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The problem with Nuclear reactors is they always look a lot easier to put together on paper. China can probably design a reactor as good as Russia, but actual building and operation is a painful process. Even such a mature company like Areva had the operational problems at Taishan.
The French had to ask US nuclear engineers to fix issues with their EPR reactor at Taishan breaking fuel elements. And the US government leaked that news on purpose to make them look bad. While France has a highly advanced nuclear industry, much of it is based on US licensed technology. Russia has a much more solid nuclear technology base.

Just ask yourself where are other nation's equivalents of things like the Russian Burevestnik and Poseidon. Nowhere. Russia seems to have much more advanced lightweight miniaturized nuclear reactors than anyone else right now.

China has some advanced nuclear reactors like the TMSR-LF1 and the PBMR currently in the testing or exploration phase. Russia has the IZhSR, BN-1200M, BREST-300 currently in the design or construction phase. So both countries are heavily investing in Generation IV nuclear reactors.
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What Taiwan Can Learn from Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive Against Russia​

This article encourages genocide on Chinese civilians as a lesson that Taiwan can learn from Ukraine.
If China invades, the key to Taiwan’s defense will be a strong offense. Just as the Biden administration should never have sought to constrain the Ukraine fight to Ukraine itself, Taiwan should
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geographically. Scholar Gordon Chang
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that Taiwan could kill tens of millions of people by destroying Chinese dams.
Even voicing that scenario enhances Taiwan’s deterrence. Taiwanese barrages from its island of Quemoy [Kinmen] to the Chinese city of Xiamen, just a couple kilometers away, could kill tens of thousands. Infiltration need not be unidirectional. Certainly, China would seek to infiltrate Special Forces into Taiwan; Taiwan should do the same in China.
So according to Dr Michael Rubin and Gordon Chang, for Taiwan to win, it has to commit the genocide of tens of millions of Chinese civilians. This is not a Taiwanese dream, this has been an old dream of these Anglo imperialists. Only the American imperialists with genocide in their DNA could have come up with evil like this. But they want it done by Chinese Taiwanese hands, because they are that f**ked up.

Many Chinese chafe at Xi Jinping’s autocratic and corrupt rule; if Taiwan can make China falter, ordinary Chinese might take advantage to challenge the Communist Party’s disastrous rule.
Typical stereotype of China. One question to that idiotic statement. When faced with the genocidal murder of tens of millions of Chinese, what do they think think ordinary Chinese people are gonna do? Overthrow the very government that protects them, forgive the war criminals who had just genocided their kind, and then submit to them? Hell no! They're definitely gonna rally around their government because it has become an existential crisis. So then what? Should America kill them all? What about China shooting back and killing millions of Americans too?


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US Embassy in China claims Global Times retracted its story about purple faced swimmers:

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Global Times replied that the story is still up.

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netizens pointed out that the embassy replaced .shtml with .sthm1 to make it look like there was a retraction.

Original article:
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This is like doping and still losing all over again.


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This article encourages genocide on Chinese civilians as a lesson that Taiwan can learn from Ukraine.

So according to Dr Michael Rubin and Gordon Chang, for Taiwan to win, it has to commit the genocide of tens of millions of Chinese civilians. This is not a Taiwanese dream, this has been an old dream of these Anglo imperialists. Only the American imperialists with genocide in their DNA could have come up with evil like this. But they want it done by Chinese Taiwanese hands, because they are that f**ked up.

Typical stereotype of China. One question to that idiotic statement. When faced with the genocidal murder of tens of millions of Chinese, what do they think think ordinary Chinese people are gonna do? Overthrow the very government that protects them, forgive the war criminals who had just genocided their kind, and then submit to them? Hell no! They're definitely gonna rally around their government because it has become an existential crisis. So then what? Should America kill them all? What about China shooting back and killing millions of Americans too?
Chinese civil wars do tend to be pretty violent and bloody. That's just the nature of civil wars.

China could make it less bloody by convincing Taiwanese political and military elites that, if they target Chinese civilians as their American advisors suggest, China will execute them as war criminals, arrest their families, and confiscate all their relatives' wealth.

While, if they accept gracious defeat, they will be allowed to keep most of their wealth and retire as civilians under home arrest. Maybe even join the new government if their record of China hating isn't too bad.


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This article encourages genocide on Chinese civilians as a lesson that Taiwan can learn from Ukraine.

So according to Dr Michael Rubin and Gordon Chang, for Taiwan to win, it has to commit the genocide of tens of millions of Chinese civilians. This is not a Taiwanese dream, this has been an old dream of these Anglo imperialists. Only the American imperialists with genocide in their DNA could have come up with evil like this. But they want it done by Chinese Taiwanese hands, because they are that f**ked up.

Typical stereotype of China. One question to that idiotic statement. When faced with the genocidal murder of tens of millions of Chinese, what do they think think ordinary Chinese people are gonna do? Overthrow the very government that protects them, forgive the war criminals who had just genocided their kind, and then submit to them? Hell no! They're definitely gonna rally around their government because it has become an existential crisis. So then what? Should America kill them all? What about China shooting back and killing millions of Americans too?

Given Gordon’s track record it looks like reunification will happen with little bloodshed.


Registered Member
There's always a lot of these "what Taiwan can learn from xxx" articles and many times these things do not age very well in the long run.
If China invades, the key to Taiwan’s defense will be a strong offense. Just as the Biden administration should never have sought to constrain the Ukraine fight to Ukraine itself, Taiwan should not artificially limit its retaliation geographically.

"Scholar Gordon Chang suggested that Taiwan could kill tens of millions of people by destroying Chinese


As we can read, American idiots don't have any problem when it comes to war crimes just as long as their side are the ones commiting it. The statement above alone disqualifies the supposed expert's thesis by citing the always wrong and never right Comrade Gordon Chang along with his sure fire way advice of ensuring that Taiwan and her government ceases to exist if such advice were to be followed.

Even voicing that scenario enhances Taiwan’s deterrence. Taiwanese barrages from its island of Quemoy [Kinmen] to the Chinese city of Xiamen, just a couple kilometers away, could kill tens of thousands. Infiltration need not be unidirectional.

"Certainly, China would seek to infiltrate Special Forces into Taiwan; Taiwan should do the same in China. Many Chinese chafe at Xi Jinping’s autocratic and corrupt rule; if Taiwan can make China falter, ordinary Chinese might take advantage to challenge the Communist Party’s disastrous rule."


Suggesting to do an indirect fire inot the mainland from the island of Kinmen that has the potential to kill in the thousands - thousands of CIVILIANS that is - will once again enrage the whole Chinese population that the PLA will have no problem dispensing the island into oblivion if they're as idiotic as the author and his advice suggests.

"Neighboring states might also take advantage of poor Chinese morale with their own incursions into Chinese territory, a just move given decades of Chinese aggression against Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, Mongolia, and East Turkestan."


Nothing guarantees China going all out if and when the pretend junk supapowah allow itself to be fooled of taking actions not only on the line of actual control, plus the aforementioned A.P. (South Xizang), Xizang, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang.

It's no wonder that the current state of American geopolitical situation is in a mess because of credentialed people leading them into the abyss. The American can't seem or is indifferent of trying to absorb any lessons from the many failures it suffered from the preceding decades or instead of learning and having an introspection, instead the leadership seems to double down on making stupid mistakes based on the existential belief on American Providence.