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I’ve read on Twitter that student protestors are demanding Muhammad Yunus is included. Yunus is a US State Department fulbright scholar, Nobel peace prize, US Presidential medal, US congressional medal and signed a NED letter.

Western media are heavily pushing this guy.
Why? Why are they not pushing for Tareq Rahaman?
Doctor Yunus's past is well known. These are public information. But he has never been involved in politics.


New Member
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It's probably not actual students pushing for him, but the US state department running a propaganda campaign and influence op using fake Bangladeshi accounts.
No. Students actually asked Doctor Yunus to head the interim government.
When army chief is Sheikh Hasina's sister's husband.

US is pushing for Doctor Yunus in hope he will serve some of the interest of US. Doctor Yunus/ Mr Salah Uddin would be head of interim government, it was known to all since yesterday.
The term of interim government is 3 months.


Registered Member
Whatever the case may be, I hope this wakes Modi up to the fact that the US will not respect India as an equal and will continue to try and subvert and cause chaos in countries around the world, including its "sphere of influence" and itself one day

India and China must set aside differences to push back against the US


Registered Member
I’ve read on Twitter that student protestors are demanding Muhammad Yunus is included. Yunus is a US State Department fulbright scholar, Nobel peace prize, US Presidential medal, US congressional medal and signed a NED letter.

Western media are heavily pushing this guy.

Remember that Muhammad Yunus was the driving force behind Grameen Bank.

Given that he is likely to champion the Bangladeshi working class, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt and for him to be pragmatic.

All those awards were after the success of Grameen Bank's pioneering microcredit operations.


Registered Member
Elon is such a fucking baby, lol!
They are hiding the number of likes, quote tweets and replies a tweet has. Someone got ratio and didn't like it.

When you consider that Musk's behaviour is typical of the anglo american elite, you can readily understand how and why the US committed itself to the trade war and tech war and its mentality during the Plaza Accords.
China is Anglo-Zionism's Nemesis.


Lieutenant General
Not so much payback as idiots in DC shooting themselves in the foot time and time again.

Western politicians’ feet must be like Pinocchio’s nose, they grew when they tell a lie, which explains why western politicians still have feet after shooting their feet so much. It also explains why western politicians need to lie so much, as they shot off their feet so need to lie to grow them back.