Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Honestly, I would be surprised if anyone would remember Nancy Pelosi by 2049.
What are her actual accomplishments?
How many Speakers of the House do people remember? The number I can name are exactly 0.
Presidents obviously, VPs usually, Secretary of State if they are famous already or did something memorable, but that's pretty much it. Speaker of the House is on the level of Secretary of Transportation (aka No one gives a sh*t)
Maybe you're right. If I'm still around by 2049, I won't even bother to remember Nancy Pelosi. There are much better things to remember in world history than that witch.

There are two possible outcomes for the Dalai Succession.
1. The Indian-Tibetans will appoint an India-born Tibetan or even Indian child as the next Dalai Lama with the backing of India. This will be done in exchange for continued economic backing for those elites in the country (and they continue to receive western funding). There will be a conflict of the "true" Dalai Lama, but such is history.

2. The Indian-Tibetans try to establish themselves with their own identity without the Dalai Lama. They have some NED backing, but otherwise fade away like Juan Guaido. When they become useless to India, Tibetans are expelled. Most of the common people find their way to western countries and some even try to go to China.
I believe that scenario #1 is the most likely. They are already talking about it. The thing is, would India accept the Dalai Lama candidate selected by the CIA-backed CTA, or does it have its own candidate in mind. If yes, then the conflict over the "true" Dalai Lama will get even more interesting.

Nevertheless, I think that by the 15th Dalai Lama, the position will begin to lose its mystique, turning into more of a ceremonial role. The real 15th Dalai Lama in China will definitely be in a much more ceremonial position than his predecessor. The Dalai Lama position is still important in Tibetan Buddhism, but the political power of this position was definitely a hangover from feudal-era Tibet. The younger generation of Tibetans in China should be quite ready to accept that their 15th Dalai Lama is gonna be just a ceremonial figure. And that's okay because China is moving forward from religion and superstition, and the Tibetans themselves need to move forward too. As for the "Dalai Lama" selected outside of Tibet, China. That "Dalai Lama" is still gonna feel manufactured. Everyone will know that he is not a true Tibetan, and therefore will never possess the same level of authenticity and mystique as his Tibetan-born predecessor. We don't even know if all the Tibetan Buddhist Sects around the world are gonna accept him as their "Dalai Lama".


Registered Member
Even RT, a fellow Jai Hind mouthpiece is warning India that it's "demographic dividend" is not gonna be there for long. The Indians and Westerners always like to gloat about China growing old before it could get rich. Well how about India growing old before it could even reach middle income at all?
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India is the
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country in the world, with a fertility rate that is plunging rapidly.
Its demographic profile is rapidly changing, and responding to this requires urgent measures: jobs for its burgeoning young population, and investment in healthcare and insurance for its ageing citizens.
India’s fertility rate, however, is plunging at an alarming rate – and if the prevailing trend continues, the country will soon fall short of meeting the numbers needed to maintain a stable population.

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, a term used by demographers to reflect the average number of children a woman can have during her child-bearing years, has slipped to 2.0 children per woman, which is below the TFR of 2.1 – the average number of children per woman needed for each generation to continue.
According to PEW Research Center, every religious group in India has seen its fertility rate dip, including Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jains.
Indian fertility rates are plummeting fast, and no religious group are the exception.

The median age in India in 2023 was 28.2, and life expectancy was 72 years – 73.6 years for females, and 70.5 for males.

Muttreja says the government’s population projections suggest the median age of Indians will jump ten years to almost 35 by 2036, and preparing for the increasing elderly population by investing in social and health infrastructure is crucial. She suggests the development of policies and programs to support the elderly will ensure they can contribute to and benefit from the economy, creating a “silver dividend.”
Apparently for China, more older people means the death of the nation. But in India, older people could become "silver dividend". More Indian spin-job.

So how does India turn its demographic bulge into an advantage? Muttreja offers an answer.

Leveraging the young population to drive national progress by channeling investments into sectors that can harness their potential is key to positioning India as a global hub of human capital,” she says, noting the importance of a holistic and inter-sectoral approach.
Investments into what sector to leverage what potential of the young population? You've forgotten the most important key to harnessing potential: education. Lack of education = lack of potential and opportunities. India is still obsessed about Jai Hind and Hindutva instead of education at this point in time. So the future of India is not looking good.


Lieutenant General
The Western spin machine is on overdrive. First they said China is upset at the new Russian/North Korean alliance. Now they say China is upset at Russia and Vietnam meeting. Again the West trying to make out what they're upset about being about China more. That's why the West is racist thinking they can make others fall for their stupid tricks. The West is the one upset at these meetings. Try to will China into doing their dirty work by stopping it. This is the West's grave mistake thinking they can piss-off both Russia and China at the same time. They've gone past the point of no return because trying to cancel China just because it's a competitor in technology makes it harder for them to deal with the world who see China as an alternative from them for economics. China ain't going along anymore. An example of the US's negotiating genius is when China started buying Brazilian soy over American. The US thought is can start a soy alliance to control China with Brazil but that would mean Brazil would lose out on selling soy to China because the ultimate goal was to get China back to buying American soy. This was when anti-China Bolsonaro was in power and they couldn't even get him to go along. The whole point from the American perspective is that they think just being a part of something white people were involved in is more important than anything else even if it means losing billions of dollars.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
The Western spin machine is on overdrive. First they said China is upset at the new Russian/North Korean alliance.
US: we are legally obligated under the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to replenish depleted arms/weapons to maintain a balance of power across the straits.

China: we are legally obligated under the 1961 Sino-Korean MDT to replenish depleted arms/weapons to maintain a balance of power across the DMZ.

NK: Big brother, my entire arsenal stockpile of artillery is gone somewhere...can you send me another 2 million shells please?

China: A brotha gotta do what a brotha gotta do.

US: Wait, not like that, tariff, embargo, sanction, [autistic screech] REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Registered Member
It's a mutual assistance pact not mutual "defense". So pretty much what DPRK is already doing - sending weapons to Russia for assistance, but not sending actual soldiers to the Ukraine front.
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Договор с КНДР предусматривает оказание помощи при агрессии, заявил Путин = Agreement with DPRK on giving mutual assistance in the event of aggression, says Putin.
Counter example is the China-NK treaty used the same wording "military assistance" (军事援助), one can't deny "boots on the ground" being part of the assistant package considering that China has already done so even without a treaty. Treaties are always written in a manner that suits the specific situation at the time when invoked and primarily meant for others to read.


The often quoted article 5 of NATO treaty is NOT any different from the China-NK-Russian treaties.

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Article 5​

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .

In short it says "in case of one party being attacked, other parties will assist by taking neccessary action including use of armed force. NATO listed armed force as one of the assistances, but does not oblidge members to do so either.

So based on the texts, both treaties promised assistance, but neither of them oblidges any party to provide armed force.
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Filipino soldiers fought off Chinese coast guard 'with bare hands'

19 June 2024

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The man here speaks the truth. After their rifles were confiscated, what else are they going to use to fight back with? That guy graduated at least, he sure did.

The bravery of Filipinos can't be overestimated. For example, the one who lost the thumb still wants to go back to fighting. I guess you can still pull the trigger without the thumb.

The problem with the average Indians:

CPC officially banned hijab in Xinjiang.


Registered Member
I guess you meant to say Tajikstan because China has banned it many years ago.

I guess now the west will accuse Tajiks discriminating and culturally geniciding Tajiks. There is a proposal in Kazakhstan to ban hijab, soon the west will accuse Kazaks discriminating and culturally geniciding Kazaks. How mind-fucking it is.

BTW, I want to see Turkish FM or Erdogan to certify that Kazakhstan isn't persecuting "Turkic" Kazakhs as he to Xinjiang/Uyghurs.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Nevertheless, I think that by the 15th Dalai Lama, the position will begin to lose its mystique, turning into more of a ceremonial role. The real 15th Dalai Lama in China will definitely be in a much more ceremonial position than his predecessor. The Dalai Lama position is still important in Tibetan Buddhism, but the political power of this position was definitely a hangover from feudal-era Tibet. The younger generation of Tibetans in China should be quite ready to accept that their 15th Dalai Lama is gonna be just a ceremonial figure. And that's okay because China is moving forward from religion and superstition, and the Tibetans themselves need to move forward too. As for the "Dalai Lama" selected outside of Tibet, China. That "Dalai Lama" is still gonna feel manufactured. Everyone will know that he is not a true Tibetan, and therefore will never possess the same level of authenticity and mystique as his Tibetan-born predecessor. We don't even know if all the Tibetan Buddhist Sects around the world are gonna accept him as their "Dalai Lama".
The same thing happened to the Pope in Europe. He used to be the head of a state (Papal States).

But now he is reduced to controlling the Vatican City and a mostly ceremonial role. While the former Papal States were absorbed by Italy.
This did not happen peacefully either. Piedmont annexed it by force and incorporated it into Italy.
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