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Lieutenant General
It's not some US government official putting it out there that the US should threaten to arm South Korea and Japan with nukes. It's another Sue Mi Terry. Easy to say it. Having nukes gives a country more independence in the world. You think the US really wants Japan and South Korea to have nukes? Does the US expect China not to make more and/or proliferate nukes in response? Why share when they can do it on their own? That's sharing responsibility with the US. They're afraid to do it alone. South Korea is easier to nuke than Japan and all the fallout from their own nukes will pass back over both of them. The US violates their own nuclear proliferation policies and they expect China to still abide by it...? The whole idea is believing it will scare China because two more countries on the US side will have available to decide to launch nukes. That's a nightmare for the US because they will be drawn into a nuclear confrontation by another country. They would be making independent decisions apart from the US or else why have them if they could rely on the US? That's why it's an empty threat. The blowback is China will make more nukes which is their worst case scenario.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
You think the US really wants Japan and South Korea to have nukes? Does the US expect China not to make more and/or proliferate nukes in response? Why share when they can do it on their own? That's sharing responsibility with the US. They're afraid to do it alone.
South Korea and Japan would "have nukes" just like Germany. US weapons on US weapons platforms, either manned by US or German troops, with the US government controlling at least the coded detonator and probably even the programming of targets.
South Korea and Japan would just be puppets of US agency.


Junior Member
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Deterring an Axis of Aggressors: A Conversation with H.R. McMaster

China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are forming a new axis of aggressors to oppose the United States and its interests. With chaos unfolding around the globe, how should the US and its allies restore deterrence, maintain global leadership, and protect the prosperity of its people? Join Chair of the Hudson Institute Japan Chair Advisory Board and former National Security Advisor LTG (Ret.) H.R. McMaster and Media Fellow Jeremy Hunt for a discussion on this topic.


1) H.R. McMaster is a far-right (i.e. neocon) ideologue/anglo-supremacist/imperialist and a professional liar that fully supports and embraces US neocon/neolib aggression against China, Russia and the rest of the true free world/global majority.

2) The Hudson Institute is a far-right (i.e. neocon) pro-US imperialist think-that actively spreads propaganda and misinformation (shamelessly). It fully embraces US aggression against the world.

Question to ask: Neo-fascists like H.R. Mc Master are a dime a dozen in the US-controlled West. How will the true free world/global majority confront/deter and if necessary defeat American Neo-fascsism (i.e. neoconsonservatism/neoliberalism)?


Registered Member
A lot of rumors on cnet that Ukraine will meet with Russians in China given the length of Kuleba's trip. I think it's very possible, after all Orban didn't come to China just to pass a message did he?

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Ukrainian FM to visit China, ‘recognizing nation’s constructive role’

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is scheduled to visit China from Tuesday to Friday, with analysts saying that this shows Ukraine is increasingly realizing that China plays not only a constructive but also a significant role in helping conflicting parties in the Ukraine crisis seek a chance for political settlement. More importantly, this proves that the so-called accusation of being a "decisive enabler" in the Russia-Ukraine conflict made by the US against China has not even been accepted by Kiev.
After his private meeting with former US president Donald Trump, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Trump will quickly demand peace talks between Russia and Ukraine if he wins November's US presidential election and has developed "well-founded plans" for doing so, the Financial Times reported on July 17. Before his trip to the US, Orban also visited Kiev, Moscow and Beijing.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Where did you learn your Chinese history? From school in USA? Especially how Confusius or his follower bothered to mess with music? When the Tang emperors enjoyed musics from central asia, do you think those are retualistic form set by Confucius? Does any folk music in the past thousands of years sound ritualistic to you?

You just got my nerves. This is the biggest bull I have heard so far in this forum. Seriously, do you speak and read Chinese, especially classic Chinese that Confucius' books were written in?
Gently now. You and I both know that Confucius was restricting music of the courts, not the musical enjoyment of the commons. With respect to the artistic environment of Tang, the rites of Zhou had long since passed. In fact, it is a demonstration of the shift (which started a good long time before Tang) away from the strict demands of ritual expression.
" 八佾舞于庭,是可忍也,孰不可忍也 " While not directly with regards to music, does show a degree of, shall we call it, restriction in the expression of the arts. You may say that this is a ceremonial work, and so restriction is with merit, but the Western churches stifled artistic expression by reason of ceremony for many hundreds of years and we still must call that a restriction.

The fact is that all Chinese governments share fundamentals since the existence of China, be it the republics or imperial ones, that is "there is always a limit for everything and anything", "没有规矩,不成方圆". So what is the purpose of calling CCP "post Qing"? Except western demonization labeling like they do in their own countries by throwing labels on opponents.
During Tang, 魏徵 was well known for lambasting 李世民. The great poets could express displeasure with their failed attempts to seek official positions. This tradition of openness ended with Qing and has continued in CCP. Can you imagine a man like 鲁迅 alive today in China? It would never happen.

Much criticism of China is unwarranted, and as you say, "Western demonization". But when you bluster about valid criticisms of China, of CCP, and label them as Western demonization, you are only a few steps above the Jai Hinds who declare all criticism of India to be CIA psyops. 五十步笑百步. No one can deny that the CCP is less tolerant of public criticism than the dynasties before Qing.

I romanticize the peaks of Han and Tang. Perhaps because of this, you and I can never see eye-to-eye on the matter of the CCP, because I begrudge the CCP the destruction of so much history. But I won't accept your slander of my valid statements as "the preaching of USA". I love my people, though I wish the CCP had never come to power. But more than 70 years have passed, and it is clear that the CCP is what will carry China into the future. I refuse your label of my comments as "I love China but hate CCP".


Senior Member
Registered Member
How did that come about, as far as I can tell there is no negative connotation with Winnie the Pooh... a traditional cartoon character loved by children
I suppose Elon still fears asset seizure or worse from Xi, so opted for an as milquetoast critique as possible. Highlighting Xi's role in expanding disneylands and a misspelled CPC belt buckle is nowhere as insulting as being depicted in a wheelchair or prison jumpsuit.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
China can escalate to deescalate by saying they will Bomb whatever facility is holding Nukes inside Japan or Sk. Then US either scraps their plan or watches China bomb its treaty allies or decides to fight WW3. I can see what choice they will make. They will back down. If China has the courage to be tough on US and its allies, US will forget about any kind of escalation in China's backyard because China has all the escalation dominance.
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Enemy State clauses is a term used to refer to article 107 and parts of article 53 of the
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. They are both exceptions to the general prohibition on the
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in relation to countries that were part of the
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Under article 107 States are allowed to take enforcement action "as a result of"
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against "any State which during the Second World War has been an enemy of
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to the present Charter", while under article 53 regional arrangements directed against the renewal of aggressive policy by a former enemy State aren't required to seek Security Council authorization before taking measures to prevent further aggression.


Registered Member
It did lasting damage to US power in eyes of the global south. But it did nothing in the eyes of the so called US allies. Whatever crazy policy Trump came up with, allies grumbled about it but eventually fell in in line and even liked them in the end. Moreover, Biden actually accepted every single one of those policies. Whether its forcing Nato to pay more for defense, USMCA treaty with Mexico and Canada, Getting out of TPP, all the anti-China moves including Huawei Bans, Tariffs and export controls. Europe became more and more anti-China thanks to all the pushing from Trump and his officials and elected more anti-China officials like Von Der Leyen.

Yes, nobody in the global south belives in the so called liberal international order, rules based order or any of those fantasies any more. This happened due to Trump. He opened the eyes of the world. So, even China or Russia does not play lip service to so called "rules" any more. Everyone knows US and its allies are all about keeping their hegemony at all costs. Free-Trade, international rules, none of these matters.

But so called US allies are also even more brazen in pursuing their interests now. They don't care about following any kind of rules. They use national security to justify anything.
However each move the EU made was more self harming in the long run - to me this is a good trade. Due to differences within the EU, what strengthens one player (e.g. auto tariffs helping French auto industry) is highly damaging to another (e.g. German automakers) and only serves to split the group. Trump calling for action now will only accelerate the disintegration of the EU and the US alliance system as it forces action whether the timing is optimal or not.
Because the US camp does not control or is even dominant in key technologies and industries (except for a handful of areas in which China is moving fast on), they don't hold the rug anymore.
I'm reasonably optimistic about a Trump presidency because it would be a period of slightly heightened pain for all parties, which ultimately hurts the originators the most.