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Registered Member
Man it blows my mind that the junta let all these protests happen for so long.

They should have, from day 1, cut down internet and mobile communications, tarrest known protester "leaders", cut for 1 week foreign money coming in etc.

The Junta is so incompetent it is not even funny. Full of morons.
At least bring back democracy if these military men are so stupid to do a simple coup...
@voyager1 they're complicit, they need somebody to blame for their illegal action and I told you before the masses don't hate the Chinese. But there is a need for China to control the flow, or go for JV, to many Chinese may crowded out the local for business and job opportunities and that may create hatred and hostilities.


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Blinken has cancelled this trip to India and is going to EU instead to meet NATO allies, frankly I don't think he would get anything out of that trip either.

Basically his asia trip has been a disaster and the Alaska meeting did not help.
LOL. So much for India courting Uncle Sam to be recognized as an 'equal' among the white nations. When Uncle Sam is in trouble, in this case, a PR disaster. Blinken chooses to go to EU and conveniently forgets about India.

This basically sums up the priority India occupies in Uncle Sam's grand scheme of things. Jai Hind!


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why fluff indians why are more than willing to act as sepoys for anglo men?
of course blinken would travel to europe instead, the jai hinds are giving anglos what they want.


Lieutenant General
Just a quick word on this. The key phrase to remember is that the US will never tolerate a Peer Competitor.
I have always believed that the UK role in the EU was to act as the US's spoiler to prevent a proper Unified EU state emerging, whihc indeed would be a serious peer competitor to the US. I see this quite clearly from the Major Governments action of opposing deepening of the EU (which is what France and Germany wanted) and promoting widening the EU into Eastern Europe, (which is definitely what the US wanted). I think Brexit has been a geopolitical disaster for the US and it means that a true EU state is far more likely now than not.
I think Germany will review its position through that prism and its actions will be telling even if the soundbites are not.
It’s actually really interesting that I came to the opposite conclusion when looking at brexit, that the US played an instrumental part in making it happen. When you look at a venn diagram of the most hardcore brexit supporters, you see a massive overlap with those who are most rabidly pro-American to an almost treason

From an US POV, the UK has actually served its purpose as EU spoiler by pushing the EU’s eastern expansion. Originally you are absolutely right that the UK was America’s veto in the EU, but these days, there are plenty of nearly inducted former-Soviet Republics who can play that role just as well, if not better than the UK ever could due to their much more staunchly anti-Russian sentiment, overall weaker national and economic power, and far more rose tainted view of America.

As to the reason why, well, the UK and other US spoiler states are amazingly effective at stopping the EU from doing things the US doesn’t like, but they are totally ineffective at pushing the EU to take action that the US wants.

In that respects, brexit Britain starts to make a lot more sense from an American POV by sacrificing a redundant US veto to gain a leverage with which the US can start to steer the EU in directions America wants by using the UK to take those actions first and then the US dominated western MSM would fall over themselves praising the UK action and suggesting the EU is getting left behind as a means to create pressure within the EU to follow suit.

A recently example is Covid response, just look at how British pressure managed to push the EU into all sorts of mistakes and silly decisions, and now no one is really talking about how badly America is doing and all the focus is on the UK-EU spats.

Then you have the real key meat of the American brexit ‘investment’ - China. Just look at brexit Britain’s various policies towards China since, eagerly jumping on the baseless ‘genocide’ bandwagon and shaming the EU into following suit; it’s American copy-paste Indo-Pacific strategic pivot.

Brexit Britain creates a massive new leaver for the US to distract the EU with whenever it suits them, and to create a tail that can very effectively wage the EU dog in a way the UK never could as a member by allowing the UK to take the lead in doing things they would not have been able to as an EU member state.


Registered Member
@voyager1 they're complicit, they need somebody to blame for their illegal action and I told you before the masses don't hate the Chinese. But there is a need for China to control the flow, or go for JV, to many Chinese may crowded out the local for business and job opportunities and that may create hatred and hostilities.
Myanmar is a political mess.

1) The junta launched the coup to overturn an election that does not favour them.
2) The Myanmar populace who are angry to see a continuation of corrupt junta rule take to the streets in protest.
3) The junta being who they always are used their tried and true brutal methods to suppress the protests.
4) The junta's brutality angered the Myanmar people further. The CIA took advantage of the situation. Using their 'Milk Tea Alliance' network in Myanmar to direct their hatred against China. Any wonder why some of the protesters have construction helmets, safety goggles, masks, metal shields, and English-language placards? Never seen the protesters at India, USA, and Europe so well equipped.
5) China cannot intervene. It has a pledge for non-interference. But that gets blamed as tacit support for the junta at Myanmar. So Chinese assets and nationals gets attacked.
6) If China does intervene, it will go against its non-interference pledge. It'll just be a PR mess that the West will take full advantage. So China is damned if it does, and damned if it doesn't.
7) Chinese businesses will always be viewed with suspicion. Western propaganda is wonderfully effective. Plus, their over-competitiveness does not help their image. Like @ansy1968 said, JV is the best option forward. Chinese companies have to learn to share and slow down a little. That is the best way to ease the tensions and distrust towards them.

For China, there are no easy solutions to the mess in Myanmar. The only feasible option for China is to just wait it out. Let Myanmar sort out its mess on its own. If Chinese nationals are mortally endangered in Myanmar, that'll be a big dilemma. Best is to get the Myanmar military to evacuate them. If that is not possible, then China would need to get PMCs to help. The BRI project will suffer a setback, but China's non-interference pledge limits its options.


Registered Member
All thanks to those Judeo-Christian terrorists racist values and their propaganda.
I can only imagine what kind of punishment that God has in store for these bastards for using the very teachings of Christ to cause harm without shame. Oh I guess the failures over the years and a sinking nation is just the start. These people are cowards


Registered Member
Myanmar is a political mess.

1) The junta launched the coup to overturn an election that does not favour them.
2) The Myanmar populace who are angry to see a continuation of corrupt junta rule take to the streets in protest.
3) The junta being who they always are used their tried and true brutal methods to suppress the protests.
4) The junta's brutality angered the Myanmar people further. The CIA took advantage of the situation. Using their 'Milk Tea Alliance' network in Myanmar to direct their hatred against China. Any wonder why some of the protesters have construction helmets, safety goggles, masks, metal shields, and English-language placards? Never seen the protesters at India, USA, and Europe so well equipped.
5) China cannot intervene. It has a pledge for non-interference. But that gets blamed as tacit support for the junta at Myanmar. So Chinese assets and nationals gets attacked.
6) If China does intervene, it will go against its non-interference pledge. It'll just be a PR mess that the West will take full advantage. So China is damned if it does, and damned if it doesn't.
7) Chinese businesses will always be viewed with suspicion. Western propaganda is wonderfully effective. Plus, their over-competitiveness does not help their image. Like @ansy1968 said, JV is the best option forward. Chinese companies have to learn to share and slow down a little. That is the best way to ease the tensions and distrust towards them.

For China, there are no easy solutions to the mess in Myanmar. The only feasible option for China is to just wait it out. Let Myanmar sort out its mess on its own. If Chinese nationals are mortally endangered in Myanmar, that'll be a big dilemma. Best is to get the Myanmar military to evacuate them. If that is not possible, then China would need to get PMCs to help. The BRI project will suffer a setback, but China's non-interference pledge limits its options.
@Sardaukar20 great analysis bro, the Chinese will be tested about their non interfering policy, I hope she ADHERE TO her shining principle that the 3rd world look up to, if she tempted to follow the West especially the US, dear god the world will have 2 bullies and that is what the American wants China to be, go to the dark side with her.


Junior Member
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Man it blows my mind that the junta let all these protests happen for so long.

They should have, from day 1, cut down internet and mobile communications, arrest known protester "leaders", cut for 1 week foreign money coming in etc.

The main goal was to find the funding source and the agent provocateurs. It didn't take that long to achieve.

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you'd think the USG would allow for a bit of plausible deniability but this really takes the cake; they're just inviting reprisals against US infrastructure.

The US government would never broadcast their plans. IMO, it's the British media trying to make a quick buck while creating a distraction from something else.

4) Any wonder why some of the protesters have construction helmets, safety goggles, masks, metal shields, and English-language placards? Never seen the protesters at India, USA, and Europe so well equipped.

^^^ This. I cannot stress how suspicious it is when protestors show up so organized. Red flags were popping up everywhere when I first saw the Hong Kong "protests".