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Walz and his wife also ran Educational Travel Adventures, which organized summer educational trips for high school students to China.[19]
After graduating from Chadron State College, he accepted a teaching position for a year with WorldTeach in China.[11][17]

Lol 卡建国 picked a literal seeseepee Manchurian candidate. I also couldn't find a single instance of him saying anything negative about China.
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Every man has it within him to become a tyrant or a hero, but i think Chinese culture and civilisation has cultivated generally prosocial human beings, to the point where Chinese communities in the West adopt the western sinophobic attitudes of the ruling class in an effort to allay western anxiety over being surpassed by an undoubtedly superior civilisation.

To paraphrase your average western commentator or The Economist anonymous writer, the symbolism of China ending a 60+ year gold medal streak in the men's swimming relays at the Olympics is symbolic of China eclipsing and surpassing the anglo american Five Eyes.
I know bro, that's why China refuse Obama offer of G2 moniker Chimerica,. Expansionist or hegemony is not in our blood cause we are so preoccupied due to our large population. With 1.4 billion people to contend with We just don't care about other peoples problem and this may irk people like @Arij Javaid as he want China to get involved.


Registered Member
I know bro, that's why China refuse Obama offer of G2 moniker Chimerica,. Expansionist or hegemony is not in our blood cause we are so preoccupied due to our large population. With 1.4 billion people to contend with We just don't care about other peoples problem and this may irk people like @Arij Javaid as he want China to get involved.
Tbh I do grate at the non interference of the Chinese gov and culture because I do want a Chinese expeditionary force to help train a Chinese Australian militia to be the gauntlet behind the velvet glove of the Chinese community in Australia, long at the mercy of the increasingly insecure white Anglo Australian ruling class. If the world didn’t tolerate Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa, it’s a mystery to me why we must endure an Anglo Australia that has proven itself more committed to Anglo hegemony than justice and national sovereignty.

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apparently they stole the bronze medal from the Romanian girl because they wanted to colour coordinate the medal podium, and also to boost Kamala Harris’ polls.

Arij Javaid

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China should understand that no country or individual should take them for granted.

If China shows kindness and respect, they should expect kindness in return.

The likes of Argentina, Phillipines, Elon Musk, Italy should all be sent a message.

Meloni came back to China for reconciliation. She shouldn't have left BRI in the first place. I hope china made it clear that such behavior will not be tolerated in the future.


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Walz and his wife also ran Educational Travel Adventures, which organized summer educational trips for high school students to China.[19]
After graduating from Chadron State College, he accepted a teaching position for a year with WorldTeach in China.[11][17]

Lol 卡建国 picked a literal seeseepee Manchurian candidate. I also couldn't find a single instance of him saying anything negative about China.
VPs tend to be totally powerless except in cases when the President empowers them to do more, having them act as a delegate or right hand man, which is either extremely rare or maybe has never even happened. I see Walz as more a symbolic pick than anything else. A potential hint that MAYBE a Harris administration would be more collaborative rather than confrontational with China, if they can even overcome the institutional inertia from the deep state (extremely unlikely). Picking someone with past China connections could also just be coincidental rather than intentional. Or is instead intended to signal that he understands the enemy, and hence is a good pick to combat them.
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I'm starting to lose respect for Xi Jinping if he doesn't show the middle finger to Elon and nuke Tesla.

You can't collaborate with someone who's actively working against Chinese interests across the world.

China doesn't need him. He needs china. Tell BYD and CATL to stop supplying batteries to Tesla and shut down Tesla factories in china.

China already has better EV brands.

Fuck Elon musk. If he wants to get involved in geopolitics when it's not his business. Then he should suffer from the consequences.
China has long term plans for Tesla and Elon Musk. China welcomes Tesla because of the jobs, knowledge, supply chain, and competence that they can bring. Like it or not, Tesla is one of the top EV makers in the world, so them coming to China will raise the standards in China's EV industry. Ever wondered why Chinese brands like BYD have really began to shine in the passenger EV market ever since Tesla built its gigafactory in Shanghai? Because that gigafactory created skilled workforce, supply chains, and pushed Chinese EV makers to become competitive. Tesla's presence in China contributed to the meteoric rise of BYD, XPeng, Nio, etc.

This was the same formula that China did with Apple. Apple's manufacturing operations in China stepped up its smartphone industry. The result was the rise of Chinese brands like Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, etc. Then when America tried to pull Apple out of China and sanctioned Huawei, everybody realized that it didn't really mattered. China was already more than capable of producing competitive smartphones, even under the US's semi-conductor sanctions.

If Elon Musks decides to f**k with China one day, which I think he might do. China just as can easily take his gigafactory away from him and produce their own EVs. Even if he burns it to the ground, it won't matter, because the Chinese staffs are still there, and the supply chains had already been established. Elon Musk has so much more to lose if he decides to FAFO with China. He would lose the Chinese market, his gigafactory, and a crucial supply chain. Some might ask, why the hell did Musk decided to build a gigafactory in China in the first place? Its the same reason as all the other big American brands: China is great for business.

China knows what they are doing. The Chinese government does long term industrial planning, and almost always hit their objectives. They are focused on national goals and are not bothered about scoring cheap political points. That is why China is the reigning factory of the world, and India isn't.

A potato

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China has long term plans for Tesla and Elon Musk. China welcomes Tesla because of the jobs, knowledge, supply chain, and competence that they can bring. Like it or not, Tesla is one of the top EV makers in the world, so them coming to China will raise the standards in China's EV industry. Ever wondered why Chinese brands like BYD have really began to shine in the passenger EV market ever since Tesla built its gigafactory in Shanghai? Because that gigafactory created skilled workforce, supply chains, and pushed Chinese EV makers to become competitive. Tesla's presence in China contributed to the meteoric rise of BYD, XPeng, Nio, etc.

This was the same formula that China did with Apple. Apple's manufacturing operations in China stepped up its smartphone industry. The result was the rise of Chinese brands like Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, etc. Then when America tried to pull Apple out of China and sanctioned Huawei, everybody realized that it didn't really mattered. China was already more than capable of producing competitive smartphones, even under the US's semi-conductor sanctions.

If Elon Musks decides to f**k with China one day, which I think he might do. China just as can easily take his gigafactory away from him and produce their own EVs. Even if he burns it to the ground, it won't matter, because the Chinese staffs are still there, and the supply chains had already been established. Elon Musk has so much more to lose if he decides to FAFO with China. He would lose the Chinese market, his gigafactory, and a crucial supply chain. Some might ask, why the hell did Musk decided to build a gigafactory in China in the first place? Its the same reason as all the other big American brands: China is great for business.

China knows what they are doing. The Chinese government does long term industrial planning, and almost always hit their objectives. They are focused on national goals and are not bothered about scoring cheap political points. That is why China is the reigning factory of the world, and India isn't.
Well Elon is pretty much shooting him self in the foot with his Cybertruck being a complete overpriced hunk of shite.