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Messi to the least didn't think about possibly dissing Chinese fans and to the worst he could care less.

It was deliberate on Messi's part. At the presentation ceremony after the match, the HK Chief Exec was there shaking hands with the players, Messi was seen on camera bypassing the line and walking behind to join his team mates, avoiding the handshake.



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How did that come about, as far as I can tell there is no negative connotation with Winnie the Pooh... a traditional cartoon character loved by children

Because the AI model that generated the video was likely trained with data scrapped off western internet/social media sites. Since most of the China bashers troll Xi with references to Winnie the Pooh, that's the theme the AI made the association with when attempting to render Xi Jinping. I highly doubt it's intentional on Elon's part - the video knocks on Trump with him in prison jumpsuit and handcuffs even though Elon is clearly a fan of Trump, and likewise with Biden in a wheel chair.

It's just a reality what training data the AI models builds the nodes from and where that data falls. Now maybe if these AI models was able to easily scrape data off WeChat or Douyin or other Chinese social media sites, the next iteration of the video would be different.


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I am not sure the u.s realize they don't have any leverage to force China on arms control. They already have nuke submarines capable of striking China from first island chain. Nukes in Japan and SK won't make any difference
The whole point is to increase the amount of targets that China will have to destroy and increase its costs to establish deterrence. The US will be basically turning Japan and South Korea into targets for Chinese nuclear weapons.

I think this is a dumb idea on the part of the US since with modern technology it is fairly cheap to produce nuclear weapons.
To the US's detriment you could say that Russia and China are also the countries which currently have the most advanced nuclear fuel enrichment and plutonium processing capabilities right now.

Yeah, and China will just watch without doing anything? Ofcourse not. China will Bomb Japan before it ever gets nuke. Look at Israels playbook of Bombing Iraq and Syrian Nuclear plants. China will absolutely not allow Japan to have Nukes.

As for South Korea, Its too close to Beijing to have Nukes as well. I think China will put enormous military pressure on South Korea to give up.
The US will try as hard as they can to prevent Japan or South Korea from having their own nukes. That increases the risks of them getting away from US orbit of influence. For much the same reason they initially tried to prevent the French from having their own nukes.
What you are way more likely to see is nuclear sharing of US weapons like is done with Germany. It would be hard for China to preempt that from happening since the Dark Eagle will be launched with a truck based launcher, and the B61 bomb can be dropped by F-35 aircraft. They can easily deploy these systems on quick notice.

If Europe does nationalize Chinese assets, China should respond asymmetrically. The EU is expecting retaliatory tariffs so give them something unexpected like banning exports of Chinese goods paid in Euros. It will hurt them a lot as the Euro is already great under pressure from its growing debt levels and general unproductively.
This is no help. They will just use Dollars and will become even more dependent on US interests. If China wants to do that, they should just do like Russia did and force the EU to pay in Yuan. Same thing with the US.
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Maybe Kamala has a chance. She has raised 81 million USD in the 24 hours since Biden dropped out. This election is going to be win win for me. If Trump wins I want to watch how he screws America, the West, and the World, and have a good laugh. If Kamala wins I want to watch her leadership. I like Kamala, she's young, energetic, and a visible minority.

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She is also stupid and heartless as hell. She literally spent the entire Biden presidency posing like a wall paper ornament that for some stupid reason no one seems to be interested in trashing that literally accomplished literally nothing at all except make an ass out of herself in Vietnam. She simply isn’t remotely capable of doing anything but look pretty except she fails even that with that damn awful laugh that simply is demanding a WWF steel chair to the face

But yeah, I would love to see how Trump tries to fix things if he wins now given that well, he is still the same con artist that idiots flock two because of false advertising while having no clue as to wtf he is doing in all honesty


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She is also stupid and heartless as hell. She literally spent the entire Biden presidency posing like a wall paper ornament that for some stupid reason no one seems to be interested in trashing that literally accomplished literally nothing at all except make an ass out of herself in Vietnam. She simply isn’t remotely capable of doing anything but look pretty except she fails even that with that damn awful laugh that simply is demanding a WWF steel chair to the face

But yeah, I would love to see how Trump tries to fix things if he wins now given that well, he is still the same con artist that idiots flock two because of false advertising while having no clue as to wtf he is doing in all honesty

Trump is not good for US but also extremely bad for China. He and his appointed officials will be super anti-China to the point that they would rather blow up the US if it means also harming China. So, I don't think actual Chinese govt would like Trump to be in power at all.

Yes, he would also attack allies and China might be able to temporarily have some talks with them. But the general trend is clear, Europeans, European settled countries such as Australia or Canada, plus East Asian US vassals will continue to be anti-China and continue to ally and co-ordinate more anti-China moves and continue to decouple.

For so called west, the idea of western domination or so called "liberal order" is existential for their mental well being. They simply cannot stand not being dominant. It will cause a mental breakdown to their very idea of existence. So, they would do everything in their power to prevent China from rising.

Once Trump starts making extreme anti-China moves again, you will see how so called US allies will be super happy and say how Trump is tough on China. They would worship him again. They will say, whats wrong with Trump being tough on freeloading allies. Its good for them actually. The allies will fall in line and accept whatever concession Trump wants. This is how badly they want US to keep attacking China.

Taiwanese, Japanese and western liberal also initally hated Trump. But once he started making anti-China moves, they basically started to worship him and actually campaigned against Biden in 2020. I think same thing will happen again.


Junior Member
This is no help. They will just use Dollars and will become even more dependent on US interests. If China wants to do that, they should just do like Russia did and force the EU to pay in Yuan. Same thing with the US.
For Biden/Harris sure, but I'm thinking about 2025 onwards. Trump doesn't want a strong USD and actively promotes policies to devalue the USD. Trump will see Europeans counteracting his policies and Europeans will see their holdings and savings in USD get screwed over therefore actively cultivating dislike and blame between one another. China's not screwing Europe over, it's MAGA Americans to blame! After all, China didn't tell them they had to use USD, they could have used CNY or any other currency.


Registered Member
Trump is not good for US but also extremely bad for China. He and his appointed officials will be super anti-China to the point that they would rather blow up the US if it means also harming China. So, I don't think actual Chinese govt would like Trump to be in power at all.

Yes, he would also attack allies and China might be able to temporarily have some talks with them. But the general trend is clear, Europeans, European settled countries such as Australia or Canada, plus East Asian US vassals will continue to be anti-China and continue to ally and co-ordinate more anti-China moves and continue to decouple.

For so called west, the idea of western domination or so called "liberal order" is existential for their mental well being. They simply cannot stand not being dominant. It will cause a mental breakdown to their very idea of existence. So, they would do everything in their power to prevent China from rising.

Once Trump starts making extreme anti-China moves again, you will see how so called US allies will be super happy and say how Trump is tough on China. They would worship him again. They will say, whats wrong with Trump being tough on freeloading allies. Its good for them actually. The allies will fall in line and accept whatever concession Trump wants. This is how badly they want US to keep attacking China.

Taiwanese, Japanese and western liberal also initally hated Trump. But once he started making anti-China moves, they basically started to worship him and actually campaigned against Biden in 2020. I think same thing will happen again.
People were saying the same thing about Trump's initial term, however in hindsight it was a godsend. The damage he caused to US power structures, and the international trust and perception of the US, was lasting and permanent. Given the US left is also pathologically dead set against Trump, I think they will burn most of their energy bickering and sabotaging amongst themselves rather than formulate and execute coherent, consistent foreign policy with the EU, SK, JP etc.

I agree they will defend their 'liberal order', however I feel the bigger question for them is which faction of the 'liberal order' is the right faction that deserves to lead their world.


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Because the AI model that generated the video was likely trained with data scrapped off western internet/social media sites. Since most of the China bashers troll Xi with references to Winnie the Pooh, that's the theme the AI made the association with when attempting to render Xi Jinping. I highly doubt it's intentional on Elon's part - the video knocks on Trump with him in prison jumpsuit and handcuffs even though Elon is clearly a fan of Trump, and likewise with Biden in a wheel chair.

It's just a reality what training data the AI models builds the nodes from and where that data falls. Now maybe if these AI models was able to easily scrape data off WeChat or Douyin or other Chinese social media sites, the next iteration of the video would be different.
So are you telling me that there is a relatiively large group of chronically online Westerners, politely speaking, commiting physical and self-indulgent behavior over and drawing fantasy depictions of Kamala Harris?