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. The US violates their own nuclear proliferation policies and they expect China to still abide by it...?
Yes, this sort of thinking appears to have become more pronounced since the Zionist capture of the Beltway, and it fits with the mentality of the Zionist with themes of scapegoats and fooling god with loopholes. You saw this when the U.S. pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal but the Europeans still expected Iran to abide by it, even as they followed American sanctions.

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if Anglo Americans aren’t willing to die for their mail order brides and a country from which they source their nursing home orderlies and child abuse victims, what makes japanese think they’ll stick their necks out for a people who only 40 years ago, they were decrying as the new China? Trump singularly hates the japanese due to business competition from the 80s.


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Enemy State clauses is a term used to refer to article 107 and parts of article 53 of the
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. They are both exceptions to the general prohibition on the
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in relation to countries that were part of the
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Under article 107 States are allowed to take enforcement action "as a result of"
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against "any State which during the Second World War has been an enemy of
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to the present Charter", while under article 53 regional arrangements directed against the renewal of aggressive policy by a former enemy State aren't required to seek Security Council authorization before taking measures to prevent further aggression.
Some rando named "Sue Mi Terry" probably does not understand this.

Also the reason why in the past US had nukes stationed there and even in parts of China, then at some point, China presumably gave them nuclear ultimatum to fuck off and US had no choice but to obey. Letting Axis country make their own nukes would mean immediate war.

But either way what I predict is that China believes Trump will win, so Xi has prepared a Trump shaped trap already in the middle east. That way, open war will not reach Asia. China will fight US covertly in Lebanon, in Yemen and maybe in Iran, the same way China is fighting US indirectly in Ukraine.


Registered Member
Gently now. You and I both know that Confucius was restricting music of the courts, not the musical enjoyment of the commons. With respect to the artistic environment of Tang, the rites of Zhou had long since passed. In fact, it is a demonstration of the shift (which started a good long time before Tang) away from the strict demands of ritual expression.
" 八佾舞于庭,是可忍也,孰不可忍也 " While not directly with regards to music, does show a degree of, shall we call it, restriction in the expression of the arts. You may say that this is a ceremonial work, and so restriction is with merit, but the Western churches stifled artistic expression by reason of ceremony for many hundreds of years and we still must call that a restriction.

During Tang, 魏徵 was well known for lambasting 李世民. The great poets could express displeasure with their failed attempts to seek official positions. This tradition of openness ended with Qing and has continued in CCP. Can you imagine a man like 鲁迅 alive today in China? It would never happen.

Much criticism of China is unwarranted, and as you say, "Western demonization". But when you bluster about valid criticisms of China, of CCP, and label them as Western demonization, you are only a few steps above the Jai Hinds who declare all criticism of India to be CIA psyops. 五十步笑百步. No one can deny that the CCP is less tolerant of public criticism than the dynasties before Qing.

I romanticize the peaks of Han and Tang. Perhaps because of this, you and I can never see eye-to-eye on the matter of the CCP, because I begrudge the CCP the destruction of so much history. But I won't accept your slander of my valid statements as "the preaching of USA". I love my people, though I wish the CCP had never come to power. But more than 70 years have passed, and it is clear that the CCP is what will carry China into the future. I refuse your label of my comments as "I love China but hate CCP".
Question: you do know its CPC right?


Lieutenant General
Yes, this sort of thinking appears to have become more pronounced since the Zionist capture of the Beltway, and it fits with the mentality of the Zionist with themes of scapegoats and fooling god with loopholes. You saw this when the U.S. pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal but the Europeans still expected Iran to abide by it, even as they followed American sanctions.

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if Anglo Americans aren’t willing to die for their mail order brides and a country from which they source their nursing home orderlies and child abuse victims, what makes japanese think they’ll stick their necks out for a people who only 40 years ago, they were decrying as the new China? Trump singularly hates the japanese due to business competition from the 80s.
Yes their side seems to think China can't counter. Somehow they think China is suppose follow their rules while they don't have to. Look at how Trump demanded China join strategic arms limitation talks but also wondered out loud that the US should make more nukes. What was the result? The US upset that China is going to about triple its nuclear arsenal in a decade.

The thing is what the US's dumb allies in Asia somehow think China is the one that will start the war. If so China doesn't need a lot of nukes to obliterate them and with little warning for them to respond effectively. So what's the point of having them unless they're open to them using them first. Which is why the US doesn't want South Korea and Japan to have nukes. Americans would have less control not more.


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Yes their side seems to think China can't counter. Somehow they think China is suppose follow their rules while they don't have to. Look at how Trump demanded China join strategic arms limitation talks but also wondered out loud that the US should make more nukes. What was the result? The US upset that China is going to about triple its nuclear arsenal in a decade.

As I have said before in an earlier post, I think it is the unconscious racism. They just can't take an Asian country seriously because at some level they still think that the other side is going to buckle and give in, or that if push came to shove, that it is a paper tiger and actually weak. There is still an idea or assumption in some circles that the people in China are oppressed and secretly yearning to overthrow their government, and that with a bit of pressure the whole edifice will come crashing down. Another side assumption is that Chinese are militarily incompetent and that their tech is all junk. Of course both of these are ideas that remind me of what Hitler thought about the Soviet Union before Operation Barbarossa and we know how that turned out.

That said, I do think that China should react with an immediate tit for tat retaliation if EU or NATO were to do tariffs or try to confiscate assets respectively. The reason is based on psychology. The reason is if there is too much separation in time from the response, many people will not be able to link cause and effect, or link punishment to the offence. It's like how one disciplines a dog. Punishment has to be immediate in the context of the transgression. Delayed punishment is not understood. That's why I think China taking the high road of issuing some empty verbal protest or doing some subtle retaliation a year or more down the line is useless, because it is not seen as a response but as some sneaky unwarranted bullying/aggression by China. Obviously there has to be some consideration to prevent an escalation spiral but immediate pain inflicted will hopefully make them think twice before trying anything. I admit stupid politicians like Trump though still might as by accounts of those around him, he was shocked that China put counter tariffs. People like him have been so used to slapping others who knuckle down and bow without retaliation that they are genuinely shocked when the other side punches back.


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Breaking News: From July 21 to 23, 14 major Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, held internal reconciliation dialogues in Beijing and signed the "Beijing Declaration" on ending internal divisions and strengthening Palestinian unity.

Source: Global Times


Registered Member
Breaking News: From July 21 to 23, 14 major Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, held internal reconciliation dialogues in Beijing and signed the "Beijing Declaration" on ending internal divisions and strengthening Palestinian unity.

Source: Global Times
If Zionists do nothing but encourage their Anglo dogs to make war on China, then China will obliterate the idea of Zionism itself.


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Least retarded western analysis
So it used to be China 'stoking tensions' in SCS to drive up nationalism due to 'collapsing economy'. Now it's China resolving tensions in SCS also because of 'collapsing economy'???

Western analysis today be like: China does literally anything = It's because of the collapsing economy

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