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Amy Chua based her whole identity around peddling a caricature of Asian family values she's radicalized and branded as "tiger mom"... and has done untold damage to minds of impressionable Asian mothers and the childhoods of their children. She basically sells that mental and physical abuse of children far above what is forgivable will make them more "obedient" and successful in the future.

Meanwhile, the actual success of her children are not due to her "strict parenting", but the nepotism they receive having
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. Thanks to "legacy admissions"
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Like the typical Asian "feminist icon", she sells out her proclaimed values of female dignity and equality whenever convenient, including
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so her daughter could work in the SCOTUS. She
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her white husband's continued sexual harassment of young law students after Yale literally banned him from their campus and students started protesting the rapes. The reason she married and helps him dodge the law is of course, because
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It's almost common knowledge in the law circles.
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Good enough for me. Made in will be associated with heavy, inefficient polluting devices fired by a 2000 L gas engine. Made in China is associated with clean, efficient and electric.

That is already the case with some of Trump's followers and the stupid childish phenomenon of "rolling coal". It has a wikipedia article. Basically it means modifying a vehicle's engine so that it is more inefficient and spews out choking black smoke, as a symbolic FU to the liberals and environmental protection. At a psychological level, I think it is also something to do with this somehow seeming more macho and masculine (just like how some modify their vehicles to be deliberately noisy) as opposed to the sissy clean quiet electric vehicles. It plays to the streak of anti-intellectualism running in the United States.

American businesses aside from the oil industry don't want Trump's anti-environment actions as they know that lower standards will mean their vehicles and products will not be sellable elsewhere in the world, but it's become as much an issue of culture war against the liberals and also sinophobia. I've seen some conspiracy theories out there trying to claim climate change is a Chinese seeded conspiracy and that the whole electric vehicle and battery industry is a giant Chinese scam.


Registered Member
American kids on TV says: "Let's kill all Chinese so that we don't have to pay our debts". They tell us that its only a joke. They tell us that they're just kids. They tell us that we Chinese are overly sensitive.

Imagine if Chinese kids on TV say: "If Americans don't wanna pay their debts, then we should hurt them". They won't see the funny side. They'll scream in outrage that these kids have been brainwashed to hate Americans by the evil "See-see-pee". They'll tell their kind to get tougher on all the Chinese.

Imaging if any kid on TV says: "Lets kill all Jews/Blacks/Indians/Muslims". Would they dare to call that funny?
Of course it would be funny. Except Jews of course. They are holy beings who are never wrong, always victim. And if you disagree you are a nazi. Never forget Holocaust. Only 6 millions Jews died, no Russian no Polish.


Registered Member
This is the feel good story of the year. Everyone is a winner in the story with a happy ending.

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US Feds gets 9 out of 12 charges guilty
Miles Kwok once got to live a luxury life by blowing 1 billion.
1000s of Anti-China dissident + others got to have a brief moment of thinking they will overthrow the ccp while getting rich doing it by investing 1 billion.


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Best article you are going to get about JD Vance foreign policy view on China. Chopped up sections in smaller bits. The more detailed version is in the article

General Foreign Policy

Nationalist Economic Policy (Sounds like Mercantilism)

Could expect investments bans into China and bullying on non-US aligned countries due to their economic relations with China being a threat to US economic interests. Would not be surprised if they sanctuon Africa for using Huawei or Chinese stuff and demand they buy US instead.

Avoid war with China. At least until they are reindustralized.
Seems like he want socialism practice but with flavor of nationalism. In short: national socialism. Hmmmmm.


Registered Member
His wife also taught American history at a university in China.

So he's part of that whole Yale thing.. which explains his involvement with Thiel. Ngl but Vance gives off gay vibes.

Far right and homosexual. Lmao
I don't know why Trump selected as VP as man that is less charismatic than watching paint dry.
I mean you know a person is uncharismatic when you would rather prefer to be torture by being forced to hear a Kamala Harris speech in repeat for a day than hearing this Trump's VP pick for an hour.



Registered Member
This is the feel good story of the year. Everyone is a winner in the story with a happy ending.

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US Feds gets 9 out of 12 charges guilty
Miles Kwok once got to live a luxury life by blowing 1 billion.
1000s of Anti-China dissident + others got to have a brief moment of thinking they will overthrow the ccp while getting rich doing it by investing 1 billion.
Did not the US court find that Mr. Kwok’s defrauding on the US soil actually started with his asylum?


Registered Member
This is the feel good story of the year. Everyone is a winner in the story with a happy ending.

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US Feds gets 9 out of 12 charges guilty
Miles Kwok once got to live a luxury life by blowing 1 billion.
1000s of Anti-China dissident + others got to have a brief moment of thinking they will overthrow the ccp while getting rich doing it by investing 1 billion.
Damn, with those results he could have just represented himself pro se

Next up Gordan Chang
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Registered Member
That is already the case with some of Trump's followers and the stupid childish phenomenon of "rolling coal". It has a wikipedia article. Basically it means modifying a vehicle's engine so that it is more inefficient and spews out choking black smoke, as a symbolic FU to the liberals and environmental protection. At a psychological level, I think it is also something to do with this somehow seeming more macho and masculine (just like how some modify their vehicles to be deliberately noisy) as opposed to the sissy clean quiet electric vehicles. It plays to the streak of anti-intellectualism running in the United States.

Anglo culture is inherently insecure about their masculinity hence why their idea of a tradlife is a woman who is basically a domestic slave as opposed to current Chinese society where women hold up half the sky. It also explains the need for dominating others as an outlet for repressed homosexual desires which eventually manifests itself in molesting children of the third world. The fixation on penis sizes, particularly the penises of Asian men for example is highly revealing.