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A Chinese Op-ed analyzing Iran's new president. One part that stood out to me was that Iran's new president openly criticized China multiple times during the campaign trail, especially on the issue of China-Iran 25 year cooperation. I think the consensus in both the west and the east is that Iran's new president will be less friendly to China and Russia and more friendly to the west.
Jesus what a complete moron. Imagine trying to work with an enemy like the US and criticising someone actually trying to help you. Really unfortunate for Iran


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After all those talks that the US or Taiwan would scorch-earth TSMC sites in Taiwan in Operation AR, now we got someone who's trying to shift the blame to Chyna by claiming that the Chicoms would be the first to destroy the TSMC sites instead.

Semiconductor analyst theorizes that China might want to destroy TSMC instead of capturing it — Chinese invasion of Taiwan would destroy supply chains, cripple South Korean chipmakers

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France election: surprise win for leftwing alliance keeps Le Pen’s far right from power

A leftwing alliance has become the biggest force in the French parliament after tactical voting held back the far right, but the shape of the future government remained uncertain after no group won an absolute majority.

The surprise result for the leftwing New Popular Front – which won 182 seats, followed by President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Together alliance on 163 and the far right in third with 143 seats – showed the strength of tactical voting against Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN). The far right and its allies had forged a commanding lead in the first round but were ultimately held back by massive tactical voting to prevent them winning enough seats to form a government.

Although the left alliance won the most seats, it was more than 100 seats short of an absolute majority. Amid a high turnout estimated at about 67%, no single group won an absolute majority of 289 seats and the ability to form a government. The parliament was likely to be divided into three blocs: the left, centrists and the far right.

France now enters a period of unprecedented uncertainty over the shape of its future government and its likely prime minister. Macron has promised to remain as president, but he did not speak publicly on Sunday night, privately calling after exit polls were released for people to be “prudent” until the final results were clear on Monday morning.

It could now take weeks to establish a government and it was unclear what shape that government could take with the Olympic Games due to begin in Paris in less than three weeks.

I am reminded of Gore Vidal's commentary on, amongst other things, the previous incarnation of today's National Rally party under Marine Le Pen, the National Front under Marine's father, Jean-Marie Le Pen:

"The Democratic Party is a machine to get votes for its people, probably none of whom should be elected to the high offices of state. The Republican Party is fundamentally crooked and might well be outlawed one of these days. Le Pen, you know, in France, who is an out-and-out fascist, the French have managed in some clever way to contain him. I mean, he’s always running for president, but his votes never seem to show up. I don’t know how they do that."


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After all those talks that the US or Taiwan would scorch-earth TSMC sites in Taiwan in Operation AR, now we got someone who's trying to shift the blame to Chyna by claiming that the Chicoms would be the first to destroy the TSMC sites instead.

Semiconductor analyst theorizes that China might want to destroy TSMC instead of capturing it — Chinese invasion of Taiwan would destroy supply chains, cripple South Korean chipmakers

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Damn bro, I wouldn't want to be a TSMC employee when shit hits the fan. I'd have American, Chinese, and Taiwanese bombs coming for my ass all at the same time. My ass is gonna resemble the aftermath of an inquisitor getting too friendly with the exterminatus button.


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After all those talks that the US or Taiwan would scorch-earth TSMC sites in Taiwan in Operation AR, now we got someone who's trying to shift the blame to Chyna by claiming that the Chicoms would be the first to destroy the TSMC sites instead.

Semiconductor analyst theorizes that China might want to destroy TSMC instead of capturing it — Chinese invasion of Taiwan would destroy supply chains, cripple South Korean chipmakers

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It would be funny if due to DPP provocations China decides to retaliate by sending a few missiles to TSMC essentially crippling Taiwan economy without doing anything drastic such as setting up a blockade. I remember US doing Cruise Missile attacks into Iraq in the 90s whenever it wanted to show anger on Saddam. Israel is also well known for air striking all its neighbours whenever it feels like.

Since Taiwan is extremely scared of further escalation, China doing limited missile strikes on Taiwan would probably be swallowed by Taiwan without further escalation. Maybe US might send more weapons into Taiwan in response.

Arij Javaid

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Racism against indians by whites has reached an all time high.

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I feel sorry for the good indians out there as they're suffering due to the actions of Hindu nationalists, but I have 0 sympathy for indians as a whole. Whites treat them like dirt yet they spend most of the time attacking other south Asians, Arabs and Chinese.

Secondly, there behavior is cringe.

Phull Support Sir.

Sir We luv you Sarr from India.

No Sir. We your friends. Sarr not like that Sarr.

And to top it off. Indian nationalists talk as if India is some developed, beautiful place when in reality it fares worse than the poorest african country in terms of cleanliness and hygiene.


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It would be funny if due to DPP provocations China decides to retaliate by sending a few missiles to TSMC essentially crippling Taiwan economy without doing anything drastic such as setting up a blockade. I remember US doing Cruise Missile attacks into Iraq in the 90s whenever it wanted to show anger on Saddam. Israel is also well known for air striking all its neighbours whenever it feels like.
The Chinese are different cause we're Asian, we don't practice such barbaric act cause we're civilized. ;)
Since Taiwan is extremely scared of further escalation, China doing limited missile strikes on Taiwan would probably be swallowed by Taiwan without further escalation. Maybe US might send more weapons into Taiwan in response.
It's a given there will be NO WAR in Taiwan cause we Chinese are NOT stupid, BUT the CPC need to work hard and convince our Taiwan compatriot that reunification and cooperation is beneficial to both side. That is the battle being fought right now, winning the minds of the Taiwanese people and the US is fighting a losing battle. Whatever propaganda being spread by the Collective West MSM at the end of the day the prodigal son will see the error of his ways and return to his motherland to seek forgiveness.


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Iran wouldn't need Chinese help if it weren't for American sanctions. So it would be in China's interest to demonstrate that sanctions against Iran fail. Just as it is in China's interest to demonstrate that the Russian economy is resilient under sanctions. Because this makes a full economic war between the west and China less likely. If the US and EU start believing that their sanctions are counterproductive because the Russian economy is simply becoming sinified, that should protect China in the future. Russia and China missed an opportunity, or maybe weren't ready yet, when Trump did his economic attack on Iran. Maybe a lot of Russia sanctions could have been avoided if the deep recession post Trump sanctions in Iran had been avoided. The Iran sanctions are certainly the template for what's been done regarding Russia, and it will be a template for decoupling from China in a Taiwan crisis

It's also advantageous to build up the economy in enemies of America just to avoid their governments from falling and to build a larger free trade region of countries that don't use western systems, currencies or export markets
Neither Iran nor Russia are under international sanctions, and Iran has a growing economy. At a per capita level, they are performing much better than India for example.

Iran isn't quite the economic success story Russia is, but this can and should be chalked up to the fact that aside from having the right geopolitical alignment, the Iranian government is really not that well run at all. China should not reward inefficiencies created by the Iranians' own system, rather than encouraging them to reform it.
Are the the Philippines that gullible or is it more because they want to ally with the US, they look up to the US, and when you have a large neighbor that wants your land, what choice do you have other than partner with another country.
China is not currently interested in Philippines land, but if the public conscious in China changes, people may come to realize that the only way to make Philippines people truly love you is to brutalize and colonize them. Then, we would have a real (and imho healthy) interest in their land.


Registered Member
Racism against indians by whites has reached an all time high.

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I feel sorry for the good indians out there as they're suffering due to the actions of Hindu nationalists, but I have 0 sympathy for indians as a whole. Whites treat them like dirt yet they spend most of the time attacking other south Asians, Arabs and Chinese.

Secondly, there behavior is cringe.

Phull Support Sir.

Sir We luv you Sarr from India.

No Sir. We your friends. Sarr not like that Sarr.

And to top it off. Indian nationalists talk as if India is some developed, beautiful place when in reality it fares worse than the poorest african country in terms of cleanliness and hygiene.
As more Indians export themselves out of poverty there will always be tension the major reason is the quality of the products. Its bad, its smelly, its loud and the annoying head shake.


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A Chinese Op-ed analyzing Iran's new president. One part that stood out to me was that Iran's new president openly criticized China multiple times during the campaign trail, especially on the issue of China-Iran 25 year cooperation. I think the consensus in both the west and the east is that Iran's new president will be less friendly to China and Russia and more friendly to the west.
Sounds like complete hopium from the west

Calling out China and telling them they need to implement more economic agreements with them faster. Vs calling US a terrorist state. The former shows he has expectations on how Iran should be treated economically in the future, the latter is a statement that he won't negotiate with terrorists.

I don't even think he's necessary wrong for saying that. We've wanted for a long time someone in Iran who is more secular, more eager to pursue trade and development.