan and Moldova,
Even then turnout for the referendum in March 1991 was very high (in Ukraine 83%, in Russia 75%) and overwhelmingly supported a reformed union state.
Soviet Union did not "collapse". Russian Republic - the state that Soviet Union supposedly superseded - returned from the dead and stabbed it in the back. Then the journey backward in time went on, the Russian Republic vanished during a war and was replaced by Putin's Russian Empire.
So why did Yeltsin do it? Look to what happened afterward for the answer. The attempt to rule by decree which caused the 1993 constitutional crisis. The crisis was won by Yeltsin who replaced the Supreme Soviet with State Duma and ended any chance for democratic reform in Russia. The rampant theft of state industries by Yeltsin's backers and the creation of Russian oligarchy. That was why Yeltsin had support. He sold out the country so he could play a drunken tsar.
Look at this so-called elite CROWDSTRIKE company that have been pushing on their anti-China crap for almost a decade now to grease up and scaremonger their clients and attract potential clients into their shitty system. The threat system is from within: SEVERE INCOMPETENCE.
Things really move fast huh?This Reddit thread is too satisfying not to share. Hunters of racist Canadians regretting that the Chinese international students have left and been replaced by Indians. Looking back at the “good old days” of respectful fuerdai driving lambos in the streets. Well Canada, you get what you fucking deserve.
Chinese international students passing on Canada: 'Monotonous' and unaffordable
by u/uselesspoliticalhack in canada
Von der Leyen vows to stop China from invading Taiwan
The US warned of Beijing’s readiness to invade by 2027, which would be during the five-year mandate the Commission president is seeking.
Can the new eight national alliance take on China in 21st century? We're going to find out. China should start AR during RIMPAC 202X, would make it extra spicy.