Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Yes I'm sure it was something like that. If it wasn't an African-American, nothing of the sort would be mentioned of US domestic problems as Blinken did in Alaska until he was confronted and his was a flippant passing response unlike the US UN ambassador who made it more from experience. The Republicans were probably boiling at that but they know saying something would make it worse for them. You know how they don't like the US apologizing to anyone in the world.


Registered Member
It's very depressing that Asian children are being used for political messaging to protest against anti-Asian violence. It is a serious social problem, but children should never used in political protests.


Senior Member
Registered Member
It's very depressing that Asian children are being used for political messaging to protest against anti-Asian violence. It is a serious social problem, but children should never used in political protests.
If anything, it shows the desperation of the situation: conditions have gotten so bad that children have had to come out and protest as well, and not just privileged wealthy children of the middle class going to university and protesting, but all asian children from all walks of life.


Registered Member
If anything, it shows the desperation of the situation: conditions have gotten so bad that children have had to come out and protest as well, and not just privileged wealthy children of the middle class going to university and protesting, but all asian children from all walks of life.
Indeed. With the violence against Asians in Australia, UK, USA, France, Canada, it is increasingly untenable. If anything, Brazil is a better place for Asians. There is a long history of Japanese/Asian immigration to Brazil, and they are acknowledged as a living part of Brazilian society, just like blacks are in America, albeit without the lynching.

Asian Brazilians are seen as Brazilian in cloth and blood.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
you'd think the USG would allow for a bit of plausible deniability but this really takes the cake; they're just inviting reprisals against US infrastructure.
Which the anglo media will spin as an unprovoked attack.
And that's how wars will start.

For the most part whenever you hear about Russian or Chinese hacks on the US it's all about intrusions on systems to collect data. The US is much more pernicious as we can see. This time they supposedly hit Russian government web sites with DDoS attacks. In the past they directly attacked Iranian industrial infrastructure to refine uranium and destroyed centrifuges. They also conduct targeted assassinations of Iranian scientists. I know people say it's the Israelis doing it, but I doubt they're doing it without outside help.
Then there is the way the Venezuelan power grid suspiciously went down a couple years back.
If the US directly attacks Russian and Chinese infrastructure they are asking for trouble.