Miscellaneous News


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EU is at the start of the 3rd wave of COVID-19 lockdown. They are currently at 10% vaccinated, and a lot of that is with AstraZeneca, the worst one on the market.

I think it's safe to say this year EU's GDP is fucked. If they want to escalate sanction than good luck.

But you know who's sweating the most at the moment? Ukraine. Let's see in recent days they pissed off China with that nationalising engine factory, they pissed off Russia with new offensive in eastern Ukraine. EU their main backer is in trouble and Russia and China are now closer than ever since the days of Sino-Soviet cooperation.

If things go badly for them there may not be an independent Ukraine by this time next year. Watch what Russia does next, it's going to be good.
I would want to see Ukraine punished severely. There is much blood on its hands since the 2014 Maidan coup.

I believe that the gangsters running Ukraine had a hand in the downing of Malaysian Airlines MH 17. At the very least, they were massively guilty for allowing commercial air traffic over a warzone. A warzone that for several weeks, had a number of aircraft shootdowns. Ukraine had also sent their own fascists over into HK to join and possibly train the HK roaches. On top of that, for years Ukraine have overseen and conducted many massacres on its own Russian-speaking citizens. This is a regime that EU and America upholds as a model post-Soviet government. A disgusting sight!


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LOL.. WTH? Then H&M has two tough choices:

1) Fire that exec. Apologize to China and the Chinese people. And try to work on damage control. Then maybe, just maybe their business in China could still be saved. But do it fast, that 'window of forgiveness' is shrinking by the hour.


2) Prepare for some tough love from China and the Chinese people. Prepare to cut back on revenue projections from 2021 onwards.

Looks like it is kicking off now.

The question is how far will this spread? Will it reach Apple and the European Luxury brands?

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Looks like it is kicking off now.

The question is how far will this spread? Will it reach Apple and the European Luxury brands?

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The hypocrite h&m still operating outlets in Xinjiang. They should have withdrawn from China to show support for uighur.


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The hypocrite h&m still operating outlets in Xinjiang. They should have withdrawn from China to show support for uighur.
And the best thing is that there is Nike and other companies that have also said the same thing, cant wait for China to "decouple" with them.

These delusional people think that with one hand they can take Chinese money and with the other hand they slap the Chinese for "genocide"

I dont know about you people but for me the only decoupling I see, its from China!


Junior Member
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Looks like it is kicking off now.

The question is how far will this spread? Will it reach Apple and the European Luxury brands?

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Restricting fashion brands like H&M in China for their actions only has positives for China. It's a very replaceable company with no unique technologies, management know how or price advantages to the consumer through some competitive advantage. Displaced market share will be filled by other brands.

Setting a precedent will create a standard as to how these international brands would have to operate not just in China but globally. If they choose not consider China's interests then their opportunities to make easy money would be reduced. Ultimately these executives answer to shareholders who are profit driven. If there's no financial consequences they will continue as usual.


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Global Times shall elaborate further in English:
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America has no right to lecture China about the treatment of ethnic minorities. As far as I am concerned, China is not perfect, but it had treated its ethnic minorities far better than America had ever treated its own ethnic minorities. George Floyd and the subsequent police violence on Blacks is the latest example of this hypocrisy.

But let Muhammad Ali's Vietnam War draft refusal speeches remind everyone that American discrimination and brutality on Black Americans is an old story. An old story that has not yet ended as of 2021.


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European allies France and Germany are looking for a strategic balance in relations with Beijing and Washington that ensures the European Union is not so closely allied with one of the world’s two big powers that it alienates the other.

“The United States won’t force allies into an ‘us-or-them’ choice with China,” Blinken, on his maiden voyage to Europe as Washington’s top diplomat, said at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.

The European Union, led by France, wants independence from the United States, its ally and protector for over seven decades. Spain and the Netherlands urged the bloc to keep its economy open while seeking “strategic autonomy.”
Lmao, clown Blinken in shambles. He probably thought that he would enlist the slave EU to do the dirty work and he got slapped hard hahaha

EU is basically saying do your own thing, leave me out of this, I will just stay outside the arena and benefit from both of you while you are fighting :D


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H&M weren't the only ones who issued this statement. Nike, NewBalance, Fila have also effectively boycotted Xinjiang. A foreign company earning money from China and boycotting a region and its people shouldn't be tolerated at all. They need to be officially shutdown. Period. You don't get to call China a genocidal country and still make money from it. Doesn't work that way.



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No need to do anything to H&M. Fast fashion like H&M and Zara are on the decline with China's youths as they pick longer lasting apparel. In addition the European styles of these two retailers do not gel with Chinese street fashion - Balenciaga, SheIn, Uniqlo are much more popular with Chinese. Just let these fast fashion die a slow death as it is happening.

No one cares about Fila and New Balance. Nike is the bigger concern. Maybe just air on social media what Nike is doing to Chinese youths and they should switch to Adidas, Anta, LiNing. But Nike is still really popular which sucks - maybe at this point the Chinese government should create an app compiling the companies that insulted China such as Dolce & Gabbana, H&M etc and let Chinese consumers vote with their wallets. They can just consult the app on which brands to avoid. No need to officially restrict fashion brands as this makes the Chinese government look petty.

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