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I can see H&M sales had sales of $1.2 Billion in China for 2019.

A few years back, we saw Dolce and Gabbana insult Chinese people on Instagram.
Their sales crashed 98% in China and there were videos of their very expensive products being burned on the streets by their owners.

We've also seen consumer boycotts of Japanese and Korean products previously.

Suppose a boycott spreads to German automakers or the luxury fashion groups from France and Italy?


Personally, I think there is too much mindless materialism where more spending is equated with being better.
Seriously, is there any practical difference between a $200 bag and a bag which costs 10x as much?

So I reckon lower spending on luxury goods and increased spending elsewhere would be a good thing for Chinese society.

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Apparently H&M isn't even doing this out of pressure from EU government. One of the execs saw Xinjiang related news and is doing this out of the "goodness" of his or her heart.


Registered Member
I can see H&M sales had sales of $1.2 Billion in China for 2019.

A few years back, we saw Dolce and Gabbana insult Chinese people on Instagram.
Their sales crashed 98% in China and there were videos of their very expensive products being burned on the streets by their owners.

We've also seen consumer boycotts of Japanese and Korean products previously.

Suppose a boycott spreads to German automakers or the luxury fashion groups from France and Italy?
Ouch that will hurt H&M, and its fully deserved. In this world where Chinese companies get so much stick for just being Chinese. Any foreign company cannot get away with earning big bucks in China while undermining China at the same time. Whether H&M likes or dislikes the Chinese government, they should have just learnt to STFU on any sensitive topics in China. The other big foreign companies in China are doing just that, and they are doing fine. It seems like they have learned nothing from what happened to D&G and Houston Rockets.

Yes, since the EU sanctions, I suppose the people of China are gonna question why are they enriching these European businesses after their idiotic governments sanctioned China over slander. I hope that this threat will start to spook the big European businesses in China. I recall when Huawei and ZTE were banned in Sweden, Ericsson's CEO (of all people) reportedly lobbied to the Swedish government to reverse this decision. Because Ericsson is a major participant in the Chinese 5G megaproject. He even threatened to have Ericsson leave Sweden (I think it's definitely theatrics). It ultimately didn't work, but Ericsson was spared from being booted out of China's 5G megaproject (for now). This shows that European companies cannot ignore the power of the Chinese market.

Personally, I think there is too much mindless materialism where more spending is equated with being better.
Seriously, is there any practical difference between a $200 bag and a bag which costs 10x as much?

So I reckon lower spending on luxury goods and increased spending elsewhere would be a good thing for Chinese society.

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Yes, I think patriotism needs to be emphasized in China to reign in excessive materialism. Materialism after all, is an unshakable part of Chinese culture. Xi Jinping have said that the CPC wants to build a 'moderately prosperous society'. Not an excessively prosperous society. China must try to steer its society away from grotesque wealth worshipping that we see in practically all societies in the 'free world'. Materialism, and ambition can be tolerated as long as it stays in line. But once it crosses into greed and excess, it becomes dangerous. As we can see with the moral corruption happening in the West.
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Registered Member
Apparently H&M isn't even doing this out of pressure from EU government. One of the execs saw Xinjiang related news and is doing this out of the "goodness" of his or her heart.
LOL.. WTH? Then H&M has two tough choices:

1) Fire that exec. Apologize to China and the Chinese people. And try to work on damage control. Then maybe, just maybe their business in China could still be saved. But do it fast, that 'window of forgiveness' is shrinking by the hour.


2) Prepare for some tough love from China and the Chinese people. Prepare to cut back on revenue projections from 2021 onwards.


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UN officials must meet to head off growing threats to world peace, diplomats from Beijing and Moscow have insisted, in a joint statement published on Tuesday, with Russia saying both states are concerned about American behavior.
At a meeting in the Chinese city of Guilin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his counterpart Wang Yi said that “at a time of increasing global political turbulence, a summit of the permanent members of the UN Security Council is particularly necessary to establish direct dialogue about ways to resolve humankind’s common problems in the interests of maintaining global stability.”
While the joint statement avoided attributing blame for the tense geopolitical situation, Lavrov singled out the US for criticism when taking questions from journalists.

Speaking about economic measures from Washington currently faced by both countries, Lavrov said that “you cannot do global business by means of ultimatums and sanctions, or force other countries to behave as expected of them. We have a proverb: You can't force your love on another person. Unfortunately, the United States has not learned this and is acting from the opposite position.”
“I’m convinced that Russia and China will do their best to ensure their safety and protection against the threats coming from the states that are unfriendly towards our respective countries,”
Moscow’s top diplomat said.
“We noted the destructive nature of US intentions, relying on the military-political alliances of the Cold War era and creating new closed alliances in the same spirit, to undermine the UN-centered international legal architecture,” Lavrov added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese premier Xi Jinping have repeatedly called for the permanent representatives on the Council, charged with ruling on global military and security issues, to convene. As well as Beijing and Moscow, three other countries share this status on the body – France, the US and the United Kingdom.
Faced with Western sanctions, Russia and China have increasingly sought to combine their diplomatic efforts. At the beginning of March, Yi called on his Russian counterparts to work together to “build a model of strategic mutual trust, firmly supporting each other in upholding our fundamental interests, joining forces against ‘color revolutions,’ and fighting all types of false information, and maintaining our sovereignty and political security.”
According to Beijing’s most senior envoy, “China and Russia have always been the pillars of peace and stability in the world.”


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How true is this? I find it hard to believe since the Taiwan Straits is heavily patrolled by the PLAAF and the PLAN. Chinese jets would surely be able to pickup and buzz that US plane off. Plus the Chinese Foreign Ministry would surely be making lots of noises over this.
US close-in reconnaissance on China hits new record amid PLA live-fire exercises (2021-03-23)

The US on Monday sent a spy plane to conduct a close-in reconnaissance on China’s southern coastal regions setting a new record as the closest approach to China’s coastlines coinciding with live-fire exercises held by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the region.

An RC-135U Combat Sent electronic reconnaissance aircraft from the US Air Force entered the South China Sea on Monday through the Bashi Channel to conduct reconnaissance operations on China’s southern coastal regions, the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI), a think tank based in Beijing, revealed the same day.

During its flight, the US aircraft reached a location where it was only 25.33 nautical miles away from China’s coastlines, setting a new record in the publicly available information, the think tank said.

Usually, close-in reconnaissance operations by US aircrafts on China stay at a distance of about 50 to 70 nautical miles, and the 25.33 nautical miles reached this time are unexpected, because this means the aircraft was already at the edge of the contiguous zone, a band of water extending farther from the outer edge of the territorial sea to up to 24 nautical miles from the baseline, SCSPI said.

The event showed that the intensity of US military reconnaissance on China has again increased and will definitely result in a potentially higher military risk, SCSPI noted.

Close-in reconnaissance flights over live-fire exercise sites pose a great risk of misfiring, experts warned.

The report added that the US will likely continue to rally regional allies and partners to interfere in regional affairs and enhance its frontier military presence, as well as intensify its activity in the region in an effort to achieve the maritime containment of China.


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H&M and infact every foreign clothing brand should be thrown out of China.
1. They pay their workers slave wages despite billions in profit.
2. They don't sell novelty items, any Chinese company can manufacture the same quality stuff at half the price.
3. Will help in Dual circulation.