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Lmao even before the meeting started, Lavrov threw a bazooka
Speaking to Chinese media before the start of his visit, Lavrov said Moscow and Beijing were compelled to develop independently of Washington in order to thwart what he said were U.S. attempts to curb their technological development.

“We need to reduce sanctions risks by bolstering our technological independence, by switching to payments in our national currencies and global currencies that serve as an alternative to the dollar,” Lavrov said, according to a transcript of his interview released on Monday.

“We need to move away from using international payment systems controlled by the West.”

Cant wait to see the statements when China-Russia diplomats finish their meeting.
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced retaliatory sanction against 10 persons and 4 entities from the EU.
What were the EU hoping to achieve? US relenting on vaccines and/or sanctions or the pipeline Nordstream?

The EU proved they lacked cojones by meekly following the US in trashing the Iran Nuke deal, if Merkel isn't around to keep the EU in line, then let it be lost. China can develop by herself.


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Hey! Don't blast Toronto!!!

Why do you want to do that for?

Chinese people of that ethnicity probably 25% of the people here, and ethnic Chinese people probably own 30%-40% of the property in the City of Toronto.

Why are you coming after us! Go bomb someone who deserves it!


Lol tell me about it...Toronto is cool man.


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There should be a Tom Clancy-esque doctrine that an attack on a Chinese national abroad is an attack on the Chinese nation as a whole, meriting a military response; think Israel sending spec-ops to smash things up, kill terrorists.

Nothing would please me more than to have drone attacks blasting langley and toronto and london.
It should be targeted action to people that are perpetuating or advocating violence against Asians as a whole not just Chinese per se. Imagine the level of goodwill it can and will do for China and the level of angst it'll cause against any individuals regardless of ethnic background (some racists are also Asians against their own)..

But that's fantasy and I don't think a good remedy for ensuring Asians in western countries are afforded the same level of protection as any other regular citizens of any western countries.


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Global Britain, Global Delusions​

In a strategic review, the British government says the United States will remain its closest ally because of “shared values” which are allegedly attributed as being democracy, rule of law and human rights.

Far more realistic than these panegyrics is the way Britain and the US routinely trash those purported “shared values” by launching illegal wars of aggression (for example, Iraq, Afghanistan); subvert foreign nations for regime change (for example, Syria, Libya); and arm despotic regimes to the teeth which suppress human rights (for example, Saudi Arabia).

The 111-page British strategic
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makes for painful yet hilarious reading. It is full of delusional self-flattery.
Another “shared value” is the way Britain and the US gratuitously label other nations as enemies and security threats. This scaremongering is invoked primarily against Russia and China but also other smaller nations like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba.
This preposterous demonization of others is of course a form of psychological projection by the British and American ruling class to distract from the fact they are the biggest security threat to the world.

Scaremongering is also an essential precursor for warmongering and the continuance of militarized economies which underpins Anglo-American capitalism. Just imagine if the British and Americans tried to live in peace and cooperation with the rest of the world. Their economies would totally collapse from the absence of militarism and weapons industries.

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In its so-called strategic review, it is apparent more than ever that the British rulers suffer from delusions of grandeur. Prime Minister Boris Johnson talks fancifully as if Britain is a global dynamo for economic growth and development. No longer content to exaggerate Britain’s international image as “Great Britain”, it is now referred to as “Global Britain”.

This is partly about promoting Britain to the rest of the world to make better its post-Brexit isolation from the European Union. And so by talking up its presumed power “to shape the world”, the British ruling class are obliged to pose as flexing muscles.
This would explain the policy reversal on decreasing its nuclear arsenal. Britain is now planning to increase its stockpile of nuclear warheads over the next decade from around 180 up to 260. This is in violation of Britain’s obligation to disarm under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Johnson talks about Britain being a “beacon of democracy” to the world when in reality it is a rogue state which is dangerously destabilizing international security by its wanton militarism.
Yet the British rulers have the brass neck to accuse Russia and China of jeopardizing global security and to assert that they will “prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon”.
On Russia, the British are particularly vociferous, claiming that “Russia will remain the most acute direct threat” to the United Kingdom (Britain’s other fanciful name for itself).
The strategic review document states, “we will actively deter and defend against the full spectrum of threats emanating from Russia”.
But it does not substantiate what these alleged “full spectrum of threats” from Russia are.
For rogue-state Britain it is apparently sufficient to simply make an accusation and then proceed to “justify” plans for increasing its nuclear arsenal.

Russia and Iran condemned the British state planners for blatant hypocrisy. So should all other nations.
Maria Zakharova, Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman, nailed it when she said that Britain’s “imperial ambitions” are based on illusions. It’s as if the arrogant British rulers think they have turned the clock back a 100 years to a time when “the sun never set on their empire”. Even then British power was also over-rated.


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Cafe owner Francini Osorio sprays air sanitiser where he has installed an air purifier and 35 clear shower curtains
Today, Britain may have nominally the fifth-biggest economy in the world, but it also is broken-down nation with rampant poverty and inequality. A third of its children struggle with poverty and hunger, and the numbers are
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. Look at the shambles of its public health service, yet its ruling class is planning to spend £24 billion over the next four years to increase its military forces, including the number of nuclear weapons.

The reprehensible and reckless move to increase its nuclear arsenal is an absurd and grotesque waste of public finances. It is criminal in the face of such harrowing social needs among ordinary Britons.

But what’s also criminal is that British rulers are undermining global security – all for the vain purpose of posing as a global power instead of actually being a global power.


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What were the EU hoping to achieve? US relenting on vaccines and/or sanctions or the pipeline Nordstream?

The EU proved they lacked cojones by meekly following the US in trashing the Iran Nuke deal, if Merkel isn't around to keep the EU in line, then let it be lost. China can develop by herself.

EU-China deal spells trouble for Macron at home​

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EU-China deal spells trouble for Macron at home​

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Politico is the media arm of the US foreign policy establishment. Macron has more serious problems than the CAI. The CAI is the least of his problem and if he could replace his other problems with CAI, he would do it in a heartbeat.

To conclude, avoid Politico's articles


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Details about the Chinese sanction by Reuters
Very strong sanctions from China. A think tank and a governing body of EU ambassadors wer among the institutions banned.

Good move from China to sanction these hostile organisations. Especially MERICS (EU think tank) which got banned is a very big think tank which advises EU policy makers. Good sanctions to leave EU blind on China's policies