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Idiots. Its articles like these that makes us want China to rapidly build up its nuclear arsenal.
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The authors are cheering the prospects of the US sharing and placing nukes in Japan and South Korea to threaten China to back down. They are concerned about China's nuclear weapons build up, but also boasted that the US arsenal is ten times larger and has a first use policy. I.e. they can threaten to nuke China anytime they like.

They want the US to "escalate to de-escalate" its nuclear posture in order to compel China to stop its nuclear build up and open itself up for inspections and limitations. But then, they also casually say that if China does back down, the US "might" only reciprocate if it feels like it. Then what kinda deal is that? They want China to repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union? LOL! Such is their arrogance and childishness.

China is not gonna repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union and it's older, more naive self. The US has proven beyond doubt that it can never be trusted. If you surrender your power, the US is never gonna stop. It'll continue to push until your great nation ceases to exist. Now that China has the economic and industrial advantage, it has to work towards undermining the US dollar, and rapidly matching up with US military power. The US elites have only themselves to blame for this. Their threats are existential. They have given major adversaries like China and Russia no other choice.


Junior Member
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Idiots. Its articles like these that makes us want China to rapidly build up its nuclear arsenal.
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The authors are cheering the prospects of the US sharing and placing nukes in Japan and South Korea to threaten China to back down. They are concerned about China's nuclear weapons build up, but also boasted that the US arsenal is ten times larger and has a first use policy. I.e. they can threaten to nuke China anytime they like.

They want the US to "escalate to de-escalate" its nuclear posture in order to compel China to stop its nuclear build up and open itself up for inspections and limitations. But then, they also casually say that if China does back down, the US "might" only reciprocate if it feels like it. Then what kinda deal is that? They want China to repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union? LOL! Such is their arrogance and childishness.

China is not gonna repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union and it's older, more naive self. The US has proven beyond doubt that it can never be trusted. If you surrender your power, the US is never gonna stop. It'll continue to push until your great nation ceases to exist. Now that China has the economic and industrial advantage, it has to work towards undermining the US dollar, and rapidly matching up with US military power. The US elites have only themselves to blame for this. Their threats are existential. They have given major adversaries like China and Russia no other choice.
China can escalate to deescalate by saying they will Bomb whatever facility is holding Nukes inside Japan or Sk. Then US either scraps their plan or watches China bomb its treaty allies or decides to fight WW3. I can see what choice they will make. They will back down. If China has the courage to be tough on US and its allies, US will forget about any kind of escalation in China's backyard because China has all the escalation dominance.


Trump is not good for US but also extremely bad for China. He and his appointed officials will be super anti-China to the point that they would rather blow up the US if it means also harming China. So, I don't think actual Chinese govt would like Trump to be in power at all.

Yes, he would also attack allies and China might be able to temporarily have some talks with them. But the general trend is clear, Europeans, European settled countries such as Australia or Canada, plus East Asian US vassals will continue to be anti-China and continue to ally and co-ordinate more anti-China moves and continue to decouple.

For so called west, the idea of western domination or so called "liberal order" is existential for their mental well being. They simply cannot stand not being dominant. It will cause a mental breakdown to their very idea of existence. So, they would do everything in their power to prevent China from rising.

Once Trump starts making extreme anti-China moves again, you will see how so called US allies will be super happy and say how Trump is tough on China. They would worship him again. They will say, whats wrong with Trump being tough on freeloading allies. Its good for them actually. The allies will fall in line and accept whatever concession Trump wants. This is how badly they want US to keep attacking China.

Taiwanese, Japanese and western liberal also initally hated Trump. But once he started making anti-China moves, they basically started to worship him and actually campaigned against Biden in 2020. I think same thing will happen again.
It's a zero sum game; if he can do more divisive and mismanagment damage to the US and the Western alliance than China can prevent him from doing to China, it's a win for us. Given the current political situation, no US president should be "good" for China; they should all have thier own ways of trying to hurt China while lifitng the US. Given this, the best US president for China is the dumbest one, known for wrecklessly attacking while forgetting about defense and recoil, one who slaps his own allies in rage and undermines the very being of his own nation.

And sure, ultimately, the currently Western-aligned nations want to follow a strong US to continue the current world order so any frays developed during Trump's term are only temporary to buy China time, but when it comes to China, time is all we need.
China can escalate to deescalate by saying they will Bomb whatever facility is holding Nukes inside Japan or Sk. Then US either scraps their plan or watches China bomb its treaty allies or decides to fight WW3. I can see what choice they will make. They will back down. If China has the courage to be tough on US and its allies, US will forget about any kind of escalation in China's backyard because China has all the escalation dominance.
LOL The US would be happy if the fight could be contained to Asia and Korea and Japan got nuked. It doesn't care at all about any of its allies; they are all pawns to be sacked at the right time, especially the Asian ones. What would really cause the US to de-escalate is if China sent nuclear weapons to Venezuela and Cuba, built 2,000 DF-51, dropped No-First-Use Policy, and put into law that any attack by a NATO member is considered an attack by the US. That will have the US going from from aggressive jackass to hippie on weed instantaneously.

"Woah, man, chill out! Why are you singling us out? What did we ever do to you? Why are you threatening us when we would never threaten you? Why are you so aggressive; can't we talk in peace and civility without trying to hurt each other? We helped you during WWII, remember? We're allies! Why can't you just live and let live?" All the ironic shit is going to come out of America's mouth all at once as if China instead of the US started all the wars after WWII.
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Junior Member
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It was deliberate on Messi's part. At the presentation ceremony after the match, the HK Chief Exec was there shaking hands with the players, Messi was seen on camera bypassing the line and walking behind to join his team mates, avoiding the handshake.

The Argentina football team racist song and how vice president of Argentina response is show how white wannabe country want to align with white master yet still want to portrait themselves as victims. It pathetic and hypocrist .


Registered Member
Where did you learn your Chinese history? From school in USA? Especially how Confusius or his follower bothered to mess with music? When the Tang emperors enjoyed musics from central asia, do you think those are retualistic form set by Confucius? Does any folk music in the past thousands of years sound ritualistic to you?

You just got my nerves. This is the biggest bull I have heard so far in this forum. Seriously, do you speak and read Chinese, especially classic Chinese that Confucius' books were written in?

You are basically rebuting the music bull yourself.

This is another "I love China but hate CCP" bull that has been circuling around, the other similars are "Japan is more Chinese than China", "Oversea Chinese are more Chinese", "ROC is more Chinese than PRC" etc.

The fact is that all Chinese governments share fundamentals since the existence of China, be it the republics or imperial ones, that is "there is always a limit for everything and anything", "没有规矩,不成方圆". So what is the purpose of calling CCP "post Qing"? Except western demonization labeling like they do in their own countries by throwing labels on opponents.

The preaching of USA is a poison, not only to themselves but to the whole world.
I get Chongqinghotpot vibes. Suss Chinese language skills, poor to no understanding of history, english too good for claimed background.


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People were saying the same thing about Trump's initial term, however in hindsight it was a godsend. The damage he caused to US power structures, and the international trust and perception of the US, was lasting and permanent. Given the US left is also pathologically dead set against Trump, I think they will burn most of their energy bickering and sabotaging amongst themselves rather than formulate and execute coherent, consistent foreign policy with the EU, SK, JP etc.

I agree they will defend their 'liberal order', however I feel the bigger question for them is which faction of the 'liberal order' is the right faction that deserves to lead their world.

It did lasting damage to US power in eyes of the global south. But it did nothing in the eyes of the so called US allies. Whatever crazy policy Trump came up with, allies grumbled about it but eventually fell in in line and even liked them in the end. Moreover, Biden actually accepted every single one of those policies. Whether its forcing Nato to pay more for defense, USMCA treaty with Mexico and Canada, Getting out of TPP, all the anti-China moves including Huawei Bans, Tariffs and export controls. Europe became more and more anti-China thanks to all the pushing from Trump and his officials and elected more anti-China officials like Von Der Leyen.

Yes, nobody in the global south belives in the so called liberal international order, rules based order or any of those fantasies any more. This happened due to Trump. He opened the eyes of the world. So, even China or Russia does not play lip service to so called "rules" any more. Everyone knows US and its allies are all about keeping their hegemony at all costs. Free-Trade, international rules, none of these matters.

But so called US allies are also even more brazen in pursuing their interests now. They don't care about following any kind of rules. They use national security to justify anything.