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Man it blows my mind that the junta let all these protests happen for so long.

They should have, from day 1, cut down internet and mobile communications, arrest known protester "leaders", cut for 1 week foreign money coming in etc.

The Junta is so incompetent it is not even funny. Full of morons.
At least bring back democracy if these military men are so stupid to do a simple coup...
That's what I thought as well since communication or dissemination of information or misinformation was going to be the primary recruitment tool for the nascent movement against the military junta. They should have cut off the source of funding from the get go or at least try to identify the source of ideas, money, coordination since they didn't shut the communication node like Hundred Flowers style.

Instead, they let lawlessness and rampant violent to be ignited and go on damaging their prestige or whatever was left of it anyway; damaged their credibility and actual competency as a credible fighting force that can repel or fight actual battle against it's superpower neighbour that's China.


Junior Member
Politico is the media arm of the US foreign policy establishment. Macron has more serious problems than the CAI. The CAI is the least of his problem and if he could replace his other problems with CAI, he would do it in a heartbeat.

To conclude, avoid Politico's articles
I lost all respect for Politico when they kept pushing the narrative of COVID being caused by Wuhan Labs and they're still going at it as
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Biden yells at Blinken for bringing a translator with purple hair to attend first Sino-US high-level meeting​

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1:24PM Mon March 22, 2021
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22nd March 2021- (Washington) The Sino-US Diplomatic High-level meeting officially ended at about 12 noon on 19th March.
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, the official translator for the Chinese top officials received a strong commendation from netizens for her professional performance.

On the other hand, many U.S. netizens talked about the translator with purple hair in the U.S. delegation. Those who noticed her also included U.S. President Joe Biden. Some conservative political activists in the United States said that Biden was very dissatisfied with her and scolded Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The content of the talks has attracted the attention of the international community, and even Chinese and American translators have become “hot keywords” on Chinese and foreign social media networks.

The U.S. translator was accused of impolite manners. American conservative political activist Jack Posobiec said in a statement that Biden yelled at Brinken on the morning of the 19th March after he brought an interpreter with purple hair to attend the meeting. There is not much information about the Chinese “purple hair” female translator. Only a photo of her attending a diplomatic occasion in 2015 was posted online when she was still wearing long black hair.



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Biden yells at Blinken for bringing a translator with purple hair to attend first Sino-US high-level meeting​

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1:24PM Mon March 22, 2021
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22nd March 2021- (Washington) The Sino-US Diplomatic High-level meeting officially ended at about 12 noon on 19th March.
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, the official translator for the Chinese top officials received a strong commendation from netizens for her professional performance.

On the other hand, many U.S. netizens talked about the translator with purple hair in the U.S. delegation. Those who noticed her also included U.S. President Joe Biden. Some conservative political activists in the United States said that Biden was very dissatisfied with her and scolded Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The content of the talks has attracted the attention of the international community, and even Chinese and American translators have become “hot keywords” on Chinese and foreign social media networks.

The U.S. translator was accused of impolite manners. American conservative political activist Jack Posobiec said in a statement that Biden yelled at Brinken on the morning of the 19th March after he brought an interpreter with purple hair to attend the meeting. There is not much information about the Chinese “purple hair” female translator. Only a photo of her attending a diplomatic occasion in 2015 was posted online when she was still wearing long black hair.
When too much is going wrong, people get frustrated and start blaming everyone and everything. "It's all the fault of that -itch with the purple hair! And this mocha latte tastes like s-it! I couldn't focus with this diarrhea in a cup they call coffee! Those microphones made me sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks! The chair felt like it was made out of a porcupine! It's all these details' fault, NOT the fault of our ability or big picture!"


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Biden yells at Blinken for bringing a translator with purple hair to attend first Sino-US high-level meeting​

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1:24PM Mon March 22, 2021
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22nd March 2021- (Washington) The Sino-US Diplomatic High-level meeting officially ended at about 12 noon on 19th March.
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, the official translator for the Chinese top officials received a strong commendation from netizens for her professional performance.

On the other hand, many U.S. netizens talked about the translator with purple hair in the U.S. delegation. Those who noticed her also included U.S. President Joe Biden. Some conservative political activists in the United States said that Biden was very dissatisfied with her and scolded Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The content of the talks has attracted the attention of the international community, and even Chinese and American translators have become “hot keywords” on Chinese and foreign social media networks.

The U.S. translator was accused of impolite manners. American conservative political activist Jack Posobiec said in a statement that Biden yelled at Brinken on the morning of the 19th March after he brought an interpreter with purple hair to attend the meeting. There is not much information about the Chinese “purple hair” female translator. Only a photo of her attending a diplomatic occasion in 2015 was posted online when she was still wearing long black hair.
Just want to throw a warning. Notice how those who made those claims are conservatives. Typically the conservatives like bs’ing about their political opposition in order to satisfy their barely educated voter base. So take that news with a fistful of salt.


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The view from Germany..

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On second thought ...

Doesn't it seem a little stupid for the Europeans to engage in a sanction war with China?

All that will do is accomplish nothing on the ground.

But then ... a civil war will break out in Europeans countries over China.

Here, the corporations and bourgeois would be supportive and is supported by the Chinese Communist Party, while the leftist must be defeated, who of course are the proletariat.

Guess today the Communist Party of China, with their reactionary policies, play both sides.


Chinese civilization always stressed harmony.

Western civilization want robustness and confrontations.

These heated internal debates, look noble when you're on top. When behind, it just looks like disunity and chaos.



Lieutenant General
Who knows if that story over purple hair is true because I read after the Alaska meeting, Biden congratulated Blinken on doing a good job. Biden didn't notice the hair? Contrary to what the US says, everything the US government does in front of a camera is for their domestic audience first. Why do US Presidents say they'll get tough with China when running for office but then don't after elected? It's for the domestic audience to get voted. Americans want to be portrayed as believing in truth, justice, and the American way for image purposes but in practice... no. Just look at the Washington insurrection. Those people believe they believe in freedom and democracy but they revolted because they didn't think everyone's vote should count. That's America. The US supports non-democracies like Saudi Arabia because they need to influence the world oil market so the US shows little interest in forcing democracy onto Saudi Arabia. Democracy takes a back seat when it interferes with their self interests but they like to lie that democracy is most important to them.

There's a lot talk about cancel culture in the US. As usual hypocrites talk... There's always been political correctness. They just haven't heard it from the other side. That's what the people complaining about political correctness today are only concerned about. You can look in this forum where notorious former moderators and members stifled any negative talk about the US. Or how about no one can question US military professionalism like it was an electric third rail. And don't talk bad about the F-35. Don't question Americans' belief in democracy and freedom like in citing examples to the contrary. That's political correctness. It just didn't have a name when they were doing it. Just like the new term identity politics when they were happy to identify people by their race where everything hinges on how one is treated by their race. They just don't want to hear it from the other side that they were happy to enforce political correctness for themselves. The right-wing Christians wanted to cancel everything mass media that did not follow their values as far as I can remember. They want to cancel China and every other culture that does not follow Western Christian values. Or how about the Republicans trying to deflect anti-Asian violence where they're the main contributor to it by demanding all Chinese-Americans have to denounce communist China. That's a violation of freedom of speech where they've been charging any accusations of racism over COVID-19 that led to anti-Asian violence was a violation of their freedom of speech. They've always been denying freedom of speech with their political correctness that's been around a whole lot longer.


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Who knows if that story purple hair is true because I read after the Alaska meeting, Biden congratulated Blinken on doing a good job. Biden didn't notice the hair? Contrary to what the US says, everything the US government does in front of a camera is for their domestic audience first. Why do US Presidents say they'll get tough with China when running for office but then don't after elected? It's for the domestic audience to get voted. Americans want to be portrayed as believing in truth, justice, and the American way for image purposes but in practice... no. Just look at the Washington insurrection. Those people believe they believe in freedom and democracy but they revolted because they didn't think everyone's vote should count. That's America. The US supports non-democracies like Saudi Arabia because they need to influence the world oil market so the US shows little interest in forcing democracy onto Saudi Arabia. Democracy takes a back seat when it interferes with their self interests but they like to lie that democracy is most important to them.

There's a lot talk about cancel culture in the US. As usual hypocrites talk... There's always been political correctness. They just haven't heard it from the other side. That's what the people complaining about political correctness today are only concerned about. You can look in this forum where notorious former moderators and members stifled any negative talk about the US. Or how about no one can question US military professionalism like it was an electric third rail. And don't talk bad about the F-35. Don't question Americans' belief in democracy and freedom like in citing examples to the contrary. That's political correctness. It just didn't have a name when they were doing it. Just like the new term identity politics when they were happy to identify people by their race where everything hinges on how one is treated by their race. They just don't want to hear it from the other side that they were happy to enforce political correctness for themselves. The right-wing Christians wanted to cancel everything mass media that did not follow their values as far as I can remember. They want to cancel China and every other culture that does not follow Western Christian values. Or how about the Republicans trying to deflect anti-Asian violence where they're the main contributor to it by demanding all Chinese-Americans have to denounce communist China. That's a violation of freedom of speech where they've been charging any accusations of racism over COVID-19 that led to anti-Asian violence was a violation of their freedom of speech. They've always been denying freedom of speech with their political correctness that's been around a whole lot longer.

I'm quite sure that the purple hair thing is not true. Because if it's true, Fox news/OANN/Republican will pick em up first.