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I have no idea what you're waffling on about. How is any of this relevant to what I said?
i give you clear answer why US has allies and vassals. US removed Qaddafi leading from behind. it was Gulf Monarchies interests to remove him. and US repeatedly demonstrated protection of Israel and i am sure it was US/Arabs interest not to allow Europe to become too powerful that helped countries like Japan. or India would have this much consumption without US and these two countries ultimately benefited Gulf Arabs. any one with technical ability can migrate to US if he/She is needed and US still wealthy than most of the world. so why do you think US will not have allies and vassals?.
About second part you can only understand Russia when you understand Gulf Monarchies. This is the most important point that you keep ignoring. Whether its FIFA 2018 Cup or Wagner/Africa or Putin deeply studying Turkish economy in 2024 or Israel/Iran or Ukraine its all about Gulf Arabs. these are unofficial constraints on Russia that are not easy to observe. Some of those constraints decreases attractiveness for sports and short term economic growth.

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Vladimir Putin on what needs to be brought back: Families used to have seven to eight children​

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Our first children should be born when the mother is about 20 years old, then the family will be able to have 4 or more children - Kuznetsova


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The bigger worry is if projection rule is true, then we are about to receive compromised wifi routers. Seems a bit unneeded given ISP is already state controlled, but what do I know.
You worry is not unfounded. The US government did have a history of planting bugs into routers. They have been doing this for a long time.

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Routers, switches, and servers made by Cisco are booby-trapped with surveillance equipment that intercepts traffic handled by those devices and copies it to the NSA’s network, the book states. Greenwald notes that there is no evidence that Cisco or other companies were aware of the program.

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But while American companies were being warned away from supposedly untrustworthy Chinese routers, foreign organisations would have been well advised to beware of American-made ones. A June 2010 report from the head of the NSA's Access and Target Development department is shockingly explicit. The NSA routinely receives – or intercepts – routers, servers and other computer network devices being exported from the US before they are delivered to the international customers.
The agency then implants backdoor surveillance tools, repackages the devices with a factory seal and sends them on. The NSA thus gains access to entire networks and all their users. The document gleefully observes that some "SIGINT tradecraft … is very hands-on (literally!)".
Eventually, the implanted device connects back to the NSA. The report continues: "In one recent case, after several months a beacon implanted through supply-chain interdiction called back to the NSA covert infrastructure. This call back provided us access to further exploit the device and survey the network."

Every accusation they make is a confession.


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What Taiwan Can Learn from Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive Against Russia​

America is laying the revanchist groundwork to claim that core areas of China don't really belong to China and in fact can belong to any country or no one - much like Putin has done before he initiated the attack on Ukraine.

In fact the proper response for this is to move the war to Europe, Israel and the Americas, the territory viewed by Washington as their own core areas. By empowering armed actors, revanchist allies of China and even just random criminal fighters in these regions, China can interdict NATO before NATO can assemble an Asian invasion force.

The other response is that should US manage to attempt invasion anyways, China must restrict fighting for US to Taiwan province only. Unlike Ukraine, which has no choice on where Russia can strike due to sheer power difference, China can reach out to anywhere in Asia with extreme violence to deter the invaders' behavior.

Were an American invasion force to, as the article threatens quote: "and every Chinese worker should understand that working in a Chinese defense factory could be his or her death warrant.", China must respond with such disproportionate violence that whoever provided the base for the terrorist attack is forever deterred from carrying out another. What I am speaking of is the replication of the most infamous civilian massacres in history, perpetrated this time through aerial means, which is well within Chinese industrial ability to deliver, anywhere up to 1000-3000km away from the mainland.

It is morally justified in the face of defense against invasion.

Through such threats alone, never mind actually needing to carry them out, China can restrict the invaders into a predictable path towards Taiwan only and prevent disruptions to economic functions on the mainland.


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What Taiwan Can Learn from Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive Against Russia​

Yeah, I'd like to see those Wanwanese rebels attempt to land on the beaches of Xiamen and march to Beijing from there. It'll absolutely be the biggest ever military operational joke the world has ever seen.
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WTF how stupid do you have to be to eat it while hot?

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Its more Sinophobia yellow peril. The Washington Post is suddenly so alarmed about kitchen accidents. But only when it involves something Chinese, i.e.: tanghulu and Tiktok. Americans have a much higher chance of getting scalded brewing hot coffee than making tanghulu.

Imagine if someone wrote that lighting a Hanukkah menorah could potentially burn down your home. That person will immediately be labeled as antisemitic and possibly serve jail time.
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Is Russian tech in these fields measurably better, or is this inertia due to reputation and maturity? Chinese contenders may be in testing or LRIP but the specifications do not suggest they are significantly worse than the Russian counterparts. If a gap truly exists, is it significant enough to justify the difference in assertiveness when it comes to foreign policy?
The problem with Nuclear reactors is they always look a lot easier to put together on paper. China can probably design a reactor as good as Russia, but actual building and operation is a painful process. Even such a mature company like Areva had the operational problems at Taishan.
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What Taiwan Can Learn from Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive Against Russia​

“Scholar” Gordon Chang, hilarious!

Personally I’m not a big fan of Taiwan liberation fanfic, Rubin, Ian Easton, they are all pretty repetitive. Pretty much like those YA vampire romance series.


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America is laying the revanchist groundwork to claim that core areas of China don't really belong to China and in fact can belong to any country or no one - much like Putin has done before he initiated the attack on Ukraine.

In fact the proper response for this is to move the war to Europe, Israel and the Americas, the territory viewed by Washington as their own core areas. By empowering armed actors, revanchist allies of China and even just random criminal fighters in these regions, China can interdict NATO before NATO can assemble an Asian invasion force.

The other response is that should US manage to attempt invasion anyways, China must restrict fighting for US to Taiwan province only. Unlike Ukraine, which has no choice on where Russia can strike due to sheer power difference, China can reach out to anywhere in Asia with extreme violence to deter the invaders' behavior.

Were an American invasion force to, as the article threatens quote: "and every Chinese worker should understand that working in a Chinese defense factory could be his or her death warrant.", China must respond with such disproportionate violence that whoever provided the base for the terrorist attack is forever deterred from carrying out another. What I am speaking of is the replication of the most infamous civilian massacres in history, perpetrated this time through aerial means, which is well within Chinese industrial ability to deliver, anywhere up to 1000-3000km away from the mainland.

It is morally justified in the face of defense against invasion.

Through such threats alone, never mind actually needing to carry them out, China can restrict the invaders into a predictable path towards Taiwan only and prevent disruptions to economic functions on the mainland.
So you do agree with me.


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