Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
The EuroParl has little power. They can only veto bills. Even then there are ways to circumvent their veto.
It has power on trade deals though. The EU has 2 ways to pass trade deals.

1st is pass the trade deal through all the EU countries Parliaments which would be a nightmare. You would have elections, US meddling, or a specific country populist party might not agree. E.g look at the shitshown with the EU trade deal with Latin America..

2nd is to just pass it by the EU Parliament which is much more streamlined and would be much faster and easier to pass. However, the EU Parliament is fully brainwashed and it would be difficult to pass through the China deal.


Registered Member
Are these EU parliamentarians insane ? Something very fishy is happening here ! Not an ounce of self-reflection ? WTF !? Are these people literal sociopaths/psychopaths/maniacs ? This is a serious question.
Usually unwanted national political people are send to Brussels. Talked about this with some people today how Brussels is run by clowns..


Registered Member
Usually unwanted national political people are send to Brussels. Talked about this with some people today how Brussels is run by clowns..

The average person in the EU has absolutely no idea who is their elected MEP in Brussels, because they are elected from a party list based on proportional representation.

And the National governments want to keep it that way.

If people actually had to vote directly for their MEP in Brussels, why, the European Parliament might actually start thinking they can make up new Federal laws.

So yes, the European Parliament is deliberately populated by clowns unwanted by their own national parties.

And my opinion is that MEPs should be directly elected, otherwise the federal EU government will always suffer from a crisis of legitimacy.


Registered Member
No, you got it backwards, CAI was a gift China gave the EU with the understanding that they will stay neutral in the US-China power struggle.

The EU shat all over that deal by co-ordinating and siding with the US on the patently and blatantly farce that is the totally made up Uighur ‘genocide’ and imposing sanctions on China.

Rather than rip up the deal, China is bitch-slapping the EU do their own pride and hubris would make them throw away this gift all by themselves.

This serves two goals. Firstly it means the EU doesn’t get any freebies from China. The second is a longer term and more uncertain play whereby in the future, when the EU comes back to China cap in hand, China can point back to this moment and the people responsible and pinpoint to the EU precisely when they screwed up and who they need to blame. Maybe one enough heads have been served up on silver platters China might forgive them. But for him the EU has burnt this bridge. If they don’t cancel the deal, China most assuredly will.

Yes, the CAI is a "gift" to the EU in that it allows greater access to the Chinese market.
It would be stupid for the EU to stop it.

But here's a thought.

Remember that MEPs are elected from a party list via proportional representation rather than directly elected.

And historically there is a very high turnover of MEPs.

So it could be as simple as those dissenting MEPs being deselected by their national parties in the next round of elections.

I can imagine Finance, Trade and Business Ministers in many National parties making this happen.


Lieutenant General
The EU as it is was actually something no one wanted, but was the best that could be compromised due chiefly to the UK playing spoiler and opposing pretty much all suggestions that would make the EU functionally better due to their pathological fear of anything that remotely looked like a step towards an United Europe.

With the UK having booted itself out of the EU, it is way past time for massive reforms. But sadly the poison pill the British left at the behest of the Americans are a whole host of former Soviet block new EU members eager to take up the UK’s old spoiler and American veto role.

The EU today is basically just a bunch of spoilt rich kids living off the wealth inherited from past generations squabbling over who gets the bigger shares and trying to pretend they still have the might and gravitas of past, better generations.

The point is that the ruling classes of Europe who infest places like the European Parliament are far too delusional and up their own backsides to see sense of face up to the world of today. They still think they are the masters of the universe and behave as such, hence their collective gasket blowing at the idea of China daring to push back when provoked.

Short of a revolution, changing MEPs will only amount to changing the soup without adjusting the ingredients. You will just get the same shit with different faces and nothing will change.
I feel that escalating the ban for Europe is a bad move. Essentially Biden is able to sabotage a trade agreement between China and Europe without making any economic concessions from the American side. China could’ve gone tit for tat instead of going all out with the sanctions.

But now that China has essentially solidified an alliance with Russia it might be too late for rapproachment with Europe anyway.
China did NOT escalate. China reciprocated. CAI was a big concession from China and it should not be misinterpreted as being weak, which some of the European think and abuse. China took the principled action by reciprocating on the sanction and not allow the abuse to stand unanswered.
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Registered Member
I feel that escalating the ban for Europe is a bad move. Essentially Biden is able to sabotage a trade agreement between China and Europe without making any economic concessions from the American side. China could’ve gone tit for tat instead of going all out with the sanctions.

But now that China has essentially solidified an alliance with Russia it might be too late for rapproachment with Europe anyway.
There is something else going on here, that we do not see. At least I know I do not see it.

As of this moment, the Chinese are willing to sacrifice the CAI (which would be very minor as they would revert to the old deals), and the Chinese seem willing to sacrifice Huawei 5G business in much of Europe.

Note, that this may not happen, as this Sanctions War can blow away like a rain storm.

What the Chinese did was disproportionate. 10 politicians and 4 organizations! That was great! Probably more is coming, Chinese sanctions against America, UK and Canada.

The CCP is looking for a fight, and deliberately pushing the EU closer to America, for the moment at least.


That I do not see just yet.


Registered Member
There is something else going on here, that we do not see. At least I know I do not see it.

As of this moment, the Chinese are willing to sacrifice the CAI (which would be very minor as they would revert to the old deals), and the Chinese seem willing to sacrifice Huawei 5G business in much of Europe.

Note, that this may not happen, as this Sanctions War can blow away like a rain storm.

What the Chinese did was disproportionate. 10 politicians and 4 organizations! That was great! Probably more is coming, Chinese sanctions against America, UK and Canada.

The CCP is looking for a fight, and deliberately pushing the EU closer to America, for the moment at least.


That I do not see just yet.
China will be sanctioned anyway once reunification is under way, why not start now. Or in other words:

Reunification is near

Other supporting evidence:
  • cross strait radio has began broadcasting
  • crackdown on RoC spies last year
  • crackdown on online military discussion
  • publicly slapping US in the face in Alaska
  • pineapple economic warfare to test the water
  • two session briefly mentioned reunification, dropping the word "peaceful"