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I would actually argue that the Free Planets Alliance is more representative of the KMT while the Imperials more akin to the CPC. While the Imperials' political ideology is in the complete opposite end of the political spectrum to that of the CPC, they were ultimately the victors of the galactic war. Reinhart ushered in an era of peace and prosperity as his legacy, much like how the CPC did.

If you look backwards in Chinese history, the government was always fundamentally authoritarian, just of different flavours between the hereditary monarchy, or the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie/proletariat. The original three principles of Chinese rejuvenation set out by Sun Yet Sen are basically the democratic ideals that Yang Wen Li is fighting for, only a corrupt government that failed to represent the people perverted these ideals for the benefit of the elite class.

Holy shit, cultured individuals in this forum.
Based on the fact that its from a Japanese POV, I actually think the Imperial is a proxy for Imperial Japan, but they can't make that too obvious and because the Empire was declared, not pre-existing, they made it more like Yuan Shikai ROC -> Chinese Empire if it succeeded.

IRL, Imperial Japan opposed both KMT and CPC while supporting Yuan Shikai making a claim to the throne. The galactic Long March immediately stood out to me as the analog to Mao.

Mao was actually a democratic idealist based on his writings (citations can be given on request), just that he knew that the reality would demand a strong government. But even after gaining power, he launched basically what were idealistic movements like the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, which were non-pragmatic, based on ideology, and the idea of "will to power" (willpower can overcome all obstacles).


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Based on the fact that its from a Japanese POV, I actually think the Imperial is a proxy for Imperial Japan, but they can't make that too obvious and because the Empire was declared, not pre-existing, they made it more like Yuan Shikai ROC -> Chinese Empire if it succeeded.

IRL, Imperial Japan opposed both KMT and CPC while supporting Yuan Shikai making a claim to the throne. The galactic Long March immediately stood out to me as the analog to Mao.

Mao was actually a democratic idealist based on his writings (citations can be given on request), just that he knew that the reality would demand a strong government. But even after gaining power, he launched basically what were idealistic movements like the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, which were non-pragmatic, based on ideology, and the idea of "will to power" (willpower can overcome all obstacles).
I think there aren't any clear cut 1-1 allegories between LOGH and the Three Kingdoms or the Late Qing-PRC eras simply due to the fact that LOGH is limited by its two factions. No, I do not consider the Church of Terra to be a plot relevant faction. By virtue of this, there can be many parallels drawn between similar events even though the ideologies do not align. It's all up to the viewer's interpretation.


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Does anyone find this whole CrowdStrike thing odd? They said a line of code in an update caused all this? Does that mean hackers only have to do this to cause chaos? Admitting it is weird because of the obvious. They should've just blamed it on hackers because I imagine they're going to get sued.
It's actually pretty easy for a single line of code to cause this much trouble when working with systems security. Due to the nature of computer systems, giving them "security" is extremely difficult, and amounts to "reducing" the functionality of the system. If done incorrectly, it could just end up "reducing" the functionality to zero.

It's a bit hard for hackers to insert a single (or more) line of code, but it can be done, and has been done before. But generally, (state-sponsored hackers aside), hackers don't really have such chaos as their objective, because it's hard to make money from such chaos.


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Getting on his knees and hawkatuahing the orange carrot already?
Funny how people are literally falling over their knees in support of Trump when the fundamental issues with regards to his assassination attempt hasn’t been addressed one bit. Just because this one attempt is foiled doesn’t mean all the future attempts on his life will be. The powers that be will not stop in their attempt on his life going from now until the elections and all it takes is one success to bring the entire nation into chaos. Somehow, I feel like the people that want this to happen have gone completely mad like all those other attempts on China in the pass few years, instant gratification for long term suffering and they are no longer hiding their madness at all
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