Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
This is just dumb. If you already bought them then you already paid money to Nike/H&M. I thought Chinese are beyond this sort of petty nationalistic showcase but many are still on the level of Indians post Ladakh.
Well I don't see anything wrong with Netizen express their displeasure and outrage at Hypocrisy and outright lie . Clothing is cheap in China and these young people want to publicize the boycott movement against western branded clothing and in doing so support Chinese indigenous clothing and fashion industry So the money wasted is pittance against the benefit of more Chinese buying domestic product of Anta and Lin na brand


OK, I've defined it just fine.
lol, You think you have defined it. Everyone has their definition according to their interests.
No, China is embarrassed that NK is failing at everything, needing aid from the world and being in a general state of squalor. Even so, they continue to spend 25% of their GDP on the military ignoring economic development. That is why they cannot develop into a counter to Japan. They need to get their foundations solid under China's military protection before they embark on building a mighty military supported by those solid foundations in science and economics.
Under China's military protection. Where is this solid military protection? Nowhere
You're always sure and then wrong LOL. I do not agree. Only 2-3 countries use that tag and they know they are just brainwashing their citizens. The vast majority of Western countries decline the genocide tag and the majority of countries don't even have an opinion. Some countries support China on the matter. The global condemnation of North Korea is much wider.
lol, It was irony. Then don't use "whole world" expression. It does not mean anything.
The US is only one member of a widely-supported international party. Russia didn't veto it either. If China doesn't like what North Korea is doing, China will vote according to its own assessment, not just whatever is opposite of the US. This is an example of China working independently while you are obsessed with revolving around America, ironically the exact thing that you accused China of.
Nope, CN did not vote according to its own assessment but to please Trump and halt upcoming US sanctions on CN. This is an example of China reactive strategy.
Anyways I stop here.


This is just dumb. If you already bought them then you already paid money to Nike/H&M. I thought Chinese are beyond this sort of petty nationalistic showcase but many are still on the level of Indians post Ladakh.

Why would you think 1.4 billion people would all behave the way you expect?

If you go digging for people doing dumb things in China, you will always be able to find something.

It's called selection bias.


lol, You think you have defined it. Everyone has their definition according to their interests.
LOL except when you define things according to incorrect English. LOL again
Under China's military protection. Where is this solid military protection? Nowhere
Wow, astounding ignorance. North Korea exists today because of Chinese military action and the US hasn't turned it into another Afghanistan because of China's military. Nowhere is where you learned history.
lol, It was irony. Then don't use "whole world" expression. It does not mean anything.
OK, the majority of the world.
Nope, CN did not vote according to its own assessment but to please Trump and halt upcoming US sanctions on CN. This is an example of China reactive strategy.
That's an example of your imagination which you cannot support except to repeat but I did support the counter argument.
Anyways I stop here.
Anytime you feel like you've been embarrassed enough, feel free to stop. When you feel masochistic again, feel free to shoot me another message. It is as it has always been.


No, China is embarrassed that NK is failing at everything, needing aid from the world and being in a general state of squalor. Even so, they continue to spend 25% of their GDP on the military ignoring economic development. That is why they cannot develop into a counter to Japan. They need to get their foundations solid under China's military protection before they embark on building a mighty military supported by those solid foundations in science and economics.

They have to spend that much on the military because they've got an enemy with a huge army right south of their border.

This is why it is imperative for NK to have a nuclear deterrent, because that would free up massive amounts of resources that are currently going towards the conventional military.

NK is also doing much better than what Western media would have you believe. I would say it's currently on the level of early 90s China, so about 30 years behind, which is actually a lot better than many countries in the world.


Junior Member
Registered Member
My point is this kind of boycott where people burn or tear stuff up is not something to be proud of.
Having too much pride might get in the way of achieving a goal. For an individual destroying their own property will be inefficient but if it's used as a publicity stunt then the value of that act magnifies exponentially for society and can create a viral effect.

People are emotional creatures and often require emotional drive to do something. It might seem counter productive to destroy their own property but it sends a strong message to many others and in the grand scheme of things it's not a high cost to pay for the effect. Think of it as a marketing cost.
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