Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
There is something else going on here, that we do not see. At least I know I do not see it.

As of this moment, the Chinese are willing to sacrifice the CAI (which would be very minor as they would revert to the old deals), and the Chinese seem willing to sacrifice Huawei 5G business in much of Europe.

Note, that this may not happen, as this Sanctions War can blow away like a rain storm.

What the Chinese did was disproportionate. 10 politicians and 4 organizations! That was great! Probably more is coming, Chinese sanctions against America, UK and Canada.

The CCP is looking for a fight, and deliberately pushing the EU closer to America, for the moment at least.


That I do not see just yet.

The EU is not an United whole (part of their main problem), not even within the same country or the same party.

There are treasonous pro-American factions willing to sacrifice European interests to further American agendas infesting European capitals and institutions actively pushing the EU towards America and away from China.

Appeasement and goodwill means nothing to these people, as evidenced by them shitting on the gift that is CAI. Hence China is bringing out thestick.

Firstly it is a warning shot on a personal level to any who want to cheerlead actions to damage China - you are free to do so if you don’t mind being blacklisted and kissing away any chance of a comfortable retirement collecting saved up brides in the form of massively inflated ‘salaries’ doing nothing for companies they helped out when they were in power.

Secondly, it supplies ammunition for the behind-closed-doors court struggles within European parties where those opposed to the pro-American traitors can point to real harm their grandstanding idiocy has cost the EU.

Lastly, Chinese-Russian strategic negotiations are an unsustainable reminder to the EU that if push hard enough, China have hard power cards it can play that will damage the EU way beyond mere economics.

It is a step that absolutely needs to be done, otherwise there will be no stopping those American assets from pushing the EU ever closer to the US if they can demonstrate that you can score cheap political points shitting on China for no economic cost.


Lieutenant General

How true is this? I find it hard to believe since the Taiwan Straits is heavily patrolled by the PLAAF and the PLAN. Chinese jets would surely be able to pickup and buzz that US plane off. Plus the Chinese Foreign Ministry would surely be making lots of noises over this.

That plane is still in international airspace. Not much China can do about it.

Besides, America does this all the time, and Chinese response is to not react. Because a huge part of the rationale for such American probing is to try to gauge and test Chinese detection capabilities and response times.

Since there isn’t much beyond mere theatrics that could be achieved with ‘intercepting’ such flights, China does well by simply refusing to pay this game.

OTOH, China takes great delight triggering Japan and Taiwan into revealing great insight into their capabilities and response times with their own (far less aggressive) probing into their self declared ADIZs, while at the same time inflicting massive costs and wear and tire on their fighter fleets and generally making them waste all their airframe hours playing stupid games for zero benefit.


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The most powerful millennial called up the other three socialist countries today to notify them of 8th Congress of the WPK and call for unity among socialist countries as well as stand together against imperialist. About half a day prior to this he sent a similar verbal message to Xi.

And also today he launched two missiles, there seem to be still some confusion over weather they are cruise missiles or ballistic missiles.

I don't know what Kim is up to but I'm liking it.


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The most powerful millennial called up the other three socialist countries today to notify them of 8th Congress of the WPK and call for unity among socialist countries as well as stand together against imperialist. About half a day prior to this he sent a similar verbal message to Xi.

And also today he launched two missiles, there seem to be still some confusion over weather they are cruise missiles or ballistic missiles.

I don't know what Kim is up to but I'm liking it.
Kim is such a madlad the US doesn't even know how to deal with him

Just some days ago he openly blackmailed the Americans. He basically told them to not rock the boat too much otherwise he will start nuclear tests and sink the Democrats reputation inside the US haha


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Funny that H&M won't do business with 'forced labour' companies in Xinjiang, China. But have no issues selling their wares in the US, a country confirmed to operate prison labour. Not only that, the US has the largest incarceration rate per 100k people. Plus, a huge proportion of the incarcerated happens to be ethnic minorites like the Blacks and Hispanics.

But off course. For H&M, alleged forced labour in China deserves more action than real penal labour in the US. How 'consistent' of H&M.

If we wanna argue for the sake of fighting against forced labour. H&M have the right to be boycotted just for doing business in America. But H&M still wants to play the Xinjiang slander game with China. They deserved to be boycotted in China!

I can see H&M sales had sales of $1.2 Billion in China for 2019.

A few years back, we saw Dolce and Gabbana insult Chinese people on Instagram.
Their sales crashed 98% in China and there were videos of their very expensive products being burned on the streets by their owners.

We've also seen consumer boycotts of Japanese and Korean products previously.

Suppose a boycott spreads to German automakers or the luxury fashion groups from France and Italy?


Personally, I think there is too much mindless materialism where more spending is equated with being better.
Seriously, is there any practical difference between a $200 bag and a bag which costs 10x as much?

So I reckon lower spending on luxury goods and increased spending elsewhere would be a good thing for Chinese society.

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Registered Member
I can see H&M sales had sales of $1.2 Billion in China for 2019.

A few years back, we saw Dolce and Gabbana insult Chinese people on Instagram.
Their sales crashed 98% in China and there were videos of their very expensive products being burned on the streets by their owners.

We've also seen consumer boycotts of Japanese and Korean products previously.

Suppose a boycott spreads to German automakers or the luxury fashion groups from France and Italy?


Personally, I think there is too much mindless materialism where more spending is equated with being better.
Seriously, is there any practical difference between a $200 bag and a bag which costs 10x as much?

So I reckon lower spending on luxury goods and increased spending elsewhere would be a good thing for Chinese society.

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Maybe this is a calculated signal to the EU and US to not rock the boat too much.

From what I saw the H&M statement on forced labour was made last year, so why make a fuss about it now?

IMO, a signal to the EU to stop their "genocide" propaganda, and that if they dont stop then China will start systematically removing EU companies from it's market.

I expect a lot of EU companies are sweating right now and they are frantically lobbying their politicians to stop fcking around with China


Registered Member
EU is at the start of the 3rd wave of COVID-19 lockdown. They are currently at 10% vaccinated, and a lot of that is with AstraZeneca, the worst one on the market.

I think it's safe to say this year EU's GDP is fucked. If they want to escalate sanction than good luck.

But you know who's sweating the most at the moment? Ukraine. Let's see in recent days they pissed off China with that nationalising engine factory, they pissed off Russia with new offensive in eastern Ukraine. EU their main backer is in trouble and Russia and China are now closer than ever since the days of Sino-Soviet cooperation.

If things go badly for them there may not be an independent Ukraine by this time next year. Watch what Russia does next, it's going to be good.


Registered Member
EU is at the start of the 3rd wave of COVID-19 lockdown. They are currently at 10% vaccinated, and a lot of that is with AstraZeneca, the worst one on the market.

I think it's safe to say this year EU's GDP is fucked. If they want to escalate sanction than good luck.

But you know who's sweating the most at the moment? Ukraine. Let's see in recent days they pissed off China with that nationalising engine factory, they pissed off Russia with new offensive in eastern Ukraine. EU their main backer is in trouble and Russia and China are now closer than ever since the days of Sino-Soviet cooperation.

If things go badly for them there may not be an independent Ukraine by this time next year. Watch what Russia does next, it's going to be good.
Didn't China also send a business delegation to Crimea recently?


Registered Member
Maybe this is a calculated signal to the EU and US to not rock the boat too much.

From what I saw the H&M statement on forced labour was made last year, so why make a fuss about it now?

IMO, a signal to the EU to stop their "genocide" propaganda, and that if they dont stop then China will start systematically removing EU companies from it's market.

I expect a lot of EU companies are sweating right now and they are frantically lobbying their politicians to stop fcking around with China

That is exactly what it is