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Lieutenant General
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Even if they make their own electric vehicles, they think they have the right to sell them in China while banning Chinese EVs from selling in their countries. They think they have a right to that absurdity just like the EU demanded Chinese EV technology to use in their EV industry while China got nothing in return.

There were some claims not too long ago that China is lying about its population size. They say it's really more like 600 million not 1.4 billion. Why would they care? Because they know the idea of selling to 1.4 billion people is very attractive for the world and that's been why countries today are hesitant to go against China because they want to make money selling to them. Just like the West lies about how badly China's economy is doing because they want to discourage anyone from investing into China, the same why they want to claim China is lying about its population size so that people don't find the Chinese market as attractive to them anymore.

Saudi Arabia has oil which is why someone like Hillary Clinton who anointed herself champion of women's right ignores abuses there. That's why Biden who wanted to turn Saudi Arabia into a pariah state did an instant about face and dropped any human rights concerns. Oil is a strategic resource that the world needs. Whoever controls the world oil supply is in control of the world. That's why the US bragging about being energy independent is irrelevant because they don't control all the countries that have oil to sell who they can sell or not sell to.

China's population is a strategic resource. And like oil, the US and the West want to control it so they can use the Chinese consumer to reward or punish other countries. Look at how the West is angry that China is buying Russian oil where they accuse is enough where the profits are funding their war in Ukraine. No Chinese market to sell to... no Ukraine war. The US and the West still have aspirations of seizing control of China because they certainly are not to going to negotiate with China because that would mean China gets something out of it. That tells you nothing will be done through mutual agreement. So the only thing left is they see themselves taking over China in order to reap the rewards afterwards. It's not like the Chinese people are like oil. They're going to violate human rights in order to take control because how else could they do it?


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We can't get the North American continent anymore probably due to nukes. It's also not really needed.

China should focus on containing US to North America. Even if we can't do to the new Axis what Stalin did to the old Axis, we can still demilitarize them from military aged population. Create multiple proxy war fronts or even direct war if that's needed.

Not going after mainland US, but rather baiting US to throw human wave after wave until they lost all offensive capability, then after that China can hold the Pacific, while keeping the amerinazi imprisoned on mainland USA. They'll then destroy eachother among themselves for what scraps of power are left there.

I disagree. What China should be doing is jockey for AI supremacy as much as possible while simultaneously utilizing those gains to nullify American Nuclear Weapons capability in a bid to break MAD.

As soon as the Chinese break MAD, America is done.


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No, they are correct in that calculation. Indians don't wish to return home for anything; they want to stay in the US. And the reason is because India is at such a shitty place in its development that there's no point in going back. The same problems would only happen with Indians if in the future, India somehow broke free from its incompetence and developed to became a rival to the US. That would probably spur Indians to see some hope and return home and thus, the same problem would happen with Indians. But as things currently stand, it is correct for the US to want to stop Chinese STEM and lean towards Indian. Problem is that they sounded really stupid, insecure and petty in the way they put it and also, quality is not the same so in an America where homegrown STEM talent is so rare, a heavy reduction in Chinese contribution could pull the rug from under the US while China stands firm by training our own students on the foundation that we have already built.
Indians are far more dangerous than Chinese. Chinese are prideful and somewhat insular. They go home to build it better. Indians rather stay in US to conquor its market, like they do in tech business. They will create an ethnic power bloc like the Jewish system. Unlike Chinese they blend in a bit better into white population. I am sorry to white supremists, but in a decade or so they will not even be second citizen, but 3rd or fourth. Under the caste system of Jews > Indian bramen > white, and possibly even under Latino. Jews will control media, finance, government. Indians will control tech and trade. Latino controls labor. Whats left for them, humanity studies?


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You mean nationality. Because they're white. They were white in 1945 and they're still white today, just turned from German to Ukrainian and Israeli.

Anyway, Chinese are so sentimental. We could never turn down a crying begging face and we always side with the weak and poor. It's when the weak and poor turn out to be monsters, murderous werewolves pretending to be injured puppy dogs seeking refuge from their pursuers, creatures hunted and made pitiful for a reason, that we end up ultimately and accidentally supporting evil with our good intent. I think if Russia fought as viciously in Ukraine, committing atrocities against its people, we would side against our own ally and against our own interests simply because we just can't stand to see such things happening. It's also why small bitch nations like the Phillippines dare mess with us. They know we'll stop the instant they back off; we won't beat them until they're pitiful to teach them a lesson they won't forget for decades.
The greatest threat to Chinese civilization is self-righteousness. We moved on from barbarity and lost touch with reality. We suffer from that. It keeps on repeating throughout history, and I am tired of it.

I don't want China to descend to barbaric creatures, but it is time to recognize world works differently than inside the border, and speak the language everyone respects, which is might.


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This is an odd story I saw this morning on cable news. My brain feels like exploding trying to figure out what these two authors are trying to say. They're peddling a book they wrote about how back during the Obama Administration, the Pentagon decided to partner with Silicon Valley and formed "Unit X" to create technologies of the future and they claim the results are being seen in Ukraine today. For some weird reason, they're citing enemy tactics from Ukraine to Israel to the Red Sea as examples of how the battlefield has changed. The US side isn't the one that's victorious there. Are they trying to claim the technology used comes from "Unit X'? All the conflict zones where they claim "Unit X" technology is being used are examples where their side is failing. Where's the scandal that all this new advanced US technology is falling into the hands of the enemy? They're trying to blame China for somehow getting into the supply chain of Boeing blaming them for the bad quality airliners being produced there. But no word here...?

Not sure why one of the authors cites riding in an F-16 over the Iraq/ Iranian border didn't have a map so he didn't know which country he was flying over and then mentions something that cost a $100. Is this an example of this amazing technology of what...? Then one of them mentions commercial technology. They brought up drone warfare and how M1 tanks are being destroyed in Ukraine. DJI drone technology has been at the forefront of drones being used for these purposes. Are they claiming DJI is using "Unit X" technology?

It's suspicious. Nothing makes sense. When the authors talk in the interview, they don't sound natural. The entire piece seems scripted with bad actors playing the roles. Is this really for dumb Americans to see to say how the Pentagon and the US are doing a great job so Americans shouldn't use their votes to change anything? Naturally Americans are going to assume that these "battlefield changing technologies" came from the US because why else would they try to take credit for victories by the enemy against their own side?
"unfortunately, the Chinese stole Unit X. Then afterwards, we accidentally forgot how to make the stuff from Unit X."
Sounds more like the NSA‘s “Tailored Access Operations” which tries to steal technology from China .
Dam those court intrigues are becoming spicy...
during the Cold War, you had Tom Clancy type wannabes doing the pseudoscience of “kremlinology”. What’s it called when it’s the White House?
I think this is all idle talk.

The truth remains from the day the Berlin Wall fell, that NATO had no purpose anymore.

A few decades later, NATO is still looking for a purpose.

Oddly, this war in Europe gave NATO a purpose, supposedly.

Does not look like it will pan out that way.
NATOs purpose is to be the hatchet man of Anglo American hegemony.
We can't get the North American continent anymore probably due to nukes. It's also not really needed.

China should focus on containing US to North America. Even if we can't do to the new Axis what Stalin did to the old Axis, we can still demilitarize them from military aged population. Create multiple proxy war fronts or even direct war if that's needed.

Not going after mainland US, but rather baiting US to throw human wave after wave until they lost all offensive capability, then after that China can hold the Pacific, while keeping the amerinazi imprisoned on mainland USA. They'll then destroy eachother among themselves for what scraps of power are left there.

The valuable parts of the former European Imperial powers are actually the colonies. It's those which China should exercise economic and military conquest over. While leaving the former colonizers imprisoned in their own homeland, where China will control the inflow of food, civilian goods and infrastructure needed to sustain modern life. Austerity will then be measured out as needed to former nazist or imperialist powers, depending on how civilized their conduct is.
I disagree. Whilst your strategy is sound, the North American continent is still a continent full of riches, wealth and farmland which the anglos use to fuel their war machine to extract wealth and plunder from the rest of the world. If the anglos are forced back to their single island of Britain, they could indeed be imprisoned back into their homeland. Same goes for Australia.
why do you think the anglos are so intent on Balkanising Russia? For the same exact reason, Russia and chinas land provides strategic depth if not resources, encumbering any invading army. Any territories outside of Europe taken from the Anglo’s must be taken in perpetuity. To do otherwise is to tacitly allow the anglos to get away with israelification. Rhodesia, apartheid South Africa etc, these all had to go and so too must the Anglo presence on North America as well as Australia.


While the purpose of "Made in China 2025" is to develop China's high-tech industries, the US regime's "Project 2025" aims to maintain the American hegemony. However, this neocon's Mein Kampf is a pipe dream, an utter fantasy in today's multipolar world.

BTW, here are some of reasons why the US is so afraid of China.

According to some estimate, the average size of elementary schools in South Korea will shrink to single digits in 10 years, due to declining birth rate.
Elementary school class sizes forecast to shrink to single digits by 2034
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