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China: outbids Australian company to buy Brazilian assets with zero connections to Australia MIC

To be fair, If there's some sensible patriotic political parties like AfD or BSW in Australia. Their policy should try to befriend china as best as they cloud and going against Indonesia (future possible rival) instead of china.


Registered Member
To be fair, If there's some sensible patriotic political parties like AfD or BSW in Australia. Their policy should try to befriend china as best as they cloud and going against Indonesia (future possible rival) instead of china.
Australia is not a real country, the only identity Australians have per se, is being part of a white Anglo empire. I say this as someone who grew up In Australia. White Anglo chauvinism and antipathy and fear of being “swamped by asians” is a core part of Australian identity which needs to be purged and corrected. And this is despite Australians having a love of Asian foods, things and culture so long as they can own it. In this sense, Australians are the worst of the five eyes because they cling so strongly to white supremacism.


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I don't think peaceful reunification is possible, but I would point out that it always works in this fashion.

People have better sentiments towards places that have been richer than them for as long as they've known. During the catch-up phase, people have worse sentiments as they see it as inferiors not "knowing their place". See white American attitudes towards Blacks getting "uppity" and culminating in stuff like the Tulsa race massacre.

It takes a new generation growing up in an environment where the growing power is already richer to start seeing sentiments shift. This is especially true if the incumbent powers have a vested interest in steering perceptions.

This shift will probably become tangible around 2040 or sooner, but regardless of how positively China is viewed, peaceful reunification will never happen. There has never been a case of such in history.
Would you consider east and west Germany reunification peaceful?


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Would you consider east and west Germany reunification peaceful?

It was a violent but non-military unification like that of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The US was waging a fierce economic war against the Soviet bloc and by the late 80s, early 90s it had become crystal clear the Soviet Union was on it's way out. No one knew when, but everyone knew it would happen within their lifetimes.

At the same time, the economic war had caused a total economic collapse in East Germany. Their debt levels had been rising since the 1970s and they had basically run out of currency to repay causing a series of living-standard crises. In the few years leading up to unification, the GDR government was basically on the verge of popular revolt.

Since the USSR was no longer reliable, East Germany was basically standing up to US-FRG pressure by itself. It was on this basis the US-bloc with FRG could offer "peaceful" unification in exchange for economic aid. Either they bent the knee or died by the sword.

That the unification looked as peaceful as it did was due to recency and the relatively balanced power between FRG and GDR. One Germany had been within living memory and kept alive on both sides as they both believed they had a chance at it. This is like Taiwan during the Chang Kai-shek years. The relatively balanced power meant politicians on the absorbed side had reason to believe they could make a political comeback in the future. Indeed, this is what happened with Angela Merkel.

Does anyone seriously believe that a politician from an absorbed Taiwan has any shot at entering the highest levels of governance in Unified China? None of them have a chance in hell of entering the Politburo.

The equivalent would be if the US started actively collapsing while the PRC had the entire world sanction Taiwan while conducting economic sabotage against it. There's nothing peaceful about that despite no bullets being fired.

PS for true "peaceful" unification look no further than how unified Austria is with Germany today. Grobdeutsche was extremely popular for many-many decades before the Anschluss. Yet it took military action to happen. Nowadays Germany still as wealthy (relative to Austria) as ever and the power balance between the two are still huge yet nada; can't even find an Austrian willing to endorse the idea.
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I have to say that this law and the KMT sponsored bill making lying in parliament a felony, definitely hamstrings the DPP's attempts at independance/facilitaiting anglo american colonisation. What's to stop a DPP stooge and his family holidaying in Thailand from being extradited to China proper to face justice? You can bet that ROC coast guard who murdered the Chinese fisherman is going to be swept up in this, not just english vegetable.


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The fact KMT won more votes than DPP in the recent election despite being more pro-China than ever should tell you why Peaceful reunification is still possible. The more powerful China gets, the more unlikely that US can fight a war against China near Taiwan. Power gap between China and Taiwan will also grow to extreme levels. If this trend of increasing power plus increasing greyzone continues, I see a future scenario where Chinese planes directly fly over Taipei and Taiwan simply does nothing.

This increasing power and greyzone will make Taiwanese realize they are utterly powerless against China and has no backing from US. They will simply realize voting KMT into power is the best option. If KMT keeps getting into power consistently, I do see a negotiated reunification at some point in the distant future.

another factor is increased hostility between KMT and DPP. This could lead to a civil war like situation and a KMT or DPP backed coup could lead a split in the island. This might allow China the ability to enter Taiwan with KMT support and therefore easier takeover.
Before, I loved the idea of reunification, but after talking with my Taiwanese friends, I recognize that China should just let Taiwan be. I hope China can become self-reliant on semiconductors as quick as possible. Taiwanese people hate China so much.
I have no idea what is in my friends mind, they are high educated with an engineer degree, but got shitty jobs in a cinema or metro station. They are thinking people from mailand are brainwashed, but it´s them.
When I’ve invited them to come to China to China with their own eyes, they rejected, they believe to get caught at the airport, because their Facebook is full with anti-China propaganda.
They don’t understand why I am trying to find a job in China, instead of Taiwan.


Before, I loved the idea of reunification, but after talking with my Taiwanese friends, I recognize that China should just let Taiwan be. I hope China can become self-reliant on semiconductors as quick as possible. Taiwanese people hate China so much.
I have no idea what is in my friends mind, they are high educated with an engineer degree, but got shitty jobs in a cinema or metro station. They are thinking people from mailand are brainwashed, but it´s them.
When I’ve invited them to come to China to China with their own eyes, they rejected, they believe to get caught at the airport, because their Facebook is full with anti-China propaganda.
They don’t understand why I am trying to find a job in China, instead of Taiwan.
Why are they your friends? If I spoke to someone like that, it's 90% likely to end up in a fist fight. People who lack all self-respect and side with foreigners over blood relatives don't respond to your kindness because they believe that kindness is weakness and the strong will be a global bully like the US. You've been approaching it wrong, and thus pushing them away. People with that mentality only look for the strongest leg to hold onto; when they see the US economy, technology and military falter against China, that's what will win them over. If there is a conflict and they see the US crawl away with a bloody nose and broken jaw, then China will win them over.

Personally, don't invite them to anything. Tell them you are Chinese and you and your descendents are all dedicated to taking Taiwan island back, making China the strongest country in the world and you don't care how they or the US feels about it. Then let them see your strength; be better than them at work, be stronger at the gym be more accomplished at everything and always proud of yourself and your country. They will be attracted to this type of energy.

I've honestly never met an anti-China Taiwanese person before and I doubt it's because I've really never met one. It's because when I know they are around, I put out that energy that if they say anything bad about China, we will be having big big problems with each other. So they stay silent, they talk softly acknowledging things they like about China, or they just come out and tell me they think like me and support me. Never fear that conflict. I've literally went into a Taiwanese church (for the food, not religion), told everyone that I love China and will return to it, and had people clapping and telling me how well-raised I was for a Chinese person who grew up in the US.

Never let people who hate you win. When China was first unified, many locals hated being conquered... but now, milleniums later, their descendents get to be a part of the most powerful country in the world instead of some weak scattered mess like southeast Asia. In the end, it's about the land. That land belongs to China and the Chinese people. If they hate us, they can fuck off anywhere in the world; go drown in the ocean. But they don't get to squat our land. You don't let tenants who hate you keep your house; you don't give these fuckers a free island. Never reward bad behavior. Reunification or death, their call.
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Before, I loved the idea of reunification, but after talking with my Taiwanese friends, I recognize that China should just let Taiwan be. I hope China can become self-reliant on semiconductors as quick as possible. Taiwanese people hate China so much.

Semiconductors as the reason for reunification is an american disinfo.
Kadena AFB Is 500km east of ZheJiang, do you really want another one but on steroids 200km east of FuJian? Oo