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Whatever the case may be, I hope this wakes Modi up to the fact that the US will not respect India as an equal and will continue to try and subvert and cause chaos in countries around the world, including its "sphere of influence" and itself one day

India and China must set aside differences to push back against the US
Its not just a Modi thing, its a Jai Hind thing. Modi doesn't even need the US to respect India as an equal. Instead Modi wants to take over the US through the Indian diaspora in the US political and business elites. Why spend the effort and time to build a Supapowa, if you can take over one yourself? This is what the Jai Hinds are thinking to themselves.

Off course Modi and the Jai Hinds underestimate the intelligence of the Americans. America have created this illusion that Indians have a path to "takeover America". Under this illusion, India is being manipulating around by America. So even when the CIA undermines what little Indian hegemony that exists, they wont think that it is aimed at them, but rather at China.

Its gonna be difficult for India to collaborate with China as long as they behave like loincloth imperialists. As long as India still tells the world that it borders with Tibet, but not China, they have imperialists intensions. The ongoing Sino-Indian tensions are 100% the fault of India. There is little that China can anymore to improve relations. Mod's RSS ideals want to realize Akhand Bharat, and the Jai Hinds are fully on board. India has no self-dignity like Iran, NK, China, or Russia. Even if the US threatens both China, and India together, India will rather identify themselves with the US white imperialists than with China.

Arij Javaid

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I'm starting to lose respect for Xi Jinping if he doesn't show the middle finger to Elon and nuke Tesla.

You can't collaborate with someone who's actively working against Chinese interests across the world.

China doesn't need him. He needs china. Tell BYD and CATL to stop supplying batteries to Tesla and shut down Tesla factories in china.

China already has better EV brands.

Fuck Elon musk. If he wants to get involved in geopolitics when it's not his business. Then he should suffer from the consequences.


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Western politicians’ feet must be like Pinocchio’s nose, they grew when they tell a lie, which explains why western politicians still have feet after shooting their feet so much. It also explains why western politicians need to lie so much, as they shot off their feet so need to lie to grow them back.

Never knew that western politicians pleasured their spouses with their feet…


Registered Member
I'm starting to lose respect for Xi Jinping if he doesn't show the middle finger to Elon and nuke Tesla.

You can't collaborate with someone who's actively working against Chinese interests across the world.

China doesn't need him. He needs china. Tell BYD and CATL to stop supplying batteries to Tesla and shut down Tesla factories in china.

China already has better EV brands.

Fuck Elon musk. If he wants to get involved in geopolitics when it's not his business. Then he should suffer from the consequences.
and who are you that President Xi or any of us should care?

You've only been here for how long and already the quality of your posts are questionable; your contribution is quite frankly, irrelevant.


Registered Member
Who am I is irrelevant to my original point.

When I criticize Chinese president in good faith, I mean it
What I'm afraid of when Xi or China in particular taste power like the American do then its the end of the multipolar world as there will be 2 bullies instead of 1 to contend with.

The best strategy to beat the Collective West or any capitalist individual like Musk is to offer an alternative, this what make China so attractive for us in the global south. We all know Tesla car are inferior without BYD how can we know?


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Walz and his wife also ran Educational Travel Adventures, which organized summer educational trips for high school students to China.[19]
After graduating from Chadron State College, he accepted a teaching position for a year with WorldTeach in China.[11][17]

Lol 卡建国 picked a literal seeseepee Manchurian candidate. I also couldn't find a single instance of him saying anything negative about China.


Registered Member
What I'm afraid of when Xi or China in particular taste power like the American do then its the end of the multipolar world as there will be 2 bullies instead of 1 to contend with.

The best strategy to beat the Collective West or any capitalist individual like Musk is to offer an alternative, this what make China so attractive for us in the global south. We all know Tesla car are inferior without BYD how can we know?
Every man has it within him to become a tyrant or a hero, but i think Chinese culture and civilisation has cultivated generally prosocial human beings, to the point where Chinese communities in the West adopt the western sinophobic attitudes of the ruling class in an effort to allay western anxiety over being surpassed by an undoubtedly superior civilisation.

To paraphrase your average western commentator or The Economist anonymous writer, the symbolism of China ending a 60+ year gold medal streak in the men's swimming relays at the Olympics is symbolic of China eclipsing and surpassing the anglo american Five Eyes.